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Case Study:

Ned and Mrs. Kendall

by: Raegan Stead and Jenna Kuebler


● Ned is a student in his second year of kindergarten

● He has been assigned a full time aide through his IEP for multiple disabilities and
learning challenges
● Characteristics of his behavior include:
○ Rocking back and forth, swinging his arms, and vocalizing in a low, droning tone
○ Sitting in the back and resisting help from his teacher and classmates
● Helpful observations:
○ When he leaves the classroom for speech therapy and occupational therapy
he seems to do better than when he is in the classroom
Question 1: What additional supports might Ned need to help him be successful in his inclusive
placement? What process should be used to determine his supports?

● Implement Positive Behavior Plan

○ Ned’s behavior is the central cause of his academic abilities and is distracting for other
students in the classroom
● Progress monitor to see if behavior improves
○ Observe, assess, interview other students, etc.
● Positive Behavior Support (PBS) can be used to determine supports for Ned
by determining which stimulus and strategies work best for him
○ Can help keep him in the inclusive placement
● Change in behavior may help Ned become more comfortable in his placement
○ May allow him to accept help from classmates
○ Classmates can encourage him and strengthen target behavior
○ According to Garrote (2017), relationships with classmates add to the students’ development
Question 2: What are some support strategies and teaching strategies that
might be presented to Mrs. Kendall?

● Response to Intervention (RTI)

○ Ned could continue to participate in the general education classroom, however with the
addition of outside services, such as tutoring or group intervention sessions
○ The data proves that his best work happens outside of the general education classroom

● Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

○ Considering the negative environment that Ned has been exposed to, a positive setting could
bring unprecedented progress and success
○ PBIS strategies are widely influential on student success because they alter the instruction from
reactive methods to proactive methods (Tan, Ochoa, & Vaiouli, 2011).
Question 3: What impact might Mrs. Kendall’s negative attitude be having
on Ned’s perceived success?

● A student is only as free as his or her teachers allow!

౦ According to researchers like Parker (2008) and Peters & Stout (2011),
students usually perform at the same level that their instructors set by
their expectations

● The negativity and frustration only escalate within

pessimistic settings
○ As Mrs. Kendall expresses her own doubt, Ned becomes stressed
out himself
○ Lack of self-confidence and of motivation to try harder in the future
result in more internal obstacles
○ You can’t succeed at something if you’re not given the opportunity to try

● All opportunities and resources have not yet been exhausted

○ Ned should be receiving additional supports that are appropriate for him and that allow him to
function in the general education classroom
○ All options must be exhausted before recommending him to the self-contained special
education classroom
● Provide the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), exhaust every effort, and
proceed from there onwards!
○ Once the new supports are in place, the teachers can monitor how he is responding
○ All effort should be directed towards the progress of Ned’s growth and development

Garrote, A. (2017). Relationship between the social participation and social skills of pupils with an intellectual disability: A

study in inclusive classrooms. Frontline Learning Research, 5(1), 1-15.


Parker W. C., (2008). Social Studies in Elementary Education. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon; 13 edition.

Peters, J. M., & Stout, D. L. (2011). Science in elementary education: methods, concepts, and inquiries. Boston, MA:

Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.

Tan, P., Ochoa, T. A., & Vaiouli, P., (2011). Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Promoting Prevention and Positive

Interventions in School Settings. Education Policy Brief. Volume 9, Number 5.

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