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Course : CB Pancasila

Effective Period : September 2016

Pancasila in National History

Session 03

Student will be able to explain the history of

the birth of Pancasila


• Soekarno: “Never forget your history”.

• Cicero (106-43): Historia Vitae Magistra = A history
teaches the wisdom.
• The values ​of Pancasila born from the culture of the
Indonesia nation
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• The Pre-Independence of Indonesia

On the first meeting of BPUPKI, May the 29th 1945,

Muhammad Yamin gave a speech on the foundation of state of

He stated about nationalism, (peri Kebangsaan), humanity

(peri Kemanusiaan), Almighty God Principle (peri ketuhanan),
Democracy (peri Kerakyatan), and Social Justice
(kesejahteraan rakyat)
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• The Pre-Independence of Indonesia

On 1 June 1945, Ir. Soerkarno also presented five common

principles, known as Pancasila.

He introduced the nationalism (Kebangsaan Indonesia),

Internationalism (Peri Kemanusiaan), democracy (musyawarah
dan mufakat), social justice (kesejahteraan sosial) and belief in
God (Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa)
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• Pancasila in the era of Independence of


Final formula of Pancasila at the meeting of PPKI on

August 18, 1945;

1. Belief in God Almighty

2. Just and Civilized Humanity
3. The Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberation of
5. Social Justice for all Indonesian people
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• Pancasila in the Old Order ruled

1. Separation movement based on sectarian sentiment.

2. Guided democracy; return to the 1945 constitution which
strong tendency to the presidency authoritarian
3. The 30 September 1965 Movement
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• Pancasila in the New Order Government

Presidential decree no. 12, 1968:

1. Belief in God Almighty

2. Just and Civilized Humanity
3. The Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberation of
5. Social Justice for all Indonesian people

The new order assumed that any attempt to change the values of Pancasila was meant to change the
Indonesian Republic itself
New Order government become authoritarian regime.
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• Pancasila in the New Order Government

Presidential decree no. 12, 1968:

1. Belief in God Almighty

2. Just and Civilized Humanity
3. The Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberation of
5. Social Justice for all Indonesian people

The new order assumed that any attempt to change the values of Pancasila was meant to change the
Indonesian Republic itself
New Order government become authoritarian regime.
The History of the Birth of Pancasila

• Pancasila after New Order Government/

Reformation Era

 Social conflict based on sectarian sentiment

 Corruption
 Rethinking to socialization and internalization the
values of Pancasila

Let's see how the challenge to

the Pancasila in every period
of the history of the nation of
Indonesia ?
Question and Answer


• Tim Penulis CB: Pancasila (2014). Diktat Kuliah

Character Building: Pancasila. Jakarta: Binus
University: CBDC
• Materi Ajar Matakuliah Pendidikan Pancasila (2013).
Buku Modul Kuliah Pancasila oleh Direktorat
Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Direktorat Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi Depdiknas , Kementerian Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan RI.
• Lahirnya Pancasila:
• Gambar Learning Objective:
• Gambar Soekarno: penasoekarno.files.wordpress.com

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