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Definition of E-commerce:-
>> E-Commerce or Electronic
commerce is a process of
buying,selling,trasferring or
exchanging products, services &
information via electronic
networks and computers.
Brief history of E-commerce:-
>In 1970s
-To send commercial documents like
purchase order or invoices
started electronically.

>In 1980s
-Automated tEller machinces (ATM).
-Telephone banking.
-airline reservation system (ars).
Automated tEller machinces
> An automated teller machine (ATM)
is an electronic banking outlet,
which allows customers to
complete basic transactions
without the aid of a branch
representative or teller. Anyone
with a credit card or debit card
can access most ATMs.
Telephone banking :-
> Telephone banking is a
service provided by a bank or
other financial institution,
that enables customers to
perform a range of financial
transactions over
the telephone, without the
need to visit a bank branch or
automated teller machine.

• Airline reservation systems (ARS) are part of the

so-called passenger service systems (PSS), which are
applications supporting the direct contact with the
• ARS eventually evolved into the computer
reservations system (CRS). A computer reservation
system is used for the reservations of a particular
airline and interfaces with a global distribution
system (GDS) which supports travel agencies and
other distribution channels in making reservations
for most major airlines in a single system.
Brief history of E-commerce:-
>In 2000s
-Many European & Amercian
business companies offered
their services through the
world wide web.
-Since then, people began to
associate a word
E-Commerce categories :-
>Two major categories.
1.Business-to-consumer (b2c)
2.Business-to -Business (B2B)

>Other categories.
.Consumer –to-consumer (C2C)
.Mobile commerce (M-Commerce)
Business-to-consumer (b2c)
• Business to consumer (B2C)
is business or transactions
conducted directly between
a company
and consumers who are the
end-users of its products or
Business-to -Business (B2B)

• Business to business, also called B

to B or B2B, is a type of transaction
that exists between businesses,
such as one involving a
manufacturer and wholesaler, or a
wholesaler and a retailer. ... Business
to business.
Consumer –to-consumer (C2C)
• C2C, or customer-to-
customer, or consumer-to-
consumer, is a business
model that facilitates the
transaction of products or
services between customers.
Mobile commerce (M-Commerce)

• M-commerce (mobile
commerce) is the buying and
selling of goods and services
through wireless handheld
devices such as cellular
telephone and personal
digital assistants (PDAs).
>E-learning done by studying
at home using computers
and courses provided on
the internet.
Benefits of E-commerce :-
>More Products & Services.
>Cheaper Products & Services.
>Instant Delivery.
>Information Availability
Business Applications:-
Instant messaging
Online shopping & order
Online banking
Shopping cart software
Electronic tickets
Summary & Conclusion:-
>The Internet has lead to the birth
and evolution E-commerce.
E-commerce has now become a key
component of many Organizations
in the daily running of their
>As the Internet and in turn E-
commerce has developed, and
continues to evolve and grow, it is
vital that any Organization, in any
particular industry, must base its
strategic planning around Such a
rapidly growing medium.

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