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Valuing Diversity

A Midterm Report by:

Mary Therese A. Alcozero and Richard Erispe

* Multiculturalism
O is a system of beliefs and behaviors
that recognizes and respects the
presence of all diverse groups in an
organization or society, acknowledges
and values their socio-cultural
differences, and encourages and
enables their continued contribution
within an inclusive cultural context
which empowers all within the
organization or society.
Elements of Diversity
O Race and Ethnicity
O Age and Generation
O Gender and Gender Identity
O Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
O Income
O Education
O Marital Status
O Disability and Ability
O Socioeconomic Status and Background
O Thinking Style and Personality
O Personal Life Experience and many more…
Levels of Diversity
O Surface-level diversity-
differences in easily perceived
O Deep-level diversity- differences
that can be pointed out as
people get to know each other
Dimensions of Diversity
O Primary dimensions - refers to those factors
that are either inborn or exert extraordinary
influence on early socialization

O Secondary dimensions - include factors that

matter to us as individuals and that to some
extent define us to others; however, they
may be less permanent than primary
dimensions and can be adapted or changed
Factors that Affect Diversity

O Size of the organization

O Age of the Organization
O Type of Organization
O Diversity of the Community
surrounding an organization
Negative Effects of Diversity

O Diverse groups are shown

to be less integrated and
have a higher level of
Negative Effects of Diversity

O Increases the level of

dissatisfaction in group
members, as well
Negative Effects of Diversity

O Diversity can be linked in

conflict, lower group
adhesiveness, increased
employee turnover and
absenteeism, and lower
quality of performance.
Benefits of Diversity
O Groups with greater
diversity were shown to
have greater innovation
and creativity.
Benefits of Diversity
O Diverse groups have greater
range of perspectives, and
are able to generate more
high quality solutions than
less diverse groups and
could satisfy the diverse
needs of the customers.
Benefits of Diversity
O Diversity increases
constructive group
processes and is positively
associated with performance
in business units.
Benefits of Diversity
O Diversity is associated with
maximized the productivity,
increased sales revenue,
greater market share, more
customers, and greater
Benefits of Diversity
O Diversity also improves
decision making by providing
different perspectives on
Valuing diversity
- means putting an end to the
assumption that everyone who
is not a member of the
dominant group must

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