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The self-concept is represented by
several aspects of the self. It is
conceived as collection of multiple,
context- dependent selves. A deeper
looks look on the different aspects of
self can identify specific areas for self-
regulation, stability and improvement.
In a nutshell, an individual is
composed of three basic but very
different aspects. They are the
physical or tangible aspects as they
relate to the body, the intellectual and
conscious aspects as they relate to the
mind, and the emotional and intuitive
Aspects as they relate to the spirit. All
three aspects of the self work together
in perfect harmony when attention is
paid to all three simultaneously.
Many individuals put strong emphasis
on the physical aspect of the self.
The body provides a place to house the
spirit ( often experience as feelings)
and the mind ( often experienced as
The mind is important, as it is the part
of the self that directs the other two
The mind learns what to do and
communicates the information to the
body and the feelings. What the minds
believes, the body manifest or acts on
And the emotions feel or responds
The human emotions are the most
feared aspect of the self, as individuals
are reluctant and unprepared to
manage them.
Managing feelings is like trying to hold
water in the palm of your hand. They
are illusive and deceptive.
A decision made under emotional
stress and strain usually impacts
emotions negatively.
Negative emotions that are not
managed are stored and repressed.
Repression is destructive to a content
self since all feelings, not only negative
ones are stored away.
Example.. A girl realizes that she is
giving much attention on the physical
aspect and less attention on her
intellectual self in this way, she can
discover how much money and time
spent maintaining her physique and
its consequences in her grades.
By this honest evaluation of herself,
she can plan effective actions to
improve her study habits. She can
start seeking for help and related
books to read or browse article to help
her improve her study habits.
Success story
1. Can you identify the character in
the video?
2. What lessons can you learn from
the character?
3. How would you like your life story
to be told?
By this honest evaluation of herself,
she can plan effective actions to
improve her study habits. She can
start seeking for help and related
books to read or browse article to help
her improve her study habits.
A REAL WINNER.. Is one who
is able to…

• Win over battles and difficulties in

life and turns them into a learning
• Find meaning in pleasant and
unpleasant events in life.
A REAL WINNER.. Is one who
is able to…
• Discover and use opportunities to
his best advantage ;
• Develop and use talents abilities to
the best advantage and in so doing,
make meaningful contribution in
making this world a better place to
live in.
Recipe for success with reflection

Now make your personal recipe for

achieving personal goals. Identify
your goal ( you may refer to the
previous lesson of aspects of self
inspired by success story.) BE
Recipe for success
1 teaspoon of ideas
1 pinch of positivity
1lb of leadership
1 cup of market vision
½ cup of good will
¾ cup of imagination

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