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Dishman’s Classroom Policies and Procedures

dismissal procedures

• I will ALWAYS dismiss you.

• Please do not stand by the door of the classroom until the bell rings.
• HELP each other put supplies away.
• Push in your chair. 6th hour stacks ALL chairs in order to be dismissed.
• Please keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
• Remember this is your time to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water.

going to the bathroom and getting a drink

• If you need to go to the bathroom, you need to go during passing periods.

• You CAN NOT go when I am teaching.
• Only one student can use the bathroom at a time, and you MUST have
your agenda filled out to do so.

coming into the classroom

 Read the agenda on the board. Unless there is a new seating

arrangement, your agenda will always be on the board!
 Put your cellphone into the pocket organizer. If a cellphone is seen or
heard and is NOT in the pocket, it will be confiscated and turned into the
office. If you do not wish to put it into the pocket, KEEP IT IN YOUR LOCKER.
 This is your responsibility, and the steps that I have outlined here should be a
forewarning for any future detentions or issues that should arise in the event
of cellphone usage in class.

classroom boundaries
This classroom is OUR classroom, but there are areas that need to be off
limits to students so that I can teach effectively, you can be safe, you can
learn, and this is my second home. Please:
• DO NOT go behind my desk. Unless you want me to go through
your personal items, I would hope you understand my reasoning.
• DO NOT write on the board with my markers.
• DO NOT “borrow” any of my supplies. I am willing to share, but I will
get it for you. Please just ask if you need something and I will help
• DO NOT put your feet/shoes on any of the furniture
absentee policy
• When absent, you get one day to make-up work for every day you’re
• If you are absent, your work will be in the absent bin. Please select the
correct days you were absent.
• Your name will be on the paper you need to make-up, and you will need
to borrow a classmate’s or my notebooks to catch-up.
• Tests, quizzes, and other assignments can be made-up during BLUE Time or
classroom hours. I may be available after school of you ask.
• It’s the students’ responsibility to get his or her makeup work (before the
excused absence), or on the day immediately following an absence.
• Anything absent work not turned in beyond the allotted days results in a

tardy policy

• You can be late if you really like detentions, so make the right choices and
figure out what works for you to get to class on time.

• Most of the social studies textbooks are in terrible condition. Please be
mindful that once a textbook is lost or destroyed, it cannot be replaced.
We do not have the funds or the ability to purchase new ones at this time.
• Spiral notebooks should be brought to class daily
• Pencils may be lent out to me in exchange for something of value by the
student. Shoes and cell phones are always accepted.
• It is your responsibility to bring your work to class and home for homework. If
you leave something in your locker, you need to fill out a pass in order to
get it.

emergencies and/or alarms

• Line up at the door. My classes have routinely been incredible at remaining

silent and I would like to keep it this way
• For Fire drills and fire alarms, we will go out my door, make a left and walk
towards the main office. We then cross the parking lot in single file in
• For an emergency situation, we will walk to a safe location. Listen to
teacher for instructions on where to go.
• Again, in these situations, we need to walk in a single file line, without
talking, and listening for teachers instructions.
taking care of classroom supplies
• I purchase all of my own classroom supplies. This includes:
1. Pencils
2. Colored Pencils
3. Markers
4. Crayons
5. Scissors
6. Lined Paper
7. Glue Sticks
8. Rulers
9. Folders
10. White Board Markers
11. MISC
• It is incredibly disrespectful when students destroy or chose to treat my supplies like
they are disposable. If a student opts to abuse my supplies, they will be asked to bring
their own and will not longer have access to mine.
sharpening pencils
• I highly recommend mechanical pencils, but if you need to sharpen your pencil,
please do so at the start of class when you get your materials.
• You CAN NOT sharpen a pencil when I am teaching. If for some reason, you HAVE
to sharpen a pencil (i.e. Ms. Dishman is teaching and you were taking notes, and
you broke a pencil) please just raise your hand and ask politely, and I will stop so
you can sharpen it.

questions, concerns, requests, or if you need help

• Please raise your hand, especially if I am teaching, and ask politely.
• Do not interrupt me when I am helping a student unless it is an

turning in notebooks, papers and assignments

• In general, I will tell you how I want assignment turned in.
• If something is late, you are tardy, and/or absent then turn them into
• Make sure you have attached the appropriate form to turn in this type of
classroom library

• Checking Out Books: I have begun to invest a lot of time and money into my classroom
library. I want you to read, so we have to take care of our classroom library so that I
can use the books for years to come.
• You may check out 1 book at a time.
• You must sign out on the clipboard.
• I will initial and sign your book back in when it is returned.
Social Studies Expectations
• I have high expectations of you as readers and writers. There will be times where I ask
you to redo work or add to it. It is not acceptable to say you’re content with
unacceptable work.
• High expectations will be especially important as you progress into higher education
and in your future careers. Most of the information you obtain is a result of “soft skills”
you develop. This includes, but is not limited to, time management, social skills, critical
thinking, flexibility, desire to learn, conflict resolution, honesty and patience.

cell phones
• Cell phones should stay in your locker, unless I give you permission to use it.
• If you need to use your cell phone, then ask me. If I say no, please respect that.
• If you chose to bring your cell phone to class, you must put it into my pocket organizer.
• There will be no tolerance for cell phones being out at any time without permission. A
cell phone that is caught in use, or on a student during class will have it confiscated
and turned into the office. Consider this fair warning to any future disputes about my
classroom rules and procedures.

miscellaneous procedures
• Knock on the door. Please allow me to get the door or please wait until I instruct
someone to answer. This is to ensure the safety of students in the classroom.
• Telephone rings: Please allow me to answer the phone, unless I tell you to answer. If I
instruct you to answer, then please say, “Ms. Dishman’s room, student speaking.”
• Please be respectful and absolutely silent when I am on the phone.
• Countdown from 5: When I need your attention I will count down from 5. Once I get to
the number 1, you should have your voice off, you should be facing me, and listening
to instructions.

miscellaneous procedures continued

• Walking in the hall during class time: Be respectful of other classes. Especially during
• Visitors are in the room: When visitors are in the room, please work like you normally
would (maybe better!). If they ask you something, respond respectfully and be helpful if
they need it.
• Say Please and Thank You: This goes a long way in any classroom, and in life! Even if I
just pass out a paper, or a classmate hands you something, I expect you to say please
and thank you.
• Respect: Talking when the teacher is talking, a fellow student, or guest is unacceptable
and disrespectful. Consequences of being disrespectful can lead to a seat change, a
phone call home, a lunch detention, or even a referral. I determine was is and isn’t
respectful. What may be accepted in your home or with your friends, is not always what
I accept in my classroom or at school.

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