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Scientists have proven that we form our first impression

about someone within the first 7 seconds of meeting them,

and 55% of the first impression is based on appearance. Pay
attention to common things you should avoid not to ruin the
Whether we like it or not people do judge books by its cover and
remember they do it in 7 seconds eye on you .

you cant say much during this time but people make assumptions
infact 55% based on appearance .

so we need to be more conservative be polished no ton of make up

or perfume just look neat and put together.
Eye contact has the powerful charisma .

Join eye contact seems more confidence in conversation ,

attractive, intelligent and trustworthy.

People that avoid eye contact are viewed as less sincere and
even unattractive.

It does not mean you have to stare people down to look


Just don’t forget to lock with people

Psychologist william F. Chaplin found that
people with a weak handshake are instantly
judged as being shy, anxious, uninterested, or
even completely incompetent.
If you wanna give the right
impression of confidence
and capability, remember to
grip the other person’s hand
firmly and for no longer than
2 seconds. -
Never keep them in your pockets
because this gives the impression that
you’re hiding something. Put your hands on your lap if you want

If you place your hands on the table,

don’t squeeze them too tight or lay them
flat with your palms down. This makes
people feel like you want to control them
Imagine talking to someone who is chewing gum its annoying right.
Now sum up this irritable situation in formal behaviour
Chewing on gum makes you look
immature, self-centered, and
somewhat low-brow.
Statics shows that average women touches her hair 18 times a day.

That’s ok if your are fixing it them in mirror.

But if you play with your hair while talking to them it will give wrong
message .(they might think you are flirting with them )

Looks unconfident ,anxious uncomfortable ,undesirable in official situation

The space between you and another person depends on your relationship and the
situation .

Ist time keep atleast 2 feet between the two .

If you stand too close it may seems aggressive if two far away seems uninterested
find a happy median and stick to it.
We always in a room where someone constantly tap their foots or fingers or drum their
pen on the desk .

If you are doing this you are not only annoying them you also giving wrong impression
about you.

Tapping can indicate nervousness, irritation or impatience .

In the age of media 24*7 access to internet we became addicted to our gadgets .

Infact a serve shows that a average person checks their phones 110 times .

If you are doing it its extremely impolite during conversation .

A person gets impression that they are boring you and you seems to have better things to

Phone on the table next to you reduces the conversation quality and participants
engagement .so put it
Probably the most embarrassing thing to do .when you forget their name
and specially embarrassing if they remember yours
Fashionably late but when it comes to the meeting.

Running late to the meeting will shed guaranteed negative light on you.

It will make you unreliable, unorganised person that doesn’t value their time nothing good
about that.

So if you don’t want that mess people look at you

Don’t be late its that easy

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