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Perception (from Latin perceptio, percipio) is the act of composing, recognizing, and
interpreting sensory information in order to give an overview and understanding of the
environment. [1] Perception includes all signals in the nervous system, which are the
results of physical or chemical stimulation of sensory organs. [2] Like for example
vision which is light that hits the retina in the eye, smells that uses a medium of odor
(aroma) molecules, and hearing that involves sound waves. Perception is not passive
acceptance of cues, but is formed by learning, memory, hope, and attention. [3]
Perception depends on the complex function of the nervous system, but it appears to be
absent because it occurs outside of consciousness. [4]
Constant Perception
In learning perceptions we also need to know about the constancy of
perception (consistency), namely perception is fixed which is influenced by
experience. The perception constancy includes shape, size, and color. One
example of perceptual constancy, which is when we drink milk in a dark
place, we will not call the color of milk black, but we will still call the color
of milk white, even though the darkness of white is actually not visible
Theory of relationship perception
Relationship theory is an effort when individuals observe behavior to
determine whether this is caused internally or externally.
The Halo Effect
The halo effect is to make a general picture of an individual based on a
characteristic. When making a general impression of an individual based on
a characteristic, such as intelligence, friendliness, or appearance, the halo
effect is at work
Perception vs. Sensation
The term perception is often confused with sensations. Sensation is only a
momentary impression, when a new stimulus is received by the brain and
has not been organized with other stimuli and memories related to the
stimulus. For example a table that feels rough, which means there is a
sensation after he touches the surface of the table.
Conversely, perception has an example of a table that is not comfortable to
use to write, when the brain gets a stimulus from the rough table, a lot of
graffiti on the table, and memories of the past when using a similar table,
which results in bad writing.
• Visual perception
• Auditory perception
• Perception of touch
• Olfactory perception
• Taste perception
• Selective perception
• Kinesthetic perception
System and tactile / kinesthetic learning
In tactile / kinesthetic processing systems, also known as ahtik systems,
information comes whether it is touch (tactile) or movement (kinsentetik).
The difficulty or dysfunction of this system will result in problems when
performing motorized tasks such as writing, taking notes, manipulating
buttons or buttons or equipment. Difficulties also arise when studying
motor skills (Gibson, 1965).
Effect of the Vestibular System on tactile /
kinesthetic systems
The vestibular system, the balance system and organizing space are directly
involved with tactile / kinesthetic systems. A person's sense of balance
directly affects a number of information that comes through touch and
movement. There is evidence that children with intermediate learning
disabilities often have low visual function, auditory, or vestibular systems
that are distributed towards low attention, avoiding tasks, relating to
behavior, self-regulation (Wilson & Heiniger-White, 2008).
Haptic system effect on dyslexia, learning
Examples of Activities related to Haptic (Tactile / Kinesthetic) processing
1. Matching
2. Activity on the balance beam
3. Activities with bags (nuts / bean bag)
4. Drawing
5. Painting
6. Search for words

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