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How to receive God’s New

in our lives?
Luke 15:11-24

v. 17 “But when he came to himself…..

1. Realization
When things do not turn out to be according to what we have
projected before…
we must seek God …have an open heart…humble heart…to
receive from God.
Only HE alone knows everything…
V. 18 a “ I will arise and go to my father…

2. Make a decision to return to the Source…

After seeking God…we must decide to admit our sins, weaknesses, ….
We must humble ourselves before God and repent…we should not blame others or the
circumstances that happened…we also must not demand anything from God as if we
deserve vengeance….we must not allow offenses to be in our hearts.
If we have been hurt , we must also decide to forgive…and bless those who have hurt us
v. 20 “And he arose and came to his father…

3.He carried out his decision…

he arose….( a decision to leave his past { but learn the
lessons}….and move onward..)
he came to his father…( a decision to return to his
He received his new beginnings…

V. 20 – 24
1.Warm welcome of his father…his compassion….his
Our God is our Father…who waits for us to return to HIM
and let HIM again heal us…
restore us to fully trusting HIM again…assure us of HIS
unfailing love….and lead us again
to our new beginnings with HIM.
2. Best robe….ring in his hand…and sandals on his feet.
When we fail…or sin or miss out on God or on His real direction…we feel
like our clothes became worn out and dirty…there is shame. God not only
forgives us…He clothes us with the best robe…HE is our righteousness.
When He restores us…He gives us again the authority to trample on
serpents…to overcome the negative effects of our sins and failures…
He trust us again to wear the sandals….we can walk with Him again…live
for HIM to
serve Him…
3. Celebration of his new beginnings….
Our God, our Father celebrates our
return to HIM….HE greatly rejoices over
with feasting….

In what areas of our lives have we failed or

missed out on God’s perfect will?
in our personal quiet time? In our service to HIM?
In our relationships with family,
friends…? In sharing the good news to others ? in
our stewardship of the resources He
has entrusted to us-time, talent, treasures? In our
career? In our studies?

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