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• A chess is a recreational game but also a sport,
which is played on a board. This game is one of
the most, if not the most popular and well-known
among board games all over the world, being
considered a strategy and intelligence game, and a
good player must already advance what the
moves his opponent will make.
•Chess is one of the oldest pastimes in the
world. It is a game of planning,
temperament, and being able to adapt each
changing situation.
• According to H. J. R. Murry author of the book, “A history of
Chess”, in 1913. the history of chess can be traced around 1500
years; started on the North of India and then spread throughout
the Asian.
• Chess made its way via the expanding Islamic Arabian empire to
• The rules of chess changed numerous times until the 1880’s (the
romantic era of chess.)
Through series of invasions, chess quickly spread throughout all of Europe.
Europeans gave chess pieces the names we know today, to reflect the way they
lived. The names represent the way in which both ordinary people and persons
of rank lived their lives.

• The first official World Chess championship was hosted in 1886.

William Steinitz became the first official world chess champion in
1886, Austrian-American chess master who is considered to have been the
world champion longer than any other player, winning the championship longer
than any other player, winning the championship in 1886 from Adolf Anderssen
(although the first official claim to hold the title was not made until 1886) and
losing it in 1894 to Emmanuel Lasker.
• The game of Chess aims to give the “mate” in the king of the opponent player.
This happens in the following situations:
1. The king cannot move to any house(they are all in the attack line of the
opponent’s pieces)
2. No part can stand in front and protect the King.
3. The piece you are attacking cannot be captured; if any of these conditions
arise, then the “mate” or “checkmate” will occur and the game ends, winning
the player who applied the “mate”.
When a player moves a piece to a square on which it attacks
the enemy king that is, a square from which it could capture the king
if the king is not shielded or moved the king is said to be in check.
The game is won when one king is in check and cannot avoid capture
on the next move; this is called checkmate. A game also can end
when a player, believing the situation to be hopeless, acknowledges
defeat by resigning.
There are three possible results in chess: win, lose, or draw. There are six ways a
draw can come about:
1. By mutual consent,
2. When neither player has enough pieces to deliver checkmate
3. When one player can check the enemy king endlessly (perpetual check)
4. When a player who is not in check has no legal move (stalemate)
5. When an identical position occurs three times with the same player having
the right to move, and
6. When no piece has been captured and no pawn has been moved within a
period of 50 moves
In competitive events, a victory is scored as one point, a draw as half a point, and
a loss as no points.
• Chess is played on a board of 64 squares arranged in eight vertical rows called files
and eight horizontal rows called ranks. These squares alternate between two colours:
one light, such as white, beige, or yellow; and the other dark, such as black or green,
The board is set between the two opponents so that each player has a light-colored
square at the right-hand corner.

PAWN- shortest of all, there are 8 pawns in each set. The pawns may move one or two
spaces forward In their first move, and one space forward in their subsequent moves. A
pawn can move to the space diagonally forward on the left or the right, but only to kill a
piece of the opposing player.
ROOKS- (2 pieces) There are 2 rooks in a set of chess pieces. The rook is the piece
which looks like a castle, and in some parts of the world is also known as a castle. It can
move any number of horizontal or vertical steps till it reaches the end of the board or
kills a piece of the opposing player.
KNIGHTS- (2 pieces) there are two knights in every team in chess. A knight is
a piece which is represented by the head and neck of a horse. The knight can
move two and a half steps in any direction. This means that it may move two
spaces in any direction and one step sideways, each time.

BISHOPS- (2 pieces) the bishops are also known as the camels. There are two
bishops in each team of chess. They look like minarets and have a pointed top. A
bishop can move any number of steps diagonally in any direction till the end of
the board or till it kills a piece of the opponent’s army. This makes the queen one
of the most lethal pieces in the set.
• QUEEN- (1 piece) T he Queen is the most second best tallest piece in the
world set. Unlike the king, it does not have a cross on the top. The queen can
move any number of spaces in any direction till it reaches the end of the board
or till it kills a piece of the opponent’s army. This makes the queen one of the
most lethal pieces in the set.

• KING- (1 piece) The tallest piece in the set is called the king. It has a cross at
the top. It is the most crucial piece in the set of chess pieces, as the games is
over once the king dies. The king can move only one step in any direction at a
time.The term ‘check’ is used when the king is in danger.

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