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Quiz (1/4 Yellow Pad)

1. It is the supernatural gift from God bestowed on

us through the merits of Jesus Christ (1)
2. It is a supernatural quality that dwells in human
soul, by which a person shares in the life of God
himself (2)
3. It is a supernatural help from God by which
enlightens the mind and strengthens the will to
do good and avoid evil (3)
4. The Seven Sacraments (4 – 10)
Quiz (1/4 Yellow Pad)
The Supernatural
Elevation of Man
The Grace of God in Us
 Supernatural gift of God bestowed upon us through the
merits of Jesus Christ
Kinds of Grace
 Sanctifying Grace
 It is a supernatural quality that dwells in human soul, by which a
person shares in the life of God himself
 Actual Grace
 It is a supernatural help from God by which enlightens the mind
and strengthens the will to do good and avoid evil
Effects of Sanctifying Grace

1. Makes us holy and pleasing to God

2. Makes us adopted children of God
3. Makes us temple of the Holy Spirit
4. Gives us right to heaven
Can we resist the God’s Grace

 Yes, because our

will is free and God
does not force us to
accept his grace
Genesis 3:6

 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree

was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and
also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some
and ate it. She also gave some to her
husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”
Is Sanctifying Grace Necessary for Salvation?

 Yes! Because it is
the supernatural life
which alone
enables us to attain
the supernatural
happiness of
John 4:14, 38-39

 “ but those who drink of the water that I will give

them will never be thirsty. The water that I will
give will become in them a spring of water
gushing up to eternal life.”
 “I sent you to reap that for which you did not
labor. Others have labored, and you have
entered into their labor.”
 “Many Samaritans from that city believed in him
because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me
everything I have ever done.”
John 4:14

 “ but those who drink of the water that I will give

them will never be thirsty. The water that I will
give will become in them a spring of water
gushing up to eternal life.”
The Preternatural Gifts

 Integrity
 Perfect subjection of sensuality to reason, the body to the soul, and the
human will to the Creator
 Immortality
 One possessing this gift would pass from this life to the happiness of
heaven without going through the tough passage of death, that is,
without experiencing the separation of body and soul.
 Impassibility
 Immunity from all suffering and misery
 Infused Science
 Adam and Eve possessed knowledge suitable to their state without
having to strain themselves in order to acquire it
The Original Sin

 God is infinitely good, and all his works are good. Yet, we notice the
existence of suffering and of evil in this world, especially of moral evil
(sin). Why is this so? Where does moral evil come from?
The Fall of Man

 Our first parents were created by God and placed in paradise in

order to work and watch over it (cf. Gn 2:15). The Creator endowed
them with the preternatural and supernatural gifts. They lived
happily, dealing intimately with God and having mastery over the
whole of creation: the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the
animals that moved over the earth (cf. Gn 1:28).
The Fall of Man

 But they were seduced by the devil, and they offended God.
Together with its head, Adam, the whole of humanity “preferred to
be under the tyranny of the power of corruption than to be with
God, exchanging his freedom, power and will for the grave and
harmful servitude to sin.”11 As a consequence of this transgression,
“sin came into the world through one man and death through sin”
(Rom 5:12). By his offense, Adam not only harmed himself, but also
harmed all his descendants. He lost the sanctity and justice received
from God for himself and for us, and he transmitted the death and
sufferings of the body—as well as the death of the soul (sin)—to the
whole human race.
The Original Sin: Sin of Adam and
 God gave Adam a special precept in order to test him. Later, Adam
and Eve disobeyed the divine precept, committing a grievous sin of
pride and disobedience
The Consequences of Original Sin

 Because of original sin, our first parents incurred a number of

The Consequences of Original Sin

 Through sin, the devil acquired a certain dominion over human

beings even though they remain free. We cannot ignore that
human nature is wounded (not thoroughly corrupted)
Consequences of Original Sin

 Loss of Supernatural Gifts

 Because of the inherited original sin, man is completely deprived of the
supernatural and preternatural gifts, as well as of the happiness of
 Wounded Human Nature
 The nature of man, infected by original sin, deteriorated
Four Wounds in Fallen Human Nature
 Malice
 The wound of malice affects the will, which is inclined to sin and weakened
in the face of temptation. This wound is opposed to the virtue of justice.
 Ignorance
 The wound of ignorance affects the intellect, which is darkened, making the
search for truth difficult. This wound is opposed to the virtue of prudence.
 Weakness
 The wound of weakness affects the irascible appetite, which, as a result,
avoids exerting effort and shuns difficulties. This wound is opposed to the
virtue of fortitude.
 Concupiscence
 The wound of concupiscence affects the concupiscible appetite. The
object of this appetite is the sensible good but, weakened by
concupiscence, it escapes from the dominion of reason. This wound is
opposed to the virtue of temperance.

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