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Tidal Tidal Energy
There are many ways to harness tidal
such as:
Tidal Turbines (most widely used)
Tidal Barrages
Tidal Lagoons
Tidal Fences
Tidal turbines
 Use similar
technology to wind
turbines, only it was
used underwater.
 The water currents
turn the turbines,
which in turn
activate a
generator that
produces electricity.
 The electricity
generated will be
carried by cable
and distributed on
the shore.
Tidal Barrages
1. Captures the potential energy
generated by the change in height (or
head) between high and low tides
2. As the tide comes in, water flows
through the dam into the basin. Then
when the tide stops the gates are
closed, which traps the water in the
3. As the tide goes out gates in the dam
which contain turbines are then opened
and the flowing water passes through
the turbines, thus generating energy.
Tidal Lagoons
• Similar to barrages
but have a much
lower cost and impact
on the environment.
• Self contained
structures cut off from
the rest of the sea.
• When the tide rises
the lagoon fills and
when it falls the water
is then released
through the turbines.
Tidal Fences
Tidal fences were
turbines that operate
like giant turnstiles.
Electricity is
generated when the
turbines are turned
by the tidal currents
that occur in coastal
How Tidal Energy Generates
Principle of Tidal Energy in Generating

The rise and fall of the sea level can power electric-generating equipment.

The equipment is turn from very slow motion to high motion of the tide to produce

Tidal barrages:
• built across suitable estuaries
• designed to extract energy from the rise and fall of the tides using turbines located
in water passages in the barrages.

Potential energy:
• due to the difference in water levels from high to low level across the barrages

Kinetic energy:
• potential energy is converted into kinetic energy in the form of fast moving water
passing through the turbines.
Turbine and generator:
• rotational kinetic energy is formed by the blades of the turbine, the spinning turbine
then driving a generator to produce electricity.
Figure 1 Working principle of tidal
Barrage Tidal System

Generating Electricity from the Tidal Turbines can make

electricity when the water turns their blades.

The simplest electricity generation system using tides is

known as an ebb generating system.

It uses a dam, known as a barrage, across an estuary.

Sluice gates on the barrage are opened to allow the tide to

flow into the estuary on the incoming high tides.

They are closed to prevent the water flowing back on the

outgoing tide (known as the ebb tide) except through the turbine

Two way generation systems, which generate electricity

on both the incoming and outgoing tides, are also possible.
Figure 2 Ebb generating system with a tubular turbine
The components of the barrage are as follows:

 Sluice Gates – these allow the seawater to fill behind the barrage when the tides produce
an adequate difference in the level of the water on opposite sides of the dam.
 Turbines – there are currently three types used to drive the power turbines.
 Power Generators – these can be submerged or built above the turbines driven by a
vertical or inclined shaft.
 Lock Gate – some of the dissenters are against barrages because it stops the passage of
ships up the river. A lock gate can facilitate this.
 Basin – the area behind the barrier, this can prove a recreation facility for sailing, fishing
and other water sports.
Tubular Turbine
 Tubular turbines are the turbines already commonly used in tidal power electricity
 Characteristics:
 The generator mounted directly on top of the turbine.
 It is mounted at a 45-degree angle from it.
 Advantage:
 The blades can be adjusted.
i. This means that they can be changed to meet electricity demand.
ii. Smaller blades will generate less power while larger blades will generate more power.
iii. This allows the turbine to run more efficiently, generating only the amount of power it
needs to without excessive wear and tear.

Figure 3 Tubular Turbine

Advantages Disadvantages
 Tides rise and fall every day in a very  Expensive to construct
consistent pattern.
 Limited construction locations
 Tidal energy does not require any fuel.
 It reduces the dependence upon fossil  Barrages may block outlets to open
fuels water. Although locks can be installed,
 Tidal energy is free, renewable, and this is often a slow and expensive
clean source of energy process.
 It produces clean electricity, with no
production of greenhouse gas or  Barrages affect fish migration and other
pollution. wildlife- many fish like salmon swim up
 Tidal energy generation and to the barrages and are killed by the
consumption creates no liquid or solid spinning turbines. Barrages may also
pollution destroy the habitat of the wildlife living
 Highly efficient resource (compared near it.
with coal and oil at 30%, tidal power
efficiency is about 80%)
 About 60 billion watts of energy from
tides can be used for electricity
 Tides are active 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year
 Tidal power is a renewable source of
Energy calculations
The energy available from barrage is dependent on the volume
of water. The potential energy contained in a volume of water

E=1/2 Apgh2
h is the vertical tidal range,
A is the horizontal area of the barrage basin,
ρ is the density of water = 1025 kg per cubic meter (seawater
varies between 1021 and 1030 kg per cubic meter) and
g is the acceleration due to the Earth's gravity = 9.81 meters
per second squared.
Let us assume that the tidal range of
tide at a particular place is 32 feet =
10 m (approx)
The surface of the tidal energy
harnessing plant is 9 km² (3 km × 3
km)= 3000 m × 3000 m = 9 × 106
Specific the
density of seaenergy
water =by
1025.18 kg/m3
these tidal.
Let us assume that the tidal range of tide
at a particular place is 32 feet = 10 m
The surface of the tidal energy harnessing
plant is 9 km² (3 km × 3 km)= 3000 m ×
3000 m = 9 × 106 m2
Specific density of sea water = 1025.18

Mass of the water = volume of water ×

specific gravity
= (area × tidal range) of water × mass
= (9 × 106 m2 × 10 m) × 1025.18 kg/m3
= 92 × 109 kg (approx)

Potential energy content of the water in

the basin at high tide = ½ × area ×
density × gravitational acceleration × tidal
range squared
= ½ × 9 × 106 m2 × 1025 kg/m3 × 9.81
m/s2 × (10 m)2
=4.5 × 1012 J (approx)
Representative tidal projects of the world

La Rance:

 The first tidal power plant (average tidal range 8 metres) was completed at the
mouth of the La Rance estuary on the Brittany coast of France in 1966.
 This 240 MW plant has been working successfully ever since and meets the
needs of the equivalent of a city of 300,000 people.
 It was intended to be the first of a series of French tidal power plants.
Annapolis Royal Jiangxia Power Station
 1984: The Annapolis Tidal Generating  Jiangxia power station is the largest tidal
Station, located in Annapolis Royal. power station in China and the third largest
 The 20 MW Annapolis station is one of tidal power station in the world,.
only three tidal power plants in the world  Operation for nearly 20 years.
and the only modern tidal plant in North  The first generator sets of 500kW started its
America. generation in1980.
 The station produce more than 30 million  The project was completed in 1985, which
kilowatt hours per year; enough to power was installed one set generator of 500kW,
4,000 homes. one set of 600kW and 3 sets of 700kW with
 The plant produces power twice a day the total capacity of 3.2MW.
depending on the tidal cycle.
 Waves are caused by the wind blowing over the surface
of the ocean.

 The wind blows with enough consistency and force to

provide continuous waves. There is tremendous energy
in the ocean waves.

 Wave power devices extract energy directly from the

surface motion of ocean waves or from pressure
fluctuations below the surface.
Concept of Wave
Wave Technology
 Main Types Of Wave Technologies
1) Floats, Buoys, Or Pitching Devices
To generate electricity using the rise and fall of
ocean swells to drive hydraulic pumps.

Buoys Pitching Devices Buoys

2) Oscillating water column (OWC)

• To generate electricity at the shore using the

rise and fall of water within a cylindrical shaft.
The rising water drives air out of the top of the
shaft, powering an air-driven turbine.
3) Pelamis Wave Energy Converter

• can be located either on or offshore.

How Does Wave Energy
Three methods are used to generate wave energy.

The Pelamis Wave Energy


System of floats/buoys

Oscillating Water Column (OWC)

Advantages of Wave
Disadvantages of Wave
1) The Pelamis Wave Energy
Do You Know?

•Pelamis is made up of
several metal cylinders
connected by hinges.

•Hydraulic motors drive

electrical generator to
produce electricity.

•The world’s first wave

energy farm is Portugal.
Itis a big, semi submerged and linked by hinged

Each unit consists of 4 sections.

Each sections has 3 generators and allow it to

produce 750 kw.

As the waves move up & down, so do the section

move up & down, hydraulic arms drive generators
that are located inside each section.

Power is then fed via under water cable to shore.


Do You Know?

•Buoys float on the

surface of the ocean.

•Movement waves
transformed from
mechanical energy to
electrical energy

•The wave energy

transmitted to shore by
power cable.
Buoys float on the surface of ocean anywhere
from a few hundred feet offshore to several

Inside the buoys, the movement of wave is

transformed from mechanical energy to electrical

Usuallyby the movement of water through a

pump/ electromagnetic converters.

The wave energy produced is transmitted to

shore by a power cable on the ocean floor.
Vertical Buoys
3) Oscillating Water Column (OWC)
•OWC is a form of
terminator in which water
enters through a
subsurface opening into a
chamber with air trapped
above it.

•The wave action causes

the captured water
column to move up and
down like a piston to
force air through an
opening connected to a
Tidal Energy Calculation

Work done by the water in flooding into or ebbing out of the dam

W = ½ pgAR2


W: Work done of tidal energy (J)

p: Density of seawater (1000 kg/m3)
g: Gravity (9.81 m/s2)
A: Area of basin
R: Tidal range (representing between high and low tidal levels)
Let’s try!

 A tidal-power barrage scheme has a basin area of 50 square

kilometres. The tidal range, R representing the di fference between
the high and low tide levels is 11.5 metres. The density of sea water
is 1000 kg/m3 and the acceleration of mass due to gravity is 9.81
m/s2. Calculate the total theoretical energy for each ebb or
flood tide.

Answer: 3.243 x 10^13 J

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