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Names:The Third Group from E class

Elsa - Vlog IAIN Surakarta

Educating,Challenging and
Interesting ways to improve 1 Introduction
This poster proposes Elsa – Vlog as an alternative pedadogical approach for junior
your English speaking high school students to improve students’ speaking ability and motivation due to most
of them won’t to speak in English because they are fearful of making some mistakes
in the pronunciation. Elsa – Vlog is chosen because the students can learn and
practice how to pronunce English words and sentences directly in their home based
on their level of speaking. They can practice it everyday and everytime. In the end,
2 Background 5 Elsa - Vlog they must make an English Vlog with certain topic which can create their motivation
and check their improvement.
 (Zhang et al.; 1995) stated that to speak in more effective ways requires What is Elsa – Vlog?
particular attention and constant practice. Elsa – Vlog is a combination of two application, Elsa Speak :
English Accent Coach and Vlogging, which can help the teacher
 Zhang (2009) argued that speaking remains the most difficult skill to master and students do the English speaking teaching and learning 7 Advantages
for the majority of English learners, and they are still incompetent in process effectively, especially in the pronunciation. This method
communicating orally in English.  Understanding how to pronounce certain word
uses the students centered constructivist models. It focuses on
 According to Ur (1996), there are many factors that cause difficulty in each student's interests, abilities, and learning styles, placing  Improving students’ confident in speaking.
speaking: 1.Inhibition, students are worried about making mistakes, fearful the teacher as a facilitator of learning.  Knowing the students’ speaking level.
of criticism, or simply shy. 2.Nothing to say, students have no motive to What are the methods?  Improving students’ creativity through vlogging.
express themselves. 3.Low or uneven participation, Only one participant According to Haycraft (1978:36), after presentation and  Students are more having fun to speak English
can talk at a time because of large classes and the tendency of some explanation of the new structure, students may used controlled
learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. 4.Mother- practice in saying useful and correct sentence patterns in
tongue use, Learners who share the same mother tongue tend to use it combination with appropriate vocabulary. 8 Challenging
because it is easier and because learners feel less exposed if they are The teaching method which can be used sequentially while
speaking their mother tongue. using Elsa – Vlog are:  No internet or slow connection influences the
1. Lecturing or teacher talks, the teacher gives some apps’s work.
3 Objective
important material or guidance.  Not all the students have gadget or smart phone.
The objective of this poster is to introduce an alternative pedagogical 2. Practice drills, the students repeat what the teacher said  Cannot know our spelling errors in Elsa apps
approach which can improve the students’ speaking skills, motivation and continuosly. when we pass the previous level just know the
make the teaching learning atmosphere more interesting. 3. Direct Instruction, the teacher gives some direction to the written correction.
students what to do in the class and in the home.
4 The Way of Thinking 10 References
4. Independent study, the students learn by their own self by
 According to Piaget (1936) children’s understanding ways of doing and using Elsa Speak : English Accent Coach. Al, Hosni Samira. (2014). Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL
Learners. International Journal on Studies in English Language and
thinking are based on the different level of their development. The level of the What are the strategies? Literature (IJSELL) Volume 2, Issue 6, June2014, PP 22-30.
students’ cognitive development in this method is the formal operational Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms. Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas.
New York:Basic books.
stage (11 years above) because in this stage, the students develop their The strategies which can be used are: Piaget J. (2001). The Psychology of Intelligence.London:Routledge.
ability to think and systematically explore logical alternatives. Explicit Instruction, drilling, simulation, games, and discussion. Piaget, J. (1936). Origins of intelligence in the child. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul
 Papert (1991) stated that projecting out our inner feelings and ideas is a key 6 Teacher – Students Relationship Rakhmania and Diah.(2017).The Effectiveness of Videoblogging in Teaching
Speaking Viewed from Students’ Learning Motivation.Universitas
to learning. Expressing ideas makes them tangible and shareable, it helps us Prof.Dr. Haizirin
communicate with others through our expression. The students is an active learners and the teacher’s Saputra, C.(2017).Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan
Aplikasi Elsa Speak terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Berbicara Bahasa
intervention is necessary. It was promoted by Vygotsky Inggris.Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(1978) students and teacher are both active agents in the Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge
process of students’ development. The teacher’s intervention University Press.
Conclusion in the students learning is necessary.
Vygotskii, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher mental
processes.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Zhang, S. (2009).. EngliThe role of input, interaction, and output in the
There are several ways to improve students’ speaking skill and motivation: First is knowing the level of speaking, if we know the level of our speaking we can developmentof oral fluencysh Language Teaching,2(4),91–100.
decide from what part we must learn. Second, try to practice and don’t be shy to speak in English because the main point in learning a language is to Funding Source:
communicate and use it in the daily life. Elsa – Vlog is the effective ways to improve your English speaking skill and motivation by practicing and the directly First Person
Second Contributor

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