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Does the Future

Need Us?
An Ethical Research On The Replacement Of
Human Workforce by Strong Artificial Intelligence



01 Introduction

02 Statement of the Problem

03 Scope and Delimitations

of the Study

04 Review of Related
Literature and Studies
05 Theoretical Interpretation

06 Conclusion

07 Recommendation
The world has been changing, from
industrial revolution up to the contemporary
Although machines, robots, and
automation systems improve the operation of
companies and industry worldwide, the rise of
artificial intelligence has been controversial due
to its threat to the human workforce and job
“Creating a
computer mind
that thinks like a Artificial
human mind” Intelligence
Eremenko also claims that Artificial
Intelligence is not about building robot but rather
creating a computer mind that thinks like a
human mind.
According to Rousse, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is the counterfeiting of human
intelligence processes through the use of
specially programmed computer systems. AI can
imitate human operation such as learning,
reasoning and even self-assessment and
John McCarthy is known as the Father
of Artificial Intelligence and in 1956 he first
coined the term “artificial intelligence”.

Also known as narrow AI are Artificial General Intelligence
known today as those virtual are those which can process
personal assistants like human cognitive tasks and so
Apple’s Siri. This kind of AI are when presented unusual
designed and trained for a activities, they are able to find
certain task only. ways to solve situations
This is the type of artificial
intelligence that can emulate
human thinking and can even
be a superhuman
OF ARTIFICIAL Type IV- Self- Awareness
Type III- Theory of Mind

Type II- Limited memory

Type I- Reactive Machines

Statementof General Problem
The study aims to examine the ethicality of
the strong Artificial Intelligence as substitute to
human workforce under the Utilitarianism and
Capitalism Theory.
Specific Problems
The study targets to explore this ethical
issue for the present and future employment, the
sub-questions are the following:
• How artificial intelligence can replace manpower?
• Which jobs and roles can artificial intelligence be
• What are the possible political and socio-economic
effects of unemployment due to artificial intelligence
as labor force replacement?
• Who will be more vulnerable to the threats and
benefits of artificial intelligence?
Scope and
Delimitations of Positive and Negative Effects of
Strong Artificial Intelligence Type 3-
the Study Theory of Mind and Type 4-Self
Awareness including Type 2-
Limited Memory
Concept of
Pleasure and Pain Replacement to the Human Labor Force
is the Soul of under a Worldview Point in the Present
Ethical Theory
Ethical Theory of John Stuart Mill’s

Theory of Capitalism by Karl Marx

Review of Related Literature and Studies

From the 5.49 billion working age

population, 3.45 (63%) billion people are
in the labor force today. This includes
3.25 billion wage and salaried workers,
employers, and approximately 200 million
people who are unemployed.
Review of
Literature and
Artificial Intelligence

Technological advancement, artificial Goos and Manning (2007) argue that the
intelligence in particular, has brought major impact of technology leads to rising relative
demand in well-paid skilled jobs, which typically
implications on the labor market. Assessing
require non-routine cognitive skills, and rising
its impact will be critical for developing
relative demand in low-paid, least-skilled jobs,
policies that promote efficient labor market which typically require non-routine manual
beneficial for workers, employers, skills. At the same time, demand for ‘middling’
companies and societies as a whole. Rapid jobs, which have typically required routine
technological development and technical manual and cognitive skills, will fall. The
innovation can threaten human workforce. authors call this process job polarization.

Existence and continuous

Technological revolution
improvement of AI in the society can
can affect employment in definitely result to the displacement of
two main ways: some jobs in the workforce which is
displacement effect and about 40% of jobs after 15 years
productivity effect (Reisinger, 2019)
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Researchers from the McKinsey Global Institute estimate
that the disruption of society caused by AI is happening 10
times faster and at 300 times the scale of the industrial
revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and is
therefore having roughly 3,000 times the impact (Dobbs,
Manyika, & Woetzel, 2015).
Between 1993 and 2007, the
stock of robots per million
hours worked increased by
more than 150%, from 0.58
Nevertheless, the use of to 1.48, in 17 countries of the
robots per hour worked 03 sample, leading to significant
appears to boost total factor productivity gains (Graetz &
04 Michaels, 2015)
productivity and average
wages. As stated by Petropoulos (2018), the employment
effects of robots are most pronounced in
manufacturing, particularly in industries most exposed
to robots; in routine manual, blue-collar, assembly and
related occupations; and for workers without a college
The EU so far has been the
region with the most robots
in operation, followed by the
US while China is behind.

Figure 1. Robot density in China, EU and US. Data from International Labor
Organization (2017), IFR (2016)
Figure 2 shows how the
operational industrial robots per
thousands of workers are distributed
in different sectors in EU countries.
So far, the EU automotive industry
has introduced by far the most
industrial robots in its production
process, followed by the plastic and
chemicals sector.

Figure 2. Robot density in several industries in Europe. Source: Data from

EUKLEMS (2017), IFR (2016)
Review of Related Literature and Studies

An industry responsible in the supply of the parts NSTC Committee on Technology

and instruments utilized in the formation of the perceives the essentiality of AI in
technology-generated robots, production line has more positive view of the future
a very few blue-collar jobs wherein out of the 150 wherein many researchers see it as
employees, only 9 or 13 percent are in the the development of intelligent
production department. In this given statistic of systems that work well as helpers,
MVI, it is estimated that the percentage allotted assistants, trainers, and teammates
for the production department is not to be of humans, and are designed to
expected to increase but definitely will decrease operate safely and ethically.
as their sales become large in number in the

(NSTC) explained, experts offer differing The reason for the absence of the declining
As the technology of AI
taxonomies of AI problems and solutions stage is because there are few percentage of
continues to develop,
(1) systems that think like humans persons who are in the field of the automotive
practitioners must ensure
(2) systems that act like humans and electronics and replacement is merely
that AI-enabled systems are
(3) systems that think rationally impossible due to the expected demand.
(4) systems that act rationally
“one more robot per thousand
workers reduces the Artificial
employment to population ratio
by about 0.18-0.34 percentage Intelligence
points and wages by 0.25-0.5

-Labor Economists, Pew Research

Center and Elon University’s Imagining
the Internet Center (2017)
Modern Portfolio “Increasingly, machines will
perform tasks they are better
Presentation suited to perform than humans,
such as computation, data analysis
and logic. Functions requiring
emotional intelligence, empathy,
compassion, and creative
judgment and discernment will
expand and be increasingly valued
in our culture.”

-Susan Price
Modern Portfolio
“People with the capital to
Presentation [advance education and
training] would rather invest in
robots/AI whose labor they
own, instead of sharing profits
with human workers.”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanism is
being neglected as to what is the real
scenario behind of it in the point of view
of the people who are with the linear of
workforce especially the career of the
people who do not have any connection
in electronics and automotive industry
and subject to the substitution
proceedings as the main aftereffect of
this future technology.

The negative impacts related to the

fulfilment of this Artificial Intelligence (AI)
mechanism is not being included to the
published works of some authors to
combat the defective parts it can
Review of Related Literature and Studies

In an article by Catherine Clifford

Creation of Strong AI will cause
(2018), Musk said that further
vast unemployment and job
development of AI will result more
disruption because time will come
damage and is far more dangerous
that robots will do the tasks that
than nuclear weapons or nukes.
humans are doing right now, in a
much better way.

Development of higher form of The goal of AI must be in harmony

AI or those the call as “Strong with the goal and thinking of
AI” is an existential threat to humans (Clifford, 2018) because if
humanity. Two of the major not, it would be the most existential
damages it can caused are crisis in the human life (Piper, 2018).
lost of job and creation better

AI creation will be the cause of ELON REEVE MUSK Musk called for public body that
World War III ON ARTIFICIAL will oversee the development of
AI to prevent massive
\ destruction in the future.
Stephen Hawking warns about the future of AI

Hawking said in an interview of

British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
that development of full or strong These clever machines would
artificial intelligence could lead to end eventually take the tasks that have
of human race. been doing by humans, resulting to
disrupt millions of jobs and leaving
Artificial intelligence could eventually replace millions of people jobless
humans and when this happens a new form of life
would be born.
When someone, in the near future, create a strong
AI that can improve and re-design itself infinitely up AI creators and experts to stop for a
to a certain point that it can outperform humans moment and think that the further
because humans, as he said in his interview in innovation of AI is not for the success
BBC, is limited on their slow biological evolution of the project itself but more
importantly, for the benefit of human
AI’s goals must always be aligned
with the humans’ goals, otherwise,
The emergence of these superintelligence
humanity will be in trouble.
machines could be the biggest event in the
history of human civilization, but it could
also be the worst.
Artificial Intelligence

Jay Tuck in TEDx

“Artificial Intelligence will kill us”

“A lot of people believe that artificial

intelligence is a thousand times
smarter than the human beings.”

“Artificial intelligence already

surpassed humans in many areas of
our society.”
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Artificial intelligence is getting

Artificial intelligence only works if someone better every day, and it is going
has a big data, but big data only works if to scare us so do not
someone has artificial intelligence to make underestimate its power.
sense of it because human beings can no
longer sort and sift and order the huge
volumes of data that a person has

Once the computer can start

designing themselves they will
Experts say it's going to evolve so much faster than
make less mistakes and humans do that they will be able
less collateral damage to take over and we who have to
than the human evolve by the old slow route
decisions. would not be able to keep up.
Artificial Intelligence

Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba

Machine is good for knowledge but human beings have the wisdom.

Jack Ma emphasizes that machine can gain knowledge and learn cognitive
skills but it is difficult for machines to have a human heart.

The humankind is in the third technology revolution where in people are

already unhappy because a lot of machines and artificial intelligence replace
the position of employees. People start to worry on their education
background because if they are not innovative enough, their jobs will be
taken away by these machines and other professionals who gained expertise
in the control and maintenance the AIs.

Thirty years from now, people will only work 4 hours a day and maybe its four
days a week.
Artificial Intelligence
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
Basic Principle Secondary Principle
The basic principle of Utilitarianism of
John Stuart Mill or also known as the
The secondary principle of Mill’s
Greatest Happiness Principle is that Utilitarianism explains that moral
greatest happiness of the greatest rules are the building blocks of social
number of people ought to be human’s rules. One can say that an action is
goal and standard of conduct. Under morally wrong if he can infer that it
Mill’s utilitarianism, happiness can be should be punishable and is
determined through its quality and deserving of public disapproval or
quantity. Thus, happiness is being
gauged not only through its intrinsic
other internal sanctions. For Mill, one
value but also the quality of its might know the right action. He
consequence. Mill focuses on added that one's moral obligation
consequences of actions and not on must come out from the justified,
rights. which means it promotes well-being,
moral code of the society.
by Karl Marx
He believed that private ownership of the means of production enriches capitalists who are the
owners of capital at the expense of workers. Capitalists produce commodities for the exchange market and
to stay competitive and gain higher profit, they must extract as much labor from the workers as possible at
the lowest possible cost. The economic interest of the capitalist is to give wages to the worker as little as
possible in order to keep him alive and productive. In capitalism, the worker, who is estranged from the
products he creates, is also alienated from the process of production hence, he only regards his
employment as a means of survival. The worker is thus alienated from the concept of what it is to be
human. Finally, the capitalist mode of production alienates human beings from other human beings.
Deprived of the satisfaction that comes with owning the product of one’s labor, the worker regards the
capitalist as external and hostile.

Under a capitalist society, technology is being utilized

in this society not for the sole purpose of giving
convenience and better service to consumers but to
serve the interest of the people who hold and own the
means of production.
There is already a challenge for humans and that is the exploitation.
Most of the population is being abused and controlled by the
manipulation of the capitalists since they dictate the means of
production. Production and labor make the livelihood of the people.
Hence, the application of strong AI is expected to worsen the situation
of laborers as being postulated in technological unemployment theory
in which it states that technological change causes loss of jobs called
as displacement effect and on the other hand there will also be a
productivity effect where there is an increasing demand for labor in
industries or jobs that arise or develop due to technological innovation.
In the application of Type 2 Limited Memory AI, workers faced
displacement in terms of the emergence of machineries that have
preprogrammed knowledge which have replaced routinary jobs in
manufacturing factories or the blue-collar job that is always associated
to workers without a college education. Aligned with this technological
employment theory, Atkinson considered the argument that during the
productivity effect the rate of job destruction is more rapid than
economic growth thus, creating an unemployed underclass that will be
dominated by the elite class of capitalists or the “machine owners”.

However, the loss of job will be more evident and harmful to humans
especially that middle class and lower class are engaged in the labor
force. The other good effects will no longer be considered since blue-
collar jobs and white-collar jobs will be both affected in the application
of strong type of AI, Type 3- Theory of Mind, Type 4- Self-awareness.
These two no longer need high maintenance since it is being
presumed that they will act and think like humans.
In a report published in 2017 from the gathering of some of the world’s richest
people at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Oxfam, business men and
capitalists belong to the 1% who own the 82% of the global wealth generated in
2017. The results of World Inequality Report in 2018 also states that the poor
keep getting poorer and the rich richer, on a global level, the top 1 percent has
pocketed twice as much of the economic growth as half of the bottom 50
percent. And according to analysts, in 2030 the 1% richest people will own the
two-thirds of the world’s wealth. Since AI has the potential to eliminate wages
of low amd medium-skilled jobs. And according to the data in 2017 presented
by Amina Khan, from the 5.49 billion working age population, 3.45 (63%) billion
people are in the labor force today and this great number of people will suffer
from the effects mentioned above caused by the employment of strong AI. Due
to the displacement effect, the majority will suffer.

By this quantitative reason, application of strong AI in
the labor force is unethical since it does not
follow the basic principle of Utilitarianism which is
greatest benefit for the greatest number of people.
This will cause a reverse setting for men and AI. Instead of AI will
be the servants of humans, humans will be the servants of AI.
Type 4 AI is the most advanced yet most dangerous since it can
rule and dominate men. There is also an assumption that since
strong AI have the same mental capability of men, they can
decide to reproduce itself. At this time, men are no longer the
producers of strong AI but the AI itself. Pleasure to men is not
present anymore in this situation but only fear and threat to the
existence of humankind because this propagates competition
between men and AI.
Mill’s utilitarianism values dignity for it manifests higher pleasure therefore,
strong AI as a replacement to labor force is unethical since it will propagate
effects that will deteriorate the value and ‘humanness’ of man. This is also
against the social rules that humans are the highest form of being with intellect.
Men considered themselves as the main actors of the society hence this act will
be unethical due to its disturbance to societal postulate. Humans’ function in the
society will be questioned as well as the reason of their existence. By all means,
human will have less capability to be involved in his society and destruct the
role of humans.
As the lower class deteriorates, AI increases in number. Competition
increases and the middle class with not so much wealth will be the next
target of displacement in the social structure. Upon the depletion of lower
class, the middle class will be referred as the lower class of the new society
hence, they will suffer the same fate of the lower class in the first wave of the
effects of human workforce replacement. And when middle class disappeared
from the society, the upper class will become the slaves of AI. Since AI
became rampant, the upper class will no longer able to control the system of
AI and it will result in the apocalypse of humankind. There might be two
reasons of extinguishment of men, it is either a revolution of humankind
against AI or the gradual extinction of man due to power imbalance and
greater competition.
Upon applying social rules indicated in the secondary principle of
utilitarianism, people are struggling for survival. Disruption to this survival is
an act of deprivation of rights to live. There are also laws that protect human
rights therefore, one can say that application of strong AI in the workforce is
unethical due to its threat to human life and violation of the highest rule of
land. And clearly, it does not conform with the social rules and moral code
which do not propagate greater utility.
At the end of this, the replacement of human workforce by strong Artificial
Intelligence is unethical based from John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism.
By which researchers explain that it is not ethical because it does not
propagate the greatest benefit and it is not beneficial to the greatest
number of people. Instead, the act increases the amount of pain. The
conduct violates the basic principle of utilitarianism and in consideration
of the secondary principle, the replacement of strong AI in the human
workforce is still unethical because it contravene the law of men
protecting the human rights as well as the conduct ends the natural roles
of humans in his own society. Thus, the conduct tends to alienate man
from his humanness and moral value.
Ethicist should discuss ethical issues that
may arise in the near future. Consequently,
ethics of artificial intelligence can be
established to ensure safety of AI operations
as it comes closer to human-like intelligence.
As AI develops its potential, assessment of its
moral status in different circumstances is
essential to recognize differences apart from
Technological businesses must
guarantee that advanced artificial
intelligence will be used for the good rather
than the ill. We are in the midst of a robot
invasion, as devices of different
configurations and capabilities slowly but
surely come to take up increasingly
important positions in everyday social
Lawmakers must evaluate and analyze the
problem of robot rights to conceptualize the social
situation of robots and the opportunities and
challenges they present to existing moral and legal
systems with the help of government intervention.
If AI causes harm or creates something
beneficial, we need to establish who or what is
responsible. For example, we need to consider
whether controls on the human creators are needed,
or whether these controls can also be built into or
taught to AI itself.
There should be formulation of boundaries and
limits as to how a robot citizenship will be different
from human citizenship.
Every company or organization with artificial
intelligence needs to have technological policies in
place to govern the use and management of these
advanced systems. In the course of continuous
change, technological capacities have to be acquired
to assure acceptable utilization of AI programs,
information technology practices, business practices
and standard policies.
More comprehensive researches
about AI must be done to monitor
developments and maintain
transparency to advanced
technological information. In regards
with the socio-political situation of
the society in the application of
strong AI, experts must consider the
direct and indirect, internal and
external factors of human workforce.
The researchers stand with their
conclusion that the replacement of
human workforce by strong Artificial
Intelligence is unethical. Along the
conduct of the research, the researchers
have realized that automation and AI are
already dominating the human capacity in
which they infer that in the future their
skills, talents and mere existence in this
world will be in vain. And as future
accountants, the researchers are
troublesome by the effects of it in their
respective field since there are news
transpiring that accountants can now be
replaced by robots programmed to do the
tasks of an accountant.
The researchers suggest for future
researchers that they can change the
parameters of the research especially,
its setting because the setting greatly
affects the results. The political and
economic system of society is one of
the main factor in this research.
The orientation of society should be
strongly considered because effects
might vary depending upon to the
setting and situation. Hence, future
researchers might get different result.
One of the recommendation of the
researcher is to use the communal
stage of society that is completely
different from a capitalist society.
Thank You,

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