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• are standards by which members of an

organization collectively see as important.
Declared Values Operative Values

• mere lip-service • actually put into

practice and are deeply
2. COMMON MINDSET (Paradigm)

• consists of a set of shared assumptions or beliefs.


• Management style
- collaborative or autocratic
- available or approachable
- Management By Walking About (MBWA)
• Relationships
- formally or informally
- interact across different levels
- relate to each another socially as well as at work
• Dress
- are people expected to wear formal business dress?
• Symbols
- image, i.e., use of green to symbolize concern for the environment.
- flag, symbol of a country
Core organizational values are understanding about:

1. What is more important?

2. How to treat other people?
3. How to work together?
• Core values are understood or assumed but seldom discussed.
• Exploring and discussing values enhances harmony and teamwork.
• Clarifying values, both personal and professional, can be a
tremendous help in aligning and unifying the organization.
• provide an anchor when an organization or individual is buffeted by a storm
of change.
• the moral compass that gives direction when things get rough.
• a guide to help you reach your destination − your mission and vision.
Peters and Waterman
1. Create an atmosphere of common purpose and trust
2. Clarify goals and ways those goals will be achieved
3. Set priorities and sort out information overload
4. Provide clearer focus for performance and feedback
5. Indicate which behaviors are acceptable and appropriate and which are not
within the organization
6. Specify how the organization wants to deal with and be perceived by people
outside the organization
When values is clear
(people know what to do and how to do it)
• The organization’s management can get out of the way and let employees do
their work.
• Autonomy and the entrepreneurial spirit rather than rules and regulations
will carry the day.
• More will be accomplished.
• Organizations with effective leadership teams are generally tight on values but
loose on rules.
• Values determine what the organization prizes above all else and what its
highest priorities are.
• Values provide boundaries and determine what the organization will reward

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