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Shaldan Ghafar H
Yollan Febry K

 Translating into Indonesian

 5W + 1H sentences
 Verbal and Nominal sentences
 Active and Passive sentences
 Why the writer uses tenses
The Uses Of Electromagnets
Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces of the universe, responsible for
everything from electric, magnetic fields and light. Originally, scientists believed that magnetism
and electricity were separated forces. But by the late 19th century, this view changed, as
research demonstrated conclusively that positive and negative electrical charges were
governed by one force (i.e. magnetism).
Since that time, scientists have sought to test and measure electromagnetic fields to
recreate them. Towards this end, they created electromagnets, a device that uses electrical
current to induce a magnetic field. And since their initial invention as a scientific instrument,
electromagnets have gone on to become a regular feature of electronic devices and industrial
Electromagnets are distinguished from permanent magnets in that they only display a
magnetic attraction to other metallic objects when a current is passed through them. This
presents numerous advantages, in that the power of its magnetic attraction can be controlled,
and turned on and off at will. It is for this reason that they are used extensively in research and
industry, wherever magnetic interactions are called for.
Penggunaan Elektromagnet
Elektromagnetisme adalah salah satu kekuatan fundamental alam semesta, yang
bertanggung jawab untuk segala sesuatu mulai dari medan listrik, medan magnet dan
cahaya. Awalnya, para ilmuwan percaya bahwa magnet dan listrik adalah kekuatan yang
terpisah. Tetapi pada akhir abad ke-19, pandangan ini berubah, karena penelitian
menunjukkan secara konklusif bahwa muatan listrik positif dan negatif diatur oleh satu
kekuatan (yaitu magnet).
Sejak saat itu, para ilmuwan telah berusaha menguji dan mengukur medan
elektromagnetik, dan menciptakannya kembali. Menjelang akhir ini, mereka menciptakan
elektromagnet, alat yang menggunakan arus listrik untuk menginduksi medan magnet.
Dan sejak penemuan awal mereka sebagai instrumen ilmiah, elektromagnet telah
menjadi fitur biasa perangkat elektronik dan proses industri.
Elektromagnet dibedakan dari magnet permanen karena hanya menampilkan daya
tarik magnet terhadap benda-benda logam lainnya ketika arus dilewatkan. Ini
memberikan banyak keuntungan, karena kekuatan daya tarik magnetnya dapat
dikendalikan, dan dihidupkan dan dimatikan sesuka hati. Karena alasan inilah mereka
digunakan secara luas dalam penelitian dan industri, di mana pun interaksi magnetik
What is electromagnetism?

 Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces

of the universe, responsible for everything from
electric and magnetic fields to light.
Who are the persons that sought to test
and measure electromagnetic field?
 The Scientist
When did the scientist changes their
mind about electromagnetism view?
 By the late of 19th century
Where is the electromagnetism can be
 It can be found at electronic devices and industrial
Why are the scientist have sought to
test and measure electromagnetic field?
 Because they want to recreate the electromagnetism
How did electromagnets presents some
 Because the power of its magnetic attraction can be
controlled, and turned on and off at will
Verbal and Nominal Sentences Identification
Sentences Verbal/Nominal

Electromagnetism was produced by one of the fundamental forces of the Nominal

Electromagnets are distinguished from permanent magnets Nominal

Scientists believed that magnetism and electricity were separate forces Verbal

Electromagnets uses electrical current to induce a magnetic field Verbal

Scientists have tried to test and measure electromagnetic fields Nominal

Positive and negative electrical charges were governed by magnetism Nominal

Scientist is creating a device that uses electrical current to induce a Nominal

magnetic field
The power of its magnetic attraction can be controlled, and turned on and Verbal
off at will
Scientists believed that magnetism and electricity were separated forces Verbal
Active and Passive Sentences
Electromagnets are distinguished from Permanent magnets is distinguishing
permanent magnets (PASSIVE) electromagnets (ACTIVE)

Scientists is testing and measuring Electromagnetic fields are tested and measured
electromagnetic fields (ACTIVE) by scientists (PASSIVE)

Positive and negative electrical charges were Magnetism is governing positive and negative
governed by magnetism (PASSIVE) electrical charges (ACTIVE)

Electromagnetism was produced by one of the One of the fundamental forces of the universe is
fundamental forces of the universe (PASSIVE) producing electromagnetism (ACTIVE)
Scientist is creating a device that uses electrical A device that uses electrical current to induce a
current to induce a magnetic field (ACTIVE) magnetic field was created by scientist
Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces of the universe Simple Present
scientists have sought to test and measure electromagnetic fields Present Perfect
Scientist is creating a device that uses electrical current to induce Present Continuous
a magnetic field
scientists believed that magnetism and electricity were separated Simple Past
They created electromagnets, a device that uses electrical current Simple Past
to induce a magnetic field
electromagnets have gone on to become a regular feature of Present Perfect
electronic devices and industrial processes.
Reason Why The Writer Uses Tenses
The writer is using Simple Present, Simple Past, Present Perfect, Present
Continuous. The reason is:
 Simple Present : because this article is used to describe about facts

 Simple Past : because this article is used to talk about completed

action in a time before now

 Present Perfect : it is used to indicate a link between the present and

the past

 Present Continuous : to describe a temporary event or situation

Thank You
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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