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Mention abnormalities in the central nervous

Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off by a blockage or
rupture of blood vessels, resulting in the death of cells in some areas of the brain.
B. Parkinson desease
Parkinson's disease is the degeneration of nerve cells gradually the middle brain that controls
the movement of the body.
C.Amnesia (loss of memory)
Amnesia or memory loss is the term used when a person can not remember the information,
experience, or particular event. This condition can occur suddenly or get worse slowly.
D. Alzheimer desease
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia that was initially characterized by a
weakening of memory, up to a brain disorder in planning, reasoning, perception, and language.
Dyslexia is one type of disorder or learning disabilities that generally affect
the ability of reading and spelling person.

F.Penyakit epilepsy (epilepsy)

Epilepsy or epilepsy is a condition that can make a person experiences
repeated seizures

Meningitis is an infection of the meninges (the protective membrane) that
surrounds the brain and spinal cord. When inflamed, swollen meninges due to
infection occurred. The nervous system and the brain can be damaged in some
Anencephaly is a situation where most of the bones of the skull and the
brain does not develop. Anencephaly is a neural tube disorder (a disorder that
occurs early in fetal development causing damage to the tissue forming the
brain and spinal cord).

I.huntington desease
huntington desease is gagguang movement associated with autosomal
dominanyang degenerasistriatum (caudate and putamen).

Is predominantly benign tumor derived cell Darri aracnoid.biasanya occur
in adults and are often attached to the dura mater.

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