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National University of Management

Professor : Tan Saroeun

Research Proposal
Topic: The Effective of Motivation staff and
job performance of Kubota Leasing
(Cambodia) PLC.

Presenter : Hang Veasna

Classroom: B2
National University of Management
1.1 Background of the problem

• Kubota Leasing (Cambodia) PLC is subsidiary from Siam Kubota Corporation Co., Ltd
and Kubota Leasing (Cambodia) PLC is establishment on 2017. Kubota Leasing
(Cambodia) PLC is financing leader for agricultural machinery to support Siam Kubota
Corporation Co., Ltd sale through service excellence under good governance to sustainably
improved livelihood of agricultural community in Cambodia.
• Human resource management is well-adjusted, trained, and experienced people to perform
its activities. However, it has been argued that these inputs will not produce, or produce
less, or produce outcomes poorly if there is a lack of workforce to control and manage
these resources.
• Human labor has been viewed as an important element in the whole system because only
with such workforce, the organization can lead to produce the expected results.
National University of Management

1.2 Problem Statement

• Motivation is playing in importance role to achieve the organization’s objective for

increasing and maintaining the organization’s productivity.

• Some areas the organization of motivation level go in opposite direction, resulting

differences in the employees’ degree of satisfaction, thus placing motivational
initiatives in limitation, or in other cases the motivation strategies are not implemented
in the right time and condition.

• As the result, the employees working in this company may feel demotivated which
lead to low work performance and job satisfaction
National University of Management

1.3 Research Questions

• The main purpose of this study aims to define the main research questions and focus

on what are the strategies to motivate employees have been working for Kubota Leasing

(Cambodia) Plc.

1. What are fair treatment and employee’s benefits to improve the job performance and

job satisfaction?

2. What is motivation and how are its different forms related?

3. What is the importance of employee performance and how can it be measured?

4. How do the different forms of motivation influence employee performance?

National University of Management

2. Objective of study

The purposes of the study to find out the benefits of staff motivation that

Kubota Leasing (Cambodia) Plc used to motivation their employees to

improve job performance and job satisfaction, Therefore the research is detail

on the relationship between employee motivation and employees’ job

satisfaction and to provide organizations and managers useful information on

this research topic. The answers to all research questions will be based on

literature research. The results of this thesis may lead to empirical research on

the relationship between employee motivations.

National University of Management

3. Signification of study

The research paper seeks to study and understand the reason why Kubota leasing needs

to have motivation staff. Human resource management which motivations are the

significant differences currently in relation of importance of employees and employees

are very necessary and exclusive resources to all organizations. As the result of this

study could be profitable for me to understand effective and efficient of Kubota

Leasing (Cambodia) Plc, it also experience or lesson for the people working in another

organization or company yet clearly about benefit of staff motivation.

National University of Management

4. Literature Review

4.1 Introduction

The core of this section defines and briefly explains the motivation which affective

to staff performance and job satisfaction. The word motivation come from the

motive which mean desired, needs, or wants to create willingness amongst the

employees to perform in best of their abilities. In every employees, motivation

maybe become outside factor (extrinsic) such as reward, compensation and inside

factor (intrinsic) such as individual purpose.

National University of Management

4. Literature Review

4.1 Introduction (Cont’s)

Job performance is the assessment of whether an employee has done their job

well. It’s an individual evaluation, one measured based on a single person’s effort.

Human resource department will usually manage the assessment, but job

performance is a hugely important process to the entire company’s success.

National University of Management

4.2 Definition of Key Term

Key Term Meanings Citation

Motivation Need, desired, wants Robert Dubin (1970)

Job Satisfaction feeling of fulfilment, enjoyment of work Spector, P.E. (1997)

Intrinsic motivation Purpose, satisfaction and mastery Ryan, Richard M.; Deci,
Edward L. (2000)

Extrinsic motivation External, something got from external reward, Ryan, Richard M.; Deci,
compensation Edward L. (2000)
Job performance performs a job well, outcome of job Campbell, J. P. (1990)
National University of Management

4.3 Literature Review

All of enterprises, motivation and training play a key role in driving employees to

achieve the goals, enterprises goal and dream come true to enterprises’ employees.

Motivation concepts were mainly development around 1950’s. Four main theories

was made during this time and these Four theories are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

theory, Herzberg’s Two factor theory, Theory X and Theory Y, and Goal Setting

Theory .
National University of Management

4.3.1 Motivation of Performance

The process of motivation would also be shown in different ways but in

a parallel concept. Some sample types of motivation process are shown

as below:

Sample 1:

• Unsatisfied need => Tension => Drives => Search Behavior =>

Satisfied needs => Reduction of tension => new unsatisfied needs.

National University of Management
4.3.2 Motivating of Performance
The effective motivations, management must know what behaviors employer want to

motivate employees. Moreover, productive people appear to do a limitless number of things

and motivation theory seeks to explain about why employees motivated by satisfy with

employees’ job. The follow content of theories indicate the kind of needs-basis theories of

employee want to satisfy.

Maslow's need hierarchy of needs theory

Maslow's need hierarchy of needs theory is one of most well-known motivation. Abraham

Maslow theories are bases on the assumption that there is hierarchy of five needs each

National University of Management
4.3.2 Motivating of Performance
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation, also known as Motivation-Hygiene, form the

study conducted among accountants and engineers to describe situation what make
employees feel good or bad about employees’ job.
Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor, “The Human side of Enterprise” states that people inside the organization can be
managed in two models categorize employee’s behavior at work. The first one of which
negative call Theory X and other one is positive call Theory Y.
Goal Setting Theory of Motivation
Edwin Locke (1960’s), Goal setting Theory of Motivation is essentially linked to task
performance. Goal is a major source of motivation, and setting specific and difficult goals
with feedback lead to higher performance. Basically, goal can tell employees what need to be
done and how much effort employees need to put on in order to reach it.
National University of Management

4.4 Conceptual Framework

Employee Motivation Job Performance

(IV) (DV)

- Salaries Increasing
- Bonus
- Leave
- Insurance
- Other benefit
National University of Management

5. Hypothesis

• Ho: Employee motivation does not have any effect on job

performance of organization.

• Ha: The employee motivation have an effect on job

performance of organization.
National University of Management
6. Research Design
6.1 Sample size and Sampling Designs

The populations from Kubota Leasing (Cambodia) Plc are selected as

respondents in this research. The convenience sampling technique is used in the
survey by drawing the samples from interviews, as the result, 80 respondents are
selected from the population size 100 with 95 percent of confidence level.

𝑁 n= sample size
1+𝑁 𝑒 2 N= Population size
e= Margin of error
= = 80
National University of Management
6. Research Design
6.2 Source of Data

The method is used for data collection for this survey is the questionnaires. Therefore,

requirement of data sources for doing this research are the primary data and primary data

are collected by interviewing employees who are working in Kubota leasing (Cambodia)

Plc. The researcher uses the secondary data for writing the literature review to complete

the research report.

National University of Management

6.3 Statistical Tools

This section entails the analysis and interpretation of data, which are

collected from the questionnaires. The data is computed in the Data

Analysis of SPSS software in order to determine their variables.

Therefore, those data were evaluated in the Regression and T-test

Models, and prepared them into the tabulation of frequency and

percentage to test the research based on the subjective and statistical

analysis and evaluation of the result.

National University of Management

7. Validity of Research Instrument

The research instrument was made by depending on research problem, kind of statistical
tools and statistical scales including normal scales, interval scale. The nominal scale
calculates for identifying respondents, and interval scale calculates mean and regression.
Each items of questionnaire were refined by using content validity and predicted validity.

8. Data Collection Technique

For Kubota Leasing (Cambodia) Plc respondents, the gathering data are interviewing
with fact to fact by questionnaires and sent email questionnaires to all employees.
National University of Management

9. Scope and Limitation of Research

9.1 Scope of Research

Referring the time scope, the research study will perform only the Kubota leasing

(Cambodia) Plc by interview on 100 alumni who are working for the company in head

office of Phnom Penh.

9.2 Limitation of Research

The research will focus on motivation issue of Kubota leasing (Cambodia) Plc such job

satisfaction, and work performance of employees.

National University of Management

10. Reliability of Research Instrument

Variables Items Cron. Alpha Interpretation

H1: Salaries Increasing >.70 good

H2: Bonus >.70 good

H3: Leave >.70 good

H4: Insurance and Other benefit >.70 good

National University of Management

11. Data Analysis

11.1. Respondents Profile

Age, Gender, Skills, Incomes, Rank, Education, Work

experience. etc.

Statistics: Frequency, Percent, Table, Graph …etc.

National University of Management
1.2 Data Analysis
Standard Deviation
• S: Variance
• (x-x̅) : Mean of a set of data
• N: Total of subject
T-Test Calculation
•Where: x1 is the mean of sample 1
•s1 is the standard deviation of
sample 1
•n1 is the sample size of sample 1
•x2 is the mean of sample 2
•s2 is the standard deviation of
sample 2
•n2 is the sample size in sample 2
National University of Management

12. Schedule of Activities

N Activities Nov Dec. Jan. Feb.

1 Collecting data

2 Insert data in program SPSS

3 Data analysis and interpretation

4 Literature Review

5 Develop each chapter

6 Chapters progressive

7 Final correction
National University of Management

13. Work Plan

Chapter I Introduction

1.1. Statement of the problem

1.2. Objectives of the study

1.5. Significance of the Study

1.6. Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.7. Plan of Work
National University of Management
Chapter II Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
2.1. Conceptual Framework
2.3. Review
2.3.1. Conceptual Review
2.3.2. Empirical Review
2.4. Synthesis
2.5. Conclusion
Chapter III Methodology
3.1. Research Design
3.1.1. Determination of Sample Size
3.1.2. Sampling Design and Technique
3.2. The Research Instruments
3.2.1. Validation of the Research Instruments
3.3. Data Gathering Procedure
3.4. Data Processing Method
3.5. Statistical Treatment
National University of Management
Chapter IV Existing policies in the organization
4.1. Historical organization
4.2. Structure of the organization
4.3. Other problem related to the research problem
Chapter V Data Process and Data Analysis
5.1. Reliability of Items
(5.2. Assumption, for multiple regressions)
5.2. Data Analysis
5.3. Test Hypothesis
Chapter VI Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1. Findings Summary
6.2. Conclusion
6.3. Recommendation
6.4. Future Research
National University of Management

- Fundamental of human resource management 10 edition, DAVID
- https://www.managementstudyguide.com
- http://users.dickinson.edu/~jin/motivation.html
- http://courses.washington.edu/inde495/lece.htm
- http://consumerbehaviour4vtu.blogspot.com/2009/03/motivation.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivation
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