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Physical Activity and Preferences

To Fiber Source Food as

Obesity Determinant of
Mardiyuana Elementary School

Apriningsih, Dini Novi

UPN Veteran Jakarta
 Increasing trend of the incidence of obesity
in children in the world
 In the year 2013 there were 42 million children
are obese. In 2025 obesity in childhood will
continue to increase to 70 million, if the
obesity problem is not resolved, an increase
of approximately 30%.
 The incidence of obesity in children is much
higher in developing countries compared to
developed countries
 The prevalence of obesity in children aged 5-
12 years in Indonesia for a national average is
8.8% .
 In general the problems of obese children
aged 5-12 years in West Java is still high at
18.6%, consisting of 10.7% fat and 7.9% obese.
 Depok has the highest prevalence of
overweight in girls in the province of West
Java (13.1%) and ranks second for
prevalence in boys after the city of Bogor
 Consumption of vegetables and fruits in
the province of West Java as much as
71.66 kcal / capita / day lower than the
average consumption of fruits and
vegetables of the Indonesian population.
 The average consumption of fruits 35.82
per cent of the recommended dietary
allowance (RDA) that is 200 kcal / capita.
 Physical activity of West Java province
resident is categorized as less active by 33.0%
with sedentary behavior ≥6 hours per day.
 According to research, Students who "rarely"
consumed fibers 3,050 times likely to be
obese, while students who "do not like" the
fiber source 1.240 times likely to be obese.
Students who have physical activity have
"low" chance of 3.043 times the obese
 this study was conducted to examines
the relationship between fiber
consumption patterns and physical
activity with obesity in primary school
children in elementary Mardiyuana
Depok 2015.
 Design study : cross sectional
 The number of samples : 147 students with simple
random sampling technique.
 The data was taken using the instrument which
tested the validity of research beforehand.
 Data Obesity is measured using BMI figures
obtained through the measurement of height and
 Then the results of height and weight is calculated
based on BMI for age with a standard
anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of
children (Z score) are categorized into, normal = -2
SD up to 1 SD and obesity => 2 SD.
 Data on fiber consumption habits was collected
using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).
Distribution of student’s Nutrition Status by
BMI/Age Of Mardiyuana Elementary School
Depok Jawa Barat in 2015

BMI/Age n %
Obes 46 31,3
Normal 101 68,7
Total 147 100
Table 2 Student Characteristics of Mardiyuana
Elementary School in 2015
Demographic Characteristic n %
Age 7-<10 yo 76 51,7
10-12 yo 71 48,3
Sex Boy 76 51,7
Girl 71 48,3
Nutrition Knowledge Good 121 82,3
Bad 26 17,7
Physical Activity Underscore 72 49,0
Level Adequate 75 51,0
Fiber Consumption Often 47 32,0
Habit Seldom 100 68,0
Fiber Source Food Have Preferences 77 52,4
Preferences level Don’t have 70 72,6
Table 3. The relationship between characteristics of
students with Obesity in Primary Students Mardi Yuana
Depok, West Java, 2015
Variables Obesity

P OR 95% CI
Sex Boy 0.06 2.098 1.030 - 4.274
Fiber source Have Preference 0.046 2.185 1.072-4.454
food Have not
Preferences preference
Fiber Often 0.047 2.480 1.079- 5.700
consumption Seldom
Numeric variables Pvalues Mean Difference 95% CI

Age - 0.079 -0.294 -0.62-0.04

Physical 0.002 175,25 67.854 -282.65

Table 4. Logistic Regression Analysis of
Significant Predictor of Obesity

Variables Obesity
B p-value Exp (B) 95%CI
Preferens 1.122 0.007 3.070 1.367-
Physical -0.002 0.005 0.998 0.997-
activity 0.999
Age 0.147 0.709 1.158 0.535-
Sex 0734 0.324 2.084 0.485-
 Results of the study identified that as
many as 31.3% of students are obese.
Based on Riskesdas data, nationally
problems obese children aged 5-12 years
are still high at 18.8 percent, 10.8 percent
consists of fat and very fat (obese) 8.8
 Majority of respondent (51,7%) aged between 7-
<10 years old, and (51,7%).
 Groups of school children 7-9 years of age have a
slow rate of physical growth but consistent.
 Eating habits are formed at an early age, and the
type of food preferred or not preferred, are the
basis for food consumption and nutrient intake of
children aged further.
 The choice of food is influenced by their peers and
the people around them.
 School meal programs also affect food intake. In
Indonesia has not developed a national school
meals program.
 In fact, these programs have significantly
contributed to the nutritional intake of children
 Physical activity is beneficial to health, physical
activity helps maintain energy balance thus
physical activity may help prevent obesity.
 Obesity also occurs not only because of excessive
eating, but also due to lack of physical activity so
that there is excess energy.
 Some things that contributed to the lack of
physical activity among these various facilities that
provide various facilities which can lead to
decreased physical activity.
 Obesityinfluenced by many factors, in this
study factor that most influences to
obesity on student of Mardiyuana Depok
are physical activity and preference for
food sources of fiber
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