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Introduction to AI

AAPP002-4-2 Ver 1.0

Rete Algorithm
Topic & Structure of The Lesson


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Learning Outcomes

• At the end of this topic, You should be

able to
• Understand different steps involved in the
execution of Rete algorithm.
• Draw a Rete graph for a problem
• Solve a searching problem using Rete

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Key Terms You Must Be Able To
• If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the
following terms correctly in your assignments and exams:

• Rete algorithm

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Rete algorithm

• A pattern matching algorithm.

• Rete is another word used for net.
• If we have r rules with an average of p
premises and f facts then r*f^p
comparisons on each cycle to find rules to
be fired.

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Rete algorithm

Rete algorithm uses a data structure that enables fast search of

applicable rules. We shall consider it in two parts:

• knowledge representation,
• knowledge management (i.e. introduction of changes into the
knowledge base).

Any rule that is reachable in the Rete graph (see below) via
nonempty relation nodes can be fired.

Rete algorithm is used in JESS (Java Expert System Shell) and

its predecessor – CLIPS (both developed in NASA.)

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• For a knowledge base with 100 rules and
an average of 3 premises and 10 facts you
will have 100,000 comparisons per cycle.

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• Rete algorithm is based on the fact that only a
few facts are added, changed or removed at
every step in the process of inference.
• Instead of doing all these comparisons every
time only new facts added can be taken into
consideration which is the appraoch taken in
Rete algorithm.
• Rete looks for changes to match in each cycle.

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Inference Engine
Facts Rules

Pattern Matching

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• If two of the three premises of a rule are
satisfied in one cycle, there is no need to
check them again in the next cycle. Only
the third premise is of interest.
• The matching process is updated when
new facts are added or removed. This will
speed up the process of matching if the
number of new facts is small.

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• Information about the premises of each rule which are
satisfied (partial matches) must be stored.

• This information is called state information.

• Because of the need for memory space to store this

information, Rete is said to be memory intensive.

• Two networks called a pattern network and a join network are

used in Rete algorithm to store this information.

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Consider the following rule
of (animal-type color size hair-length name)
Rule 1: If ((cat ?c small ?h ?n1)
(dog ?c ?q medium ?n2)
(cat ?c large ?h ?n3)
(dog ?c ?q long ?n4)
Then …
The pattern network is a set of trees formed from all of the
premises of all the rules.
cat dog

match value to ?c match value to ?c

small match value to ?q

match value to ?h medium

match value to ?n1 match value to ?n2

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When the partial tree for the When the partial tree for the
third premise is constructed, fourth premise is constructed,
the algorithm realizes that a the algorithm realizes that a
tree with cat exists. tree starting with dog exists.
cat dog

match match
value to ?c value to ?c

Small large match

value to ?q
match match
value to ?h value to ?h medium long

match match match match

value to ?n1 value to ?n3 value to ?n2 value to ?n4
Now the join network is constructed
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algotihmthe algorithm. Slides 13 of 28
cat dog The join
network joins
match match the various
value to ?c value to ?c leaves of the
tree and
Small match compares
similarly named
value to ?q
match match
value to ?h value to ?h medium long

match match match match

value to ?n1 value to ?n3 value to ?n2 value to ?n4

?c Complete pattern and
join variables join networks
?c and ?h
variables ?c
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If we had the following set of facts:
1. (cat yellow large short rebel)
2. (cat calico large short rubble)
3. (cat calico small short kitty)
4. (dog brown medium long charlie)
5. (cat brown small medium prince)
6. (dog brown small short sam)
7. (dog calico medium medium butcher)
8. (dog brown large medium star)
9. (dog calico medium long tramp)
Each of these facts is first parsed through the network. The network will then look as in the

Everytime a fact is added or removed the network is updated.

Using the network, rules that can execute can be determined quickly in a forward reasoning
system using Rete.

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Because sometimes several rules can execute, they will all
have to be put on the agenda. Conflict resolution is then
necessary to determine the rule to fire (execute).
Several conflict resolution methods are possible.
Using the order of the rule
 lowest numbered rule
 first applicable rule
Using the complexity of rules
A rule with a larger number of premises is more specific
and complex. Select a
 less complex rule to find a general solution first
 more complex rule to find a more specific solution
Using order of the data
Select rules matching
 Older data
 Newer data
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Knowledge includes:
1. facts, e.g.
(goal e1 simplify), (goal e2 simplify), (goal e3 simplify),
(expr e1 0 + 3), (expr e2 0 + 5), (expr e3 0 * 2),...
2. patterns, e.g.
(goal ?x simplify)
(expr ?y 0 ?op ?a2)
(parent ?x ?y)
3. and rules, e.g.
(R1 (goal ?x simplify) (expr ?x 0 + ?y) => (expr ?x ?y))
(R2 (goal ?x simplify) (expr ?x 0 * ?y) => (expr ?x 0))

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Knowledge is represented in the form of an acyclic graph. It is for

the presented example as follows:
goal expr
x goal expr * y expr +y ...
e1 2 3
e2 5

x y x y
*** ***
e3 2 e1 3
e2 5
R2 R1

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The overall structure of the Rete graph is the following:


predicate names layer

patterns layer - alpha nodes (with one input)

(with two inputs)

rules layer - one node for every rule

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Adding facts to Rete graph

When a fact arrives then

1. Select the predicate

2. Select the pattern
3. For every relation depending on the selected pattern
update the relation (add a new line to the relation).

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Initially the working memory

is empty start

a(X,Y) b(X,Z)

- There is a starting
node and a node for Y=1 Y=2
each of the rule
conditions and
conjunctions of
- Arcs are labeled with a(X,1),b(X,Z) a(X,2),b(X,Z)
variable bindings

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Fact a(3,1) is added to

the working memory start

a(X,Y) a(3,1) b(X,Z)

a(3,1) is deposited
in the node labeled Y=1 Y=2
a(X,Y) and will
propagate through
the arc labeled Y=1 a(3,1)

a(X,1),b(X,Z) a(X,2),b(X,Z)

Rule doesn’t match

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Fact b(3,4) is added to

the working memory start

a(X,Y) a(3,1) b(3,4) b(X,Z)

b(3,4) is deposited
in the node labeled Y=1 Y=2
b(Y,Z) and will
propagate through
the arcs labeled Y=1 a(3,1),b(3,4) b(3,4)
and Y=2
a(X,1),b(X,Z) a(X,2),b(X,Z)

Rule matches Rule doesn’t match

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Fact a(3,2) is added to

the working memory start

a(X,Y) a(3,1),a(3,2) b(3,4) b(X,Z)

a(3,2) is deposited
in the node labeled Y=1 Y=2
a(X,Y) and will
propagate through
the arc labeled Y=2 a(3,1),b(3,4) a(3,2),b(3,4)

a(X,1),b(X,Z) a(X,2),b(X,Z)

Rule matches Rule matches

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Quick Review Question

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

• Recency
A conflict resolution strategy used in forward chaining
systems. The system fires the rule which depends on the
most recently added facts in working memory.

• Refractoriness
A conflict resolution strategy used in forward chaining
systems. The system does not fire a rule which has already
been fired (unless a change has occurred in working

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Question and Answer Session


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What we will cover next

• Automated Systems

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