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Effective communication

 Effective communication refers to the process

of sharing information between two or more
entities which leads to the desired outcome.

Style of Communication and Skills

* Nonverbal communication includes the

effective use of body language to express a
desired meaning or message. It includes facial
expressions, movement of body parts like hand
and legs, eye contact, posture and tone of voice.
*Attentive listening not only includes understanding
what the other person says, but also understanding the
meaning and the messages implied along with it as well.
It leads to better and effective understanding among the
entities and clarity in sharing information.

Understanding and controlling emotions help in

nonverbal communication. It leads to understanding
among the entities as to how they perceive others and
how others perceive them. Effective communication
becomes ineffective if the entities are too emotional or
out of touch with others emotions.
 Stress management helps in controlling emotions and
behaviour. It includes not just activities like meditation,
reading or exercise, but also emotional control and
quick response to stress.
 1.Actively Listen
 “We have two ears and one mouth so that we
can listen twice as much as we
speak.” Epictetus
 The most basic of all human needs is the
need to understand and be understood. The
best way to understand people is to listen to
 2. Eliminate Verbal  3. Effective Gestures
 Gestures, often called
 Usually happen when “the silent language,”
we are buying time help communicate your
while figuring out what message’s words and
they are going to say ideas. Gestures are
next. The best way to either effective or
eliminate verbal viruses ineffective.
is to slow your pace and
allow yourself the time
to fully form an answer
before speaking.
 4. Strong Eye  5. Intention and
Contact objective

 Eye contact can have  As a communicator,

a memory-boosting, you must have a
prosocial, and specific objective in
stimulating effect, mind—something you
provided need to accomplish—
it’s wanted by the if you hope to impact
person being looked and move your
at. audience. Then you
must select a strong
and specific intention
 Effective Communication in the Shipping
Industry. Communication is the single most
important aspect which provides
cohesiveness to any organization. It is like a
thread which binds the different functions,
departments, people in any organizational
structure, be it ships, shore, or the entire
 Effective Communication between ship and
shore is an important factor. Wether during
cargo operations or approaches to port.

 Miscommunication can lead to accidents,

damage to property or Marine environment.

 Itis important that ship and shore parties

clearly understand each other.
Communication is the process of exchanging
information, knowledge, emotion and
understanding between parties. This process can
be executed in three ways.

 One way communication

 Two way communication
 Non-verbal communication
Transmission from sender to receiver with no
desire or intention for feedback.

 Fast, simple instructions

 With no feedback, we are unsure if the message
was heard or understood
 Crew may not hear the full message or
misinterpret it, resulting in confusion. This
misunderstanding will leave both parties
frustrated and stressed.
Transmission of information back and forth
between parties
 This process requires more time
 You receive feedback that helps you determine
whether the message has been received and
interpreted properly
 If the message has been misunderstood, the
person delivering the message will know this
immediately and they will have to transmit the
message again, with increased volume or
different choice of wording.

Transmission of information and feelings through gestures
and body language
 Non-verbal communication may be the only way to
transmit your message, if there is a lot of background
noise or a substantial distance between the two parties, as
can often be the case when we are at sea.
 If we combine non-verbal methods with a verbal message,
we will increase the impact of the transmission and it may
be deciphered and understood quicker than a verbal
message alone. A watch captain’s verbal message to raise
an anchor can be enhanced by pointing up and rotating
 However if we are utilizing two ways of transmitting a
message, we must make sure that they are in sync and
delivering the same message. Otherwise the recipient will
get mixed messages and confusion results.
Communication Techniques That Motivate
Others To Become Better

 Schedule communication-oriented meetings.

 Get personal.
 Keep everyone in the loop.
 Show interest in concerns and solutions.
 Encourage employee input.
 Keep the lines open.
 Set clear directions and stick to it.
 Deliver frequent feedback.

 Make room for strategic reallocation

 Knowing when to say no
 Gathering the right information
 Effectively visualize data
 Effective resource levelling
 Collect a list of all your tasks.
 Identify urgent vs. important.
 Assess value.
 Order tasks by estimated effort.
 Be flexible and adaptable.
 Know when to cut.

 Early Start
 Brain Strom Ideas
 Research

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