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Antropometri & Desain Peralatan

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Asal usul Antropometri

Anthro = Manusia

Metri = Ukuran

Antropometri adalah suatu studi yang berhubungan dengan

pengukuran dimensi tubuh manusia

• Ilmu yang secara khusus mempelajari tentang pengukuran
tubuh manusia guna merumuskan perbedaan-perbedaan
ukuran pada tiap individu atau kelompok.
• Ukuran tubuh manusia bervariasi berdasarkan umur, jenis
kelamin, suku bangsa, bahkan kelompok pekerjaan
• Interaksi antara ruang dengan manusia secara dimensional
dapat menimbulkan dampak antropometris, yaitu
kesesuaian dimensi-dimensi ruang terhadap dimensi tubuh
• Secara luas akan digunakan sebagai pertimbangan
ergonomis dalam proses perencanaan (design) produk
maupun sistem kerja yang memerlukan interaksi manusia
1. Stature: The vertical distance from the floor to the top of the head, when standing
[99]. A main reference for comparing population samples. Relates to the minimal
height (clearance) of overhead obstructions. Add height for more clearance, hat,
shoes, stride.
2. Eye height, standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the outer corner of the
right eye, when standing [D19]. Origin of the visual field. Reference point for the
location of vision obstructions and of visual targets such as displays; consider slump
and motion of the standing person.
3. Shoulder height (acromion), standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the tip
(acromion) of the shoulder, when standing [2]. Starting point for arm length
measurements; near the center of rotation of the upper arm (shoulder joint),
reference point for hand reaches; consider slump and motion of the standing
4. Elbow height, standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the lowest point of
the right elbow, when standing, with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees [D16J.
Reference point for height and distance of the work area of the hand and for the
location of controls and fixtures; consider slump and motion of the standing person.
5. Hip height (trochanter), standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the
trochanter landmark on the upper side of the right thigh, when standing [107].
Starting point for leg length measurement; near the center of the hip joint; reference
point for leg reaches; consider slump and motion of the standing person.
6. Knuckle height, standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the knuckle
(metacarpal bone) of the middle finger of the right hand, when standing. Reference
point for lowest location of controls, handles, and handrails; consider slump and
motion of the standing person.
7. Fingertip height, standing: The vertical distance from the floor to the tip of the index
finger of the right hand, when standing [D13]. Reference point for lowest location of
controls, handles, and handrails; consider slump and motion of the standing person.
8. Sitting height: The vertical distance from the sitting surface to the top of the head,
when sitting [93]. The vertical distance from the floor to the underside of the thigh
directly behind the right knee; when sitting, with the knee flexed at 90 degrees.
Relates to the minimal height of overhead obstructions. Add height for more
clearance, hat, trunk motion of the seated person.
9. Sitting eye height: The vertical distance from the sitting surface to the outer corner
of the right eye, when sitting [49]. Origin of the visual field; reference point for the
location of vision obstructions and of visual targets such as displays; consider slump
and motion of the seated person.
10. Sitting shoulder height (acromion): The vertical distance from the sitting surface to
the tip (acromion) of the shoulder, when sitting [3]. Starting point for arm length
measurements; near the center of rotation of the upper arm (shoulder joint),
reference point for hand reaches; consider slump and motion of the seated person.
11. Sitting elbow height: The vertical distance from the sitting surface to the lowest
point of the right elbow, when sitting, with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees [48].
Reference point for height of an arm rest, of the work area of the hand, and of
keyboard and controls; consider slump and motion of the seated person.
12. Sitting thigh height (clearance): The vertical distance from the sitting surface to the
highest point on the top of the right thigh, when sitting, with the knee flexed at 90
degrees [104]. Minimal clearance needed between seat pan and the underside of a
structure, such as a table.; add clearance for clothing and motions.
13. Sitting knee height: The vertical distance from the floor to the top of the right knee
cap, when sitting, with the knees flexed at 90 degrees [73]. Minimal clearance
needed below the underside of a structure, such as a table; add height for shoe.
14. Sitting popliteal height: The vertical distance from the floor to the underside of the
thigh directly behind the right knee; when sitting, with the knees flexed at 90
degrees [86]. Reference for the height of a seat; add height for shoes, consider
movement of the feet.
15. Shoulder-elbow length: The vertical distance from the underside of the right elbow
to the right acromion, with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees and the upper arm
hanging vertically [91]. A general reference for comparing population samples.
16. Elbow-fingertip length: The distance from the back of the right elbow to the tip of
the middle finger, with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees [54]. Reference for fingertip
reach when moving the forearm in the elbow.
17. Overhead grip reach, sitting: The vertical distance from the sitting surface to the
center of a cylindrical rod firmly held in the palm of the right hand [D45]. Reference
for height of overhead controls to be operated by the seated person. Consider ease
of motion, reach, and finger/hand/ann strength.
18. Overhead grip reach, standing: The vertical distance from the standing surface to
the center of a cylindrical rod firmly held in the palm of the right hand [D42].
Reference for height of overhead controls to be operated by the standing person.
Add shoe height. Consider ease of motion, reach, and finger/hand/arm strength.
19. Forward grip reach: The horizontal distance from the back of the right shoulder
blade to the center of a cylindrical rod firmly held in the palm of the right hand
[D21]. Reference for forward reach distance. Consider ease of motion, reach and
finger/hand/arm strength.
20. Arm length, vertical: The vertical distance from the tip of the right middle finger to
the right acromion, with the arm hanging vertically [D3 ]. A general reference for
comparing population samples. Reference for the location of controls very low on
the side of the operator. Consider ease of motion, reach and finger/hand/arm
21. Downward grip reach: The vertical distance from the right acromion to the center
of a cylindrical rod firmly held in the palm of the right hand, with the arm hanging
vertically [D43]. Reference for the location of controls low on the side of the
operator. Consider ease of motion, reach, and finger/hand/arm strength.
22. Chest depth: The horizontal distance from the back to the right nipple [36]. A
general reference for comparing population samples. Reference for the clearance
between seat backrest and the location of obstructions in front of the trunk.
23. Abdominal depth, sitting: The horizontal distance from the back to the most
protruding point on the abdomen [1]. A general reference for comparing population
samples. Reference for the clearance between seat backrest and the location of
obstructions in front of the trunk.
24. Buttock-knee depth, sitting: The horizontal distance from the back of the buttocks
to the most protruding point on the right knee, when sitting with the knees flexed at
90 degrees [26]. Reference for the clearance between seat backrest and the location
of obstructions in front of the knees.
25. Buttock-popliteal depth, sitting: The horizontal distance from the back of the
buttocks to back of the right knee just below the thigh, when sitting with the knees
flexed at 90 degrees [27]. Reference for the depth of a seat.
26. Shoulder breadth, biacromial: The distance between the right and left acromion [
10]. A general reference for comparing population samples. Indication of the
distance between the centers of rotation (shoulder joints) of the upper arms.
27. Shoulder breadth, bideltoid: The maximal horizontal breadth across the shoulders
between the lateral margins of the right and left deltoid muscles [ 12], Reference for
the clearance requirement at shoulder level. Add space for ease of motion, tool use.
28. Hip breadth, sitting: The maximal horizontal breadth across the hips or thighs,
whatever is greater, when sitting [66]. Reference for seat width. Add space for
clothing and ease of motion.
29. Span: The distance between the tips of the middle fingers of the horizontally
outstretched arms and hands [98]. Reference for sideway reach.
30. Elbow span: The distance between the tips of the elbows of the horizontally
outstretched upper arms with the elbows flexed so that the fingertips of the hands
meet in front of the trunk. Reference for "elbow room."
31. Head length: The distance from the glabella (between the browridges) to the most
rearward protrusion (the occiput) on the back, in the middle of the skull [62]. A
general reference for comparing population samples. Reference for head gear size.
32. Head breadth: The maximal horizontal breadth of the head above the attachment
of the ears [60]. A general reference for comparing population samples. Reference
for head gear size.
33. Hand length: The length of the right hand between the crease of the wrist and the
tip of the middle finger, with the hand flat [59]. A general reference for comparing
population samples. Reference for hand tool and gear size. Consider changes due to
manipulations, gloves, tool use.
34. Hand breadth: The breadth of the right hand across the knuckles of the four fingers
[57]. A general reference for comparing population samples. Reference for hand tool
and gear size, and for the opening through which a hand may (or may not) fit.
Consider changes due to manipulations, gloves, tool use.
35. Foot length: The maximal length of the right foot, when standing [51]. A general
reference for comparing population samples. Reference for shoe and pedal size.
36. Foot breadth: The maximal breadth of the right foot, at right angle to the long axis
of the foot, when standing [50]. A general reference for comparing population
samples. Reference for shoe size, spacing of pedals.
37. Weight: Nude body weight taken to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. A general
reference for comparing population samples. Reference for body size, clothing,
strength, health, etc. Add weight for clothing and equipment worn on the body.
Antropometri Statis


Antropometri statis
• Antropometri statis  pengukuran dilakukan
pada saat tubuh dalam keadaan diam/posisi
diam/tidak bergerak
• Contoh: tinggi tubuh tegak, tinggi duduk
normal, panjang lengan bawah dll
Antropometri dinamis
• Antropometri dinamis  dimensi tubuh
diukur dalam berbagai posisi tubuh yang
sedang bergerak
• Contoh: Putaran lengan, putaran telapak
tangan, sudut telapak kaki dll
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
dimensi tubuh manusia

• Umur
• Jenis kelamin
• Suku Bangsa
• Jenis pekerjaan atau latihan
Peran dan Tujuan Antropometri
Antropometri berperan penting dalam bidang
perancangan industri, perancangan
pakaian,ergonomik, dan arsitektur.

Sedangkan tujuan dari antropometri yaitu :

1. Untuk mengurangi tingkat kelelahan kerja,
2. Untuk meningkatkan performasi kerja, dan
3. Meminimasi potensi kecelakaan kerja.
Data Antropometri
1. Perancangan produk bagi individu dengan ukuran yang
Contoh: penetapan ukuran minimal dari lebar dan
tinggi dari pintu darurat.
2. Perancangan produk yang bisa dioperasikan di antara
rentang ukuran tertentu.
Contoh: perancangan kursi mobil yang letaknya bisa
digeser maju atau mundur, dan sudut sandarannya pun
bisa dirubah-rubah.
3. Perancangan produk dengan ukuran rata-rata.
Contoh: desain fasilitas umum seperti toilet umum,
kursi tunggu, dan lain- lain.
4 Perancangan areal kerja
5 Perancangan peralatan kerja seperti mesin,
equipment, perkakas ( tools) dan sebagainya.
6 Perancangan produk-produk konsumtif seperti
pakaian , kursi, meja, komputer dan lain-lain.
7 Perancangan lingkungan kerja fisik.
Prinsip Penerapan Anthropometri
dalam Ergonomi
Populasi manusia memiliki variasi bentuk dan
ukuran tubuh yang tinggi. Dengan
menggunakan sebaran normal, persentil
dalam data anthropometri menunjukkan bila
suatu ukuran adalah rata-rata, diatas atau
dibawah rata-rata. Jika kita membuat grafik
tinggi tubuh (atau dimensi lainnya) dari
sebuah populasi.
Aplikasi Data Antropometri
• Terdapat tiga tipe perancangan, yaitu :
Perancangan untuk pemakaian nilai ekstrem
• Data dengan persentil ekstrim minimum 5%
dan ekstrim maksimum 95%.
Perancangan untuk pemakaian rata-rata
• Data dengan persentil 50 %.
Perancangan untuk pemakaian yang
disesuaikan (adjustable)
Aplikasi Data Antropometri
Intinya untuk merancang bagi ukuran yang
kecil seperti tinggi orang pendek maka
gunakan persentil 5, dan untuk ukuran yang
besar seperti tinggi pintu maka gunakan
persentil 95.
• Persentil adalah suatu nilai yang menunjukkan
persentase tertentu dari orang yang memiliki ukuran
pada atau dibawah nilai tersebut.
• Sebagai contoh, persentil ke-95 akan menunjukkan
95% populasi akan berada pada atau dibawah ukuran
tersebut, sedangkan persentil ke-5 akan menunjukkan
5% populasi akan berada pada atau dibawah ukuran itu
• Dalam antropometri, angka persentil ke-95 akan
menggambarkan ukuran manusia yang “terbesar”
dan persentil ke-5 sebaliknya akan menunjukkan
ukuran “terkecil”.
• Untuk penetapan data antropometri ini,
pemakaian distribusi normal akan umum
• Dalam statistik, distribusi normal dapat
formulasikan berdasarkan harga rata – rata
(mean,X) dan simpangan standarnya (standa
deviation, sX) dari data yang ada.

1) Tinggi badan pria dewasa (Inggris) yang berusia antara

19-45 tahun adalah berdistribusi Normal dengan mean
x adalah 1745 mm dan SD adalah 69 mm. Berapa tinggi
95 persentil dari populasi tersebut?
• Jawab:
Dari rumus di atas didapat bahwa untuk 95 persentil
= mean+1.645 SD
= 1745 + 1.645 (69)
= 1859 mm
2. Tinggi badan wanita dewasa (Hongkong)
adalah berdistribusi Normal dengan rata-rata
adalah 1555 mm dan SD adalah 60 mm.
Berapa tinggi 5 persentil dari populasi
= mean - 1.645 SD
= 1555 - 1.645 (60)
= 1456 mm
Diketahui jumlah siswa di SMA sukamaju
sebanyak 150 siswa. Dari ke 150 siswa
tersebut, diambil 20 siswa untuk dijadikan
sampel. Dari ke 20 siswa tersebut diukur
dimensi tubuhnya. Salah satu dimensi yang
digunakan adalah tinggi popliteal (tpo).
Setelah melakukan pengukuran didapatkan
data sebagai berikut:

Tentukan Persentile 95%, 50%, 5%

Maka persentil 95 % = rata-rata + 1,645 (SD)
P95= 162.5+1,645.2.76
= 167,04
Berikut ini adalah salah satu contoh data sampel
antropometri dimensi tangan pria
14,1 11,1 13,7 12,5 13,8 17,9 18,5 15,9 16,8 15,9
13,8 14,8 12,7 15,8 14,7 13,8 15,9 16,0 17,5 14,8

Tentukan besar persentil 5%, 50% dan 95%

Tahap tahap disain
utk: pakaian, alat kerja, tempat kerja, peralatan lainnya
Tahap 1. Tentukan ukuran antropometri yang sesuai disain yang dimaksud.
– Lebar bahu, panggul  escape
– Panjang, lebar kepala  ukuran Helmet
– Tinggi mata  tinggi jendela, layar monitor

Tahap 2. Tentukan apakah kategori “Reach” atau “Clearance”

– Reach  data 95th %ile
– Clearance  data 5th %ile

Tahap 3. Padukan semua kriteria disain yang terpilih kedalam gambar, mock-up
(model dalam ukuran sebenernya), model komputer  pastikan kesesuaiannya

Tahap 4. Pastikan apakah disain sesuai dengan seluruh penggunanya

– Lakukan penyesuaian ulang
– Bila tak memungkinkan buat yang khusus, misal:
Extra-large bed size  cocok untuk semua pengguna
Sarung tangan, sepatu, dll  variasi ukuran
Range of Movement
Mobility ranges at work

Angle at Walking about, Standing Sitting

Knees Near extreme Mostly mid-range:
stretch: 1800 or about 900
slightly less
Hip Near extreme Mostly mid-range:
stretch: 1800 about 900
Shoulder Mostly mid-range: upper arm often hanging dowm
Elbow Mostly mid-range: about 900
Wrist Mostly mid-range: about straight
Nect / Head Mostly mid-range: about straight
Back Near extreme stetch: about erect
Tahap tahap disain
utk: Pergerakan

Tahap 1. Tentukan persendian besar apakah yang terlibat pergerakan

Tahap 2. Sesuaian ukuran ukuran (panjang) yang diperlukan untuk

mengakomodasi kondisi kerja yang dimaksud  mengacu tabel standard

Tahap 3. Tetapkan ROM yang cocok untuk sendi sendi yang dimaksud.
Hindari kesalahan dasar thd disain ruang
kerja, dg:

1. Hindari “Twist” (t/u trunk, neck).

Biasanya karena salah
penempatan: objek,
2. Hindari “forward bending” (trunk, kontrol, display
neck, head).

3. Hindari posture dgn ROM pada batas

limit yang berlebihan terlalu lama.

4. Hindari lengan yang terangkat.

Workplace Design
Guideline for Workplace Design
HUMAN STRENGTH Facilitate extention of strenght (work, power)
by object location, orientation

HUMAN SPEED Place items so that they can be reached and

manipulated quickly

HUMAN EFFORT Arrange work so that it can be performed with

least effort

HUMAN ACCURACY Select and position objects so that they can

manipulated and seen with ease
Guideline for Workplace Design

The most importance items should be in the
most accessible location

FUNCTION Items with similar functions should be group


Items which are commonly used in sequence

should be laid out in that sequence
• Cahyawati, AN. 2015. Antropometri.
• Eko Nurmianto, Ergonomi, Konsep Dasar dan
Aplikasinya, Jakarta. PT Candimas Metropole.
• Julius Panero and Martin Zelnik (1979), Human
Dimension and Interior Space, Whitney Library of
• Pheasant. S (1986), Body space, Anthopometri,
Ergonomic and Design, London; Taylor and Francis.
• Satrya, C. 2014. Engineering Athropometric. Program
Studi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Fakultas
Kesehatan Masayarakat Universitas Indonesia.

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