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Theology 13

 The word Moral is often and commonly used to

describe things or people. People talk of moral
(good) and immoral (bad) things, and of moral,
immoral, amoral people.
 Moral- a person who knows what is good and
does it, and what is evil and does not do it.
 Immoral- a person who, knowing what he
should do, does not do it or does the opposite
 Amoral- a person who does not have a moral
sense, that is, when she/he is blind to some or all
moral values.
 Moral Theology- is the science of what man
ought to be by reason of what he is.
 A. it is a science (moral theology is a
normative science)
 B. of what man ought to be (man is a project,
a “Becoming”)
 C. by reason of what he is (man is a creature
and child of God)
 God created man in his image & likeness.

 Human Dignity. God made human beings

male and female is an emphasis which makes
it all the more clear that each is distinct from
each other, and that each is equal dignity and
worth as the other.
 Simply means trust, acceptance and believing
 Is confident assurance concerning what we
hope for, and conviction about things we do
not see
 Personal responses as “disciple of Christ” of
accepting him “as Lord and Savior”
 Center of our daily lives
 Is believing in God revealed by Jesus Christ
 1. Total and Absolute- only faith in God calls
for perfect adherence.
 2. Trinitarian- faith in the Holy Trinity and
committed to them as the three persons God.
 3. Loving, Maturing and Missionary- our
Christian faith is truly life giving and mature
only through love. Our mission as Christian is
to spread the Good news. Our faith therefore
is service oriented.
 4. Informed and Communitarian- Informed,
that is “believing Jesus words and accepting
his teachings trusting that He has the Words
of Eternal Life.” Communitarian, the church
transmits to us Christ revelation through
Scared Scripture and its living tradition.
 5. Inculturated- way of Life.
Elements of The Christian Faith

The Creed

Our The
Father Christian Sacraments

Our Christian faith: Basis of our theology

1. what we 2. what we have

must believe to receive to be
able to do all
– good –
the Creed the Sacraments

4. what we
3. what we ought should pray
to do – and hope for
the –
the Our




By revealing Himself,
God reveals the TOBEHAPPY

Christian Morality
 Christianity is not a morality, but
radically an experience of the paschal
 Christianity, however, implies
necessarily a morality, a way of being
and acting.
 A Christian has to face this moral
question: “What must I do?” (Act. 2:37)
 The radical question of ethics and
Christian ethics (Morals) is not really
what must I do?
 But rather, what –or who- must I be?

 A morally good person has good

(loving), options, attitudes and actions.
“What counts is
not to do,
but to love.”
- St. Francis of Assisi

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