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Advance organizer
What is an Advance
An advance organizer is a tool used to introduce the
lesson topic and illustrate the relationship between
what the students are about to learn and the
information they have already learned. They are used
during expository instruction, which is the use of an
expert to present information in a way that makes it
easy for students to make connections from one
concept to the next.
-Are used to present information so that you can
understand and remember information you are
three basic purposes of Advance Organizer
1. They direct students' attention to what is important
in the upcoming lesson.

2. They highlight relationships among ideas that will

be presented

3. They remind students of relevant information that

they already have.
1. kwl chart
- a type of advance organizer that can be
used at any age and for any subject
This particular chart has three steps:

1. What the learner already knows about

the subject matter

2. What the learner wants to know about

the subject matter

3. What the learner learned

1. kwl chart
This particular chart has three steps:

1. What the learner already knows about

the subject matter

2. What the learner wants to know about

the subject matter

3. What the learner learned

2. venn diagram
-used to identify the differences and similarities between two or three
ideas/concepts. It consists two or three overlapping circles.
3. analogy
-It is used when teaching new concepts to the class. It is easier to
understand new ideas if you compare them to concepts they are already
familiar with.
4. flowchart
-It is a Visual display of the sequence of a list of ideas. Various symbols can
be used to illustrate things such as direction of the flow or central points.
5. picture web
-A visual representation of a list of ideas or concepts.
6. story board
-Provides the scenes of a story.
7. cause and effect
This type of Graphic Organizer is used to help students identify the problem
and come up with possible solutions. It illustrates the problem solving
8. spider like map
It is like a spider web that has list of ideas and concepts
9. cycle
-used to indicate how concepts relate to each other when there is no
beginning or end (for example, lifecycle of caterpillar, butterfly, etc.)
10. fishbone
- Analyzing the ways in which different aspects of a problem or issue are
related. Can be used to organize the main topics to subtopics, or to analyze
the causes of something.
1. KWL Chart 6. storyboard
2. Venn diagram 7. Cause and effect
3. Analogy 8. Spider like map
4. flowchart 9. cycle
5. Picture web 10. fishbone
Activity time

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