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Make somebody do something = Let somebody do something =

oblige somebody to do something. permit somebody to do something.

Subject+ make+ object+ base form Subject + let + object + base form

Ex: my mum makes me set the table Ex: my mum lets me use her car
every day
Negative form = something is
Negative form = there is no obligation prohibited.
Ex: my mum doesn’t make me come early Ex: my mum didn’t let me use her car
in the summer. yesterday.

It can also have the meaning of “mi fa”

Ex: do onions make you cry?
Be allowed to means “have permission to do something”
Ex: I’m allowed to use my mother’s car at the weekend.
Are you allowed to take photos here?

We use “allowed to” instead of “let” when it’s not important who gives the permission.

The negative (be not allowed to) means that something is not permitted.
Ex: We’re not allowed to smoke in this part of the restaurant.

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