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 Nina Noryulita 1614401110029

 Ninda Utari 1614401110030
 Nisa Hestiana 1614401110031
 Oulia Febrianoor 1614401110032
 Puput Anisa Kurniawati 1614401110033
 Reza Ellanda 1614401110034
 Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood
pressure or force of blood pressing on the walls of the
cavity where the blood was.
 High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is an increase in
blood pressure in the arteries.
 Blood pressure is also affected by physical activity,
which will be higher at the time of the activity and
lower when resting
 Blood pressure is written with two numbers, the number units
mmHg in blood pressure tool / tension meter, the systolic and
 Is the highest systolic blood pressure is when the heart is doing
contract or contraction.
 Diastolic is the lowest figure at the heart expands in the final
 Example, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg mean systolic pressure
of 120 and diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg.
No Classification Systolic Diastolic
1 Optimal <120 mmHg <80 mmHg
2 Normal <130 mmHg <85 mmHg
3 Normal high 130-139 mmHg 85-89 mmHg
4 Mild hypertension 140-159 mmHg 90-99 mmHg
5 Hypertension was 160-179 mmHg 100-109 mmHg
6 Severe hypertension > 180 mmHg > 110 mmHg
2 classification known hypertension (by cause), namely:
 Primary hypertension (hypertension idiophatik),
in which the cause is not known with certainty. It
also said that hypertension is the impact of
lifestyle and environmental factors.
 Secondary hypertension, is hypertension that
occurs due to the disease from other diseases such
as abnormalities in the kidneys or failure of the
hormone system.
World Health Organitation (WHO) classifies
hypertension based on the presence or absence
of abnormalities in other organs, namely:
 Hypertension without abnormalities in other
 Hypertension with cardiac enlargement.
 Hypertension with abnormalities in other organs
in addition to the heart.
Some of the causes of hypertension, among others:
 Because hormonal, for example, from the adrenal
 The use of drugs.
 Smoking because the nicotine contained in tobacco.
 Alcoholic beverages.
 Abnormalities in the kidneys.
 Intracranial Abnormalities resulting in increased
intracranial pressure or because of its location near the
center of innervation that affect blood pressure.
 Abnormalities of the large blood vessels (aorta) that
coarctation aorta where the aortic arch aorta is
continuous with descendants.
 Heart
 Arteries
 Arterioles
 Major blood vessels and capillaries
 Sinusoids
 Vena and venul
The heart has the function as a pump
oxygenated blood in the arterial system, which
was brought into the cell and the entire body to
collect blood deoxygenation (blood oxygen levels
less) of the vein system are delivered to the lungs
for reoxygenation. (Black, 1997)
Structural and functional changes in the peripheral
vascular system responsible for the changes in blood
pressure that occurs in the elderly. These changes
include atherosclerosis, loss of elasticity of the
connective tissue, and a decrease in vascular smooth
muscle relaxation, which in turn lowers the ability of
tensile strength distension and blood vessels.
Consequently, the aorta and large arteries less able to
accommodate the volume of blood pumped by the
heart (volume close ), resulting in decreased cardiac
output and increased peripheral resistance (Smeltzer,
Bare, 2002).
Complaints are not always going to be
experienced by a patient with hypertension.
Often a person with symptoms of pain behind his
head, irritability and difficulty sleeping, when the
blood pressure measured showed a normal blood
pressure numbers. The only way to determine the
presence or absence of hypertension only by
measuring blood pressure.
Hypertension if not controlled can lead to serious
complications, such as:
 kidney damage.
 damages blood vessels.
 brain hemorrhage / stroke.
 Paralysis.
 enlarged heart / heart trouble.
 Narrowing of the coronary arteries / heart attack.
Primary Prevention:
 Adequate sleep, between 6-8 hours per day.
 Reduce high cholesterol foods and multiply
physical activity to lose weight.
 Reduce alcohol consumption.
 Consumption of fish oil.
 The supply of calcium, although only slightly
lower blood pressure but calcium is also quite
 helpful.
Secondary Prevention
 Pattern whice food healthy.
 Reduce salt and sodium in your diet.
 Physical active.
 Reduce intake Alcohol.
 Stop smoking.

Tertiary Prevention
 Control of blood on a regular basis.
 Sports regularly and adjusted to body condition.
 Always control your blood pressure checked
regularly by a doctor .
 Always take medication regularly even without a
complaint .
 Reducing salt intake .
 Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit .
 Obeying doctor's advice.
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased
blood pressure or force of blood pressing on the
walls of the cavity where the blood was.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies
naturally. Infants and children normally have a
blood pressure that is much lower than
adults. Blood pressure is also affected by physical
activity, which will be higher at the time of the
activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure is
also different in one day, the highest in the morning
and lowest at night during sleep.

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