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Timothy Devinney
2   |        

ocal a  Conditions Orgn Cultural

Orgn History

/ Technology
Sociodemographic Orgn Structure
Conditions istn of Business
ocal  Environment Product Structr
Orgn Cultural
Orgn History
Orgn Structure St Firm
istn of Business isp ateg ocal a  Conditions
Product Structr os ic
iti ocal

on Sociodemographic
a  ocal  Environment

0 —n a per ect world decision

making would be logical and
rational. owever, our
decision making o ten looks
like this

0 —t is also a ected by organizational belie s and culture


0 | µsystem or paradigm¶ shared by management that includes:

è an understanding o why we are (un)success ul
è de inition o what we do and what we are
è a pool o µtacit¶ systemic knowledge

0 |nd serves as both a strength and weakness in that:

è it enables quick action without control or hinders actions that should
be taken quickly by being too strong a control
è it provides ocus to employees albeit at times an incorrect ocus
è de ines the irm¶s strategic intent or reveals its lack o intent

The visual mani estation

"The olitburo's Zil ˜edan"

The stories that represent ˜ymbols The actual source o power

key history
" ow Uncle Joe saved "The olitburo"
us at ˜talingrad" ˜tories &
Rituals & ˜tructures The way you are organised
The ways o doing things
Routines "The hierarchical organisation"
" veryone queues up here"

ow the system measures and rewards you

"You meet or quota or your shot"

   Johnson (1992)
 ! "  ! 

˜am Walton -
enthusiastic, listening,
˜    ocusse & rugal
˜atellite communications
˜trong leadership at

˜am Walton visits  lattopstructure with little ˜  
istribution centre with
onuts an gives a pep power in the middle
talk rom on top o  j˜  —mportance o all
 igh value employees
a table
merchandise at
"everyday low prices"
|lways change ahead
|nnual "Yes we can o  the industry Top management
˜am" suggestion aware o  operations
program Technology allows or
¦eople greeters delegation without
Weekly cycle o  senior management
losing touch
regional managers ¦ro it sharing
˜tock ownership
    Training & learning ˜  


   | apte
rom  eaver   (1995)
| #   $  

˜  Macho personalities

˜ymbols o hierarchy:the
an behavior. ˜ 

˜coops an coverage o MD¶s Jaguar, portable
   major events. phones, car-parking spaces etc.
˜tories o the past. The ³press´.
Major errors in print. Technical pro uction jargon.
The street ven ors.

³˜laves to time´ to meet
ea lines or publication. We are in the newspaper
  ³¦ro uct´ evelope in hours business. The parent company
 an minutes not ays an months. ur pai -or- aily will always a newspaper group.
Long work hours common. be there. The autocratic a .
Ritualize executive meetings Rea ers will pay or news. Departmental rivalry
at senior level. | vertisers nee us. between pro uction,
We serve the local community. commercial an
We re-make our business e itorial epartments.
every ay.

amphasis on targetting an
Vertical, hierarchical system:
bu geting.
little lateral communication
an much vertical reerral.
To achieve low costs
   |utocratic. ˜  

        %   &

0 ˜pen a ew minutes thinking o how the culture web

applies to the case o ¦hilips-Matsushita
0 aach small group shoul articulate the i erences between
the two companies on one assigne imension
0 verall what are the implications o their internal cultural
orientations on the pursuit o their strategies?
   & |

ëorces or hange

DaVaL ¦MaT R¦ R|Ta

T a ¦|R|D—M —M¦LaMaT|T— 
o ˜TR|TaY ¦aRë RM|a

ëorces or ˜tatus Quo

2 #    % &

DaVaL ¦MaT  R¦ R|Ta

T a ¦|R|D—M —M¦LaMaT|T— 
o ˜TR|TaY ¦aRë RM|a


2 2





0 ulture can be a amaging constraint

on the ability o the organization to
grow an evelop


0 ulture can be an asset that pulls

you excite ly into the uture

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