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cThe human body contain approximately 100 trillion cells .

Most of them are less than a tenth of millimetre across

cInside each cell there is a black blob called a Nucleus

cInside the Nucleus are two complete sets of Human genome

(excepting in egg and sperm which has one and red blood
cells which has none)

cOne set of genome comes from the mother and other by the

cWe are the result after swapping bits of the paternal and
maternal chromosomes
Called recombination






cThere are one billion words in the book
which makes it as long as 800 bibles

cIf I read the genome out to you @ one word

per second for 8 hrs a day
It would take me a centaury

cIf I write out the Human Genome @one letter

per minute, my text would be as long as the
river Danube
This is a gigantic document,
an immense book,
a recipe of extravagant Length ,

and it all fits inside the microscopic

nucleus of a tiny cell that fits easily
upon the head of a pin
This book is a piece of digital information written
in linear, one dimensional and one directional
form and defined by the code that transliterates a
small alphabet of signs into a large lexicon of
meanings through the order of their groupings.
So is the Genome.
only complication is that all English books are
read from left to right, whereas some parts of the
Genome read from left to right and some from
right to left though never both at the same time

English books are written in words of variable length
using twenty six letters, genomes are written entirely
in three letter words,using only four letters, A,C, G, T

Which stands for Adenine Cytosine Guanine and


Instead of being written on flat pages, they are

written on long chains of sugar and phosphate called
DNA molecules in which the bases are attached as
side rungs

Each chromosome is one pair of very long DNA

This Genome book is a clever book
Because in the right condition it can
both photocopy and read itself

The photocopying is known as


The reading is known as

The messenger the RNA copy is the befriended
by a microscopic machine called RIBOSOMES.

These ribosomes moves along the messenger

translating each three letter codon in turn into
one letter of a different alphabet of twenty
different amino acids

Each amino acid is attached to the last to form

a chain in the same order as the codons.

When the whole message has been translated, the chain
of amino acids folds itself up into a distinctive shape that
depends on its sequence.
It is now known as PROTEIN.

PROTEINS are also responsible for switching genes on

and off by physically attaching themselves to

PROMOTER and ENHANCER sequences near the start

of the gene¶s text.
Different genes are switched on in different parts of the
When genes are replicated mistakes are
sometime made
A letter base is missed out or wrong letter
inserted. Whole sentence and a Para are
sometimes duplicated omitted or reversed.
This is known as MUTATION.
Many mutations are neither harmful are
beneficial, for instance if they change one
CODON to another that has the same amino acid
meaning there are 64 different CODONS and
only 20 amino acids So many DNA words share
the same meaning.






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