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Omar Elward
• Every day we receive mail for 2G assurance ~8:30 AM
• There is attachment for light version of report to go through it using mobile or tablet (and also to reduce file size
below 6M in order to send it by mail ) and it include only Main alarms and charts for degraded nodes (BSC’s only ,
clusters not included to reduce the size)
• Full report will be saved in shared folder and link to this file include in the mail

Light version

Link to Full
Working on Full Report
• Full report saved in below path (link will be available in the email also)
\\\nas-ip-30-bkp\Performance\Radio\On Demand Reports\ROMO\3_ROMO_Assurance
• There is 7 main sheets in the report and remaining sheets for KPI’s per node
1- Need_Check_NW :
This is the First sheet and contains all alarms generated based on defined thresholds
• Last day value has hyperlink which will take you to KPI sheet
• Every day we include NW/Region alarms in the email body and other nodes you can check them from this sheet
2- Need_Check :
This sheet mainly to sort and check repetitions :

1- How many nodes degraded for each KPI

2- How many KPI degraded for each nodes
3- sorting of alarms based on number of repetition days
3- 2G_R_Charts :
Start date
From this sheet you can check all KPI’s for selected node:

1- You can select node Select Node

2- Select start date
3- Select last date

Last date
4- ref :
This sheet include alarm thresholds and based on those thresholds report will generate the alarms : Thresholds

1- Alarm threshold for NW are separate than node thresholds

2- You can select number of average weeks to compare last day value with them
3- You can define threshold as % between last avg weeks and last day and as difference (∆)

5- NW :
• From this sheet you can check tabular KPIs for Network level , coloring method are used for 30 days to differentiate
degraded day in easy way
• Below the table there is another table showing statistics to help in defining or modifying thresholds
1- Weeks Avg : average last n weeks for this KPI (you can change number of weeks in ref sheet)
2- Thr% : threshold % defined in ref sheet
3- ∆% : actual difference rate (Last day-Last weeks average)/(last weeks average) used to compare with Thr%
4- # Thr : second threshold defined in ref sheet you can use it
5- # ∆ : second actual difference calculated as (Last day-Last weeks average ) used to compared with # Thr
6- Cluster_BSC :
• Used for mapping between cluster and BSC with number of cells in each cluster
7- New Node:
• In case any new node come on air it will be added to report automatically and appear in this sheet (FYI)
KPI’s Sheets:
• Similar to NW sheet but per KPI , so you can check region level and Node level together in same sheet to drill down
in easy way
• In below snap shot you can see that Thr% for this KPI is 20% and many nodes more than this threshold so we add
#Thr = 100 , so degradation should be more than both thresholds to trigger the alarm
• In order to move between KPI sheets and first sheets just press the hyperlink as below snapshot so you can move
easily between sheets

Hyperlink to
first sheet
Working on light Version
• In light version there is only 2 main sheets for NW alarms and repetition alarms
• Other sheets to show charts for degraded nodes only

First node has

Hyperlink to node
Working on light Version
• There is no option on light version to select Start/End date and it fixed for the period between first/last available
• You can go back from any node to NW alarm by pressing home link

Hyperlink to
first sheet
Working on light Version
• If you scroll right in chart sheet (you can play with table to modify Start/End date manually (in light version)

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