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 Set of commands that computer can obey.

 Machine codes are generated from instruction

 Very simple to code
 The instruction is the binary pattern designed
inside in microprocessor to perform specific
 The entire group of instructions that a
microprocessor support is called instruction
 Each instruction is represented by an 8-bit
binary value.
 8085 has 74 basic instructions form total 246
 Instruction set specifies set of operations e.g.
ADD, SUBTRACT, JUMP and Addressing
Modes etc
 Opcode is the short of Operational code
which is a single instruction tells
microprocessor what to do with the variable
or data written beside it. e.g MOV,ADD,JUM
 Operand is that variable that store data (data
can be memory address or any data that we
want to process) e.g MOV A,B here MOV is
Opcode and A,B are operand.
 On the basis of operation instruction sets are
divided into five groups.
1. Data transfer instructions
2. Arithmetic instructions
3. Logical instructions
4. Branch instructions
5. Control instructions
 This instruction is used to transfer data form
register to another register, form memory to
register or register to memory.
 These instructions on copy data from source
to destination and does not alter it data of
 E.g MOV,LXI,LDA,STA etc.
 The basic MOV instruction is used to transfer
data between registers, between and memory
locations, or to have a number directly to a
register or memory location.
 Syntax MOV Destination, Source.
 Example of MOV Rd ,Rs
 MOV A,B where initially A=10H , B=20H
 After the execution A=20H, and B=20H
 From the above result we notes that the
contents or data of register B is copied in
register A without altering the contents of B.
 Addressing mode is register and flag is not
affected because no any arithmetic operation
is being performed its just copying of
contents of one register to another.
MOV Rd, M (Move data from Memory to Rd).
MOV C,M. Move the content of Memory i.e. “H or L”
to C.
Suppose the Data at memory pointed By HL pair at
C200H is 10H.
Initially After execution
H=C2,L=00,C=30H H=C2,L=00,C=10H.
Flags Affected :No flags affected.
Addressing mode: Indirect.
 MVI is short of move immediate
 This instruction is used in 8085 to store 8-bit
in the destination register or memory.
 Syntax MVI Destination, Data.


MVI Rd , Data Move immediate 8-bit
M, Data Move immediate 8-bit
 Example of MVI Rd ,Data
 MVI A,11H where A=40H and data is 11H
 After the execution of this instruction 8-bit
data is stored in the register A and it becomes
A=11H it does not effect data.
 Flag remains unaffected and addressing mode
is immediate.
 LXI stand load register immediate
 This instruction used to load 16-bit data in
register pair e.g HL, SP etc.
 Syntax LXI register pair, 16-bit data
 Example LXI SP,2300H
 Initially SP=2200H and after 2300H
 Addressing mode=immediate

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