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Presented By




The story that we choose is

1.New to America ( Number 1)

2.A Noisy Neighbour (Number 15)

3. No Doughnuts for Old Folks (Number 95)

4.Nursing Students Disappears ( Number 124)

5.Smells like Chicken (Number 126)

1.New to
Nancy was new to America. She came to America speaking
only her native language. She brought her 8-year-old son with
her. He was all she had in the world.
They found an apartment in Arcadia. They were there for
only two months when a neighbor's dog jumped over the fence.
The dog ran toward Nancy's son. Nancy put her body in
between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw
Nancy screaming at it. She was going to punch it in the nose.
The dog turned around..
Shaking, Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the
apartment all weekend. Then Nancy found another apartment,
close to the school that her son was going to attend.
She and her son walked everywhere. One day her son started
coughing badly. He had an asthma attack. All the walking was
making his asthma worse.
Nancy knew that she had to buy a car. So she called up the
Honda dealer. She talked to a salesman who spoke her language.
She told him that she wanted to buy a new car if he could come
over to pick her up. The salesman said he would be right over
Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat Participle,yaitu Present
Participle, karena frasa Making his asthma worse
mendeskripsikan perasaan nya terhadap frasa All the walking
.Jika kalimat “All the walking was making his asthma worse”
diterjemahkan , maka arti kalimat itu adalah “ semua jalan itu
memperburuk asma nya. Kata memperburuk asma nya
menjelaskan perasaan mengenai jalan itu.Jadi,dapat dikatakan
bahwa kalimat diatas,merupakan kalimat present participle.
The Discussions

This sentence is the Participle sentence, namely the Present

Participle, because the phrase Was Making his asthma
worse describes the feeling of the phrase All the
walking. If the phrase “All the walking was making
his asthma worse”. The word was making his asthma
worse explaining the feeling about All the walking . So, it
can be explained by the sentence above, it is a participle
present sentence.
2. A Noisy
Barbara couldn't take it any more. Her upstairs neighbor was
blasting his stereo again. She had asked him twice already to turn the
volume down. The first time she asked, he was surprised. He said he
didn't know that she could hear his stereo.
"Yes," she said, "it's just like your stereo was in my living room. I
can hear every note!"
He said he would keep it down. She hoped that he was telling the
truth. Of course, he wasn't. The very next day, he blasted his stereo.
She marched upstairs to remind him of his promise. He said the
volume was so low that he could barely hear it. She asked him to turn
it lower. He said he would try. Barbara could swear that when she
reentered her apartment, the music was louder than when she had
walked upstairs.
So, this was the third time. She took her baseball bat
upstairs with her. She knocked very loudly on his door.
When he opened the door, she screamed at him like a
crazy person. She told him she would kill him if he didn't
turn the music down and keep it down. His eyes got big.
She went back downstairs. She couldn't hear a note.
I can't believe I said that, she told herself.
Penjelasan :
Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat Participle,yaitu Present
Participle, karena frasa was blasting his stereo again
mendeskripsikan perasaan nya terhadap frasa Her upstairs
neighbor .Jika Her upstairs neighbor was blasting his
stereo again. diterjemahkan , maka arti kalimat itu adalah
Tetangga di lantai atas sedang meledakkan stereo-nya lagi.
Kata was blasting tersebut menjelaskan keadaan dimana
tetangganya tersebut meledakkan suara stereonya, sehingga
barbara merasa kesal.
The Discussion

The sentence is the Participle sentence, namely the Present

Participle, because the phrase “was blasting his stereo again”
describing his feelings towards phrase “Her upstairs
neighbor”. If “her upstairs neighbor was blasting his stereo
again” translated, the meaning of the sentence is the neighbor
upstairs is blowing up the stereo again. The word “was
blasting” explained the situation where his neighbor blew up
his stereo sound, so Barbara was upset.
No Doughnuts for Old Folks

In New York, the residents at a senior center have been

receiving free doughnuts and other baked goods for years. The
sweets are donated by bakeries and other shops that have
leftovers that are not quite fresh enough to sell. The seniors
devour the sweets. But the city council has decided that these
sweets are no good for the seniors. It just passed a law
forbidding free day-old sweets for the senior center.
"We want our seniors to live as long as possible, and these
sweets can only contribute to obesity. With obesity come high
blood pressure, circulation problems, and diabetes. So we are
doing this for their own good," said Karl Rove, a city council
The senior citizens are having none of this. They
immediately called Rove and other council members to
protest this ban. "Who are these people to tell us what to
eat?" asked Doug Fairbanks, a resident at the center. "I'll bet
every one of them has a doughnut several times a week.
Where do they get this attitude? They act like they are our
"Instead, they are elected officials who are supposed to do
the will of the people. And there isn't one person in this
senior center who has complained about the free doughnuts.
If they're concerned about seniors, are they going to
prohibit all the seniors in the whole town from eating
doughnuts? They can't just pick on us if they're
interested in the health of all seniors.
"People get a little bit of power and it goes straight to their
heads. We are starting a petition to recall all the council
members who voted for this law."
Penjelasan :

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat

Participle,yaitu Past Participle, karena pada
kalimat “They can't just pick on us if they're
interested in the health of all seniors yang berarti
Mereka tidak bisa hanya memilih kita jika
mereka tertarik pada kesehatan semua senior.
Pada kalimat tersebut terdapat kalimat
“interested” yang berarti tertarik, dimana kata
tersebut mendefinisikan sifat keterterikkan pada
kesehatan semua senior.
The Discussion

The sentence is the Participle sentence, the Past

Participle, because in the phrase "They can't just
pick on us if they're interested in the health of all
seniors which means they can't just choose us if
they are interested in the health of all seniors. In
that sentence there is an "interested" sentence
which means interested, where the word defines
the nature of the interest in the health of all seniors
4.Nursing Students
A young woman who is a nursing student at Pasadena College
has disappeared. She had just started her final semester, and was
planning to graduate two weeks before Christmas. "She is one of
our best students," said Mrs. Nelson, an instructor. "It's certainly
very strange for her to miss class without calling in."
Annabelle Florence had just moved into a new apartment at the
beginning of September. A few classmates had helped her move.
After all the boxes, clothes, and furniture were in the new
apartment, Florence treated her three friends to a fantastic dinner at
Sur la Table, a local French restaurant. Dinner included a couple of
delicious—and expensive—bottles of wine. Everyone hugged when
the meal was finished, and Florence drove home by herself.
She did not answer or return phone calls the next two days.
"I talked to Sara and Jeri. Annabelle had not returned their calls,
so I decided to go over to her new place," said classmate Vicki.
"When I got there, her car was in the parking lot. The roof was
down on her Miata convertible. I thought that was strange, since
it had sprinkled the day before.
"Her apartment door was closed. After I knocked and
knocked, I tried the door. It was not even locked. I walked
inside, calling her name. There was no answer. I was getting
very nervous, especially when I went into the bedroom and
the bathroom. But no one was there. All her boxes were
unopened, her clothes were still not hung up, and nothing was in
the refrigerator.“
The police are investigating. Florence's
credit card has not been used in the last two
days, nor have any calls been made from her
cell phone during that period. She is simply
missing, with no signs of violence and no
clues as to where she has gone. "It doesn't
look good," said one detective.

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat Participle,yaitu

Present Participle, karena pada kalimat “I was getting
very nervous, especially when I went into the
bedroom and the bathroom ” yang berarti
Saya menjadi sangat gugup, terutama ketika saya pergi
ke kamar tidur dan kamar mandi. Pada frasa tersebut
terdapat kalimat “was getting very nervous” yang berarti
“ menjadi sangat gugup” yang mendeskripsikan
perasaannya saat dia pergi ke kamar tidur dan kemar
The Discussion

This sentence is the Participle sentence, the Present

Participle, because in the phrase “I was getting very
nervous, especially when I went into the bedroom and the
bathroom which meant I was getting very nervous,
especially when i went to the bedroom and bathroom. In
this phrase there is the phrase “was getting very nervous"
which means "to be very nervous" which describes his
feelings when he goes to the bedroom and baths.
5.Smells Like Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken announced that it is going to advertise its
new $3 lunches through customers' nostrils. The company plans to
send a fried chicken scent throughout office buildings at lunchtime.
The aroma will be dispensed from the mail-cart that distributes
interoffice mail throughout a building. KFC's president thinks it's an
idea whose time has come.
"That's a terrible idea," exclaimed Rose, a secretary for the
Department of Defense in Alexandria, Virginia. "First of all, I'm a
vegetarian; the scent of cooked meat appalls me. Secondly, I belong to
PETA—People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. And we all
know how terribly chickens are treated before they are butchered. The
whole idea is disgusting. And what makes it even worse is that they
plan to foul the air every workday with fried chicken odor. Once a
month would be bad enough, but once a day?"
A KFC spokesman said that KFC's chickens are caged and
butchered humanely, and that the scent would be subtle, "like a
woman's perfume in a very big elevator." He said the scent would
be just strong enough to notice. He also noted that KFC has a
vegetarian menu that includes tofu shaped like chicken breasts and
"Do they make the tofu crunchy and greasy, too?" asked Rose.
"I'm going to demand equal time—if office workers have to smell
fried chicken every day, then they should also have to listen to the
sound of chickens' heads getting chopped off every day."
Penjelasan :

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat Participle,yaitu

Present Participle, karena pada kalimat “The whole idea
is disgusting. ” yang berarti “Seluruh gagasan itu
menjijikkan”. Pada kalimat tersebut terdapat frasa“is
disgusting” yang berarti “sangat menjijikkan” yang
mendeskripsikan perasaannya terhadap gagasan tersebut
yang membuat dia merasa jijik.
Adjective participial is adjective which ends in -ingor –ed which
usually shows other adjective properties. -ing to form the present
participle, while -ed (not always; -ed only to represent) for the
past participle.s

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