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 Vertigo results from disturbances of the vestibular structures of the inner

ear, which help control balance and orientation, or regions of the brain
involved in balance control (Strupp 2013; NIH 2015; Wetmore 2013).
 Positional vertigo, the most common type of vertigo, is caused by
dislocation of particles from part of the inner ear called the otolith.
Normally, these crystals help sense head movements. In positional vertigo,
they move into another part of the inner ear called the semicircular
canals, which contain sensors that help determine the head’s orientation
relative to gravity. When the crystals from the otolith enter the semicircular
canals and stimulate these sensors, a sensation of vertigo can arise (Mayo
Clinic 2015).

 There are two main types of vertigo: peripheral and central.

1) Peripheral vertigo arises from problems in the vestibular apparatus of the
inner ear or the vestibular nerve. Vertigo as a side effect of medications is
usually peripheral vertigo (NIH 2015).
2) Central vertigo arises from problems in the cerebellum or brainstem where
postural information is processed.
 Another type of vertigo, sometimes referred to as psychic or psychogenic
vertigo, can be associated with anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, or other
psychiatric disorders (Lin 2013; Chimirri 2013).

 Vertigo is a sense of rotation, rocking, or the world spinning, experienced

even when someone is perfectly still.
 Vertigo is a feeling that you are dizzily turning around or that your
surroundings are dizzily turning about you. Vertigo is medically distinct from
dizziness, lightheadedness, and unsteadiness in that vertigo involves the
sensation of movement.

 a sense of spinning or moving.

 a sense of fainting
 Many people experience associated nausea or vomiting
 abnormal eye movements
 Some patients experience imbalance

 vertigo arise in the brain or spinal cord while peripheral vertigo is due to a
problem within the inner ear. . The inner ear can become inflamed
because of illness, or small crystals or stones found normally within the inner
ear can become displaced and cause irritation to the small hair cells
within the semicircular canals, leading to vertigo. This is known as benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
 Meniere's disease, is caused by fluid buildup within the inner ear; the cause
of this fluid accumulation is unknown. Head injuries may lead to damage
to the inner ear and be a cause of vertigo

 repositioning procedure. During this treatment, specific head movements

lead to movement of the loose crystals (canaliths) within the inner ear.
 Cawthorne head exercises, or vestibular rehabilitation habituation
exercises, are a series of eye and head movements which lead to
decreased sensitivity of the nerves within the inner ear and subsequent
improvement of vertigo
 Meclizine is often prescribed for persistent vertigo symptoms, and may be
effective. Benzodiazepine medications like diazepam (Valium) are also
effective but may cause significant drowsiness as a side effect. Other
medications may be used to decrease nausea or vomiting

 Controlling risk factors for stroke may decrease the risk of developing
central vertigo
 make sure that blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and blood glucose
levels are in optimal ranges
 controlling salt intake
 perform vestibular rehabilitation exercises routinely

As most cases of vertigo occur spontaneously, it is difficult to predict who is at

risk; as such, complete avoidance or prevention may not be possible.
However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will decrease the risks of experiencing
this condition.

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