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• Understanding the material world through
• A study of science and the scientific method
• A need to know the world in order to ensure
survival and good life
• Basic, essential knowledge with a no-
nonsense approach
• Transmit culture and develop human nature
Realist believes that education should:
• Transmit culture
• Develop human nature
• Provide man with basic education needed
for his survival
The Realist Curriculum :
• Problem-centered (subject-centered)
• Practical and useful
• Highly organized and systematic
• Physical activity has educational value (Locke)
• Extensive use of pictures (Comenius)
• Attention to the complete person (Locke)
• Use of objects in education (Maria Montessori)
• Highly organized, separate and systematically
arranged (Science, Social Sciences and Mathematics)
Realist Method Of Teaching
• Emphasis on critical reasoning through observation
• Supports accountability and performance-based
teaching Scientific research and development
Mastery of facts: Recitation, experimentation,
demonstration, drills, exercises.
• Education should proceed from simple to complex
and from concrete to abstract.
• Enhanced learning through direct or indirect
experiences: Field trips, lectures, films, TV, audio-
visual aids, computer technology & library.
• Learning is based on facts – analysis – questioning.
• Vernacular to be the medium of instruction.
• Precision and order: ringing bells, time periods,
daily lesson plans, pre-packaged curriculum
• Children should be given positive rewards
Realism and the Teacher
• A teacher should be educated and well versed with the customs
of belief and rights and duties of people, and the trends.
• He must have full mastery of the knowledge of present life.
• He must be able to expose and guide the student towards the
hard realities of life. (neither pessimist, nor optimist)
• He must be able to co-relate between utility in daily life and
• He should define simple rules.
• He should teach subjects in proper order.
• He needs to find out the interest of the child and to teach
School Organization Influenced by Realism
1) School organization would be based on the real
needs of society. (not due to politics)
2) The opening of science classes in every school
is a must.
3) Co-education is a natural happening so it cannot
be rejected.
4) School is the mirror of the society. It is a
miniature form of society and it presents the real
picture of the society.

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