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Group Members

 Yibeltal Netsanet
 Tsegaye Wondimeneh
 Yirga Awoke
 Lehulum Tilahun

 The baby monitoring system is a kind of alarm system which can detect babies’
movements and activities and can convey the message about the condition of babies
to the concerned authority via a mobile and triggers alarm.
 In the present world people are very busy in their professional life so they do not get
enough time to take care of their infants.
 Monitoring a baby continuously is really a tough job as well as it is not possible for
the parents to carry out their babies all the time with them especially while working.
 The prototype on this project develops a system which gives a reliable and efficient
baby monitoring system that can play a vital role in providing better infant care.

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 This system monitors different parameters such as body temperature, moisture
condition, movement of an infant and audio to detect the crying of baby then sends
notification and triggers alarm.

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Problem of statement
The problems that make us to work this project can be listed as follows
 Parents spend most of their time and money to give a good care for their
 Most mothers currently quit their jobs to monitor their infant properly.
 Parents don’t have a strong belief on the house maids and baby sitters they
employee for their children.
 Parents also don’t feel a mental rest at while they are at work, they think whether
their baby awake, gets wet, or feels a fever.
 Considering that babies can’t speak their condition, they need to be understood
when they feel fever or they need to change their diaper.
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The scope of our project is :-
 This system is implemented only for a single.
 The system sends the notification for only for a single cell phone number that
configured on the SMS sending application.
 The system also made for only inside home application.
 The face recognition is only for frontal face and detects only child which
training image is feed for the recognizer.

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Literature Review
 Many home-care systems are available but majority of this system are
specially designed for the aged people and patients.
 Children and adults require different type of care because they are totally
dependent for their normal functions on someone else.
 Infants cannot give any feedback about their discomfort or health complaints.
 A baby monitoring system is introduced in by Soukaina Bangui,
Mohammed El Kihal and Yassine Salih-Alj. This system was proposed to
 provide an enhanced noise canceling system
 to overcome the sound pollution in order to make babies’ rooms more
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Prof. Kranti Dive, Prof. Gitanjali Kulkarni have presented a system for
monitoring infants based on the embedded system.
The system consists of
 door sensor
 LDR based light sensor
 voice detection module for doing the job of monitoring infants.
 LEDs were used to detect the sensors output
 Alarm were also attached to the system to give the alert

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General objective
 The general objective of our project is to design, develop and test a system that
monitors baby’s conditions and notifies for their parents.
Specific objective
 Measure temperature, moisture and motion of the baby using respective sensors.
 Detects sound via the sound sensor and notify if the baby cries by using the
image recognition.
 Notify for parents using SMS.
 Trigger alarm depending on the status of the baby.

 To design the development of a smart baby care, which has ability to
monitor baby movement, baby-wet condition and body temperature.
 To make a baby bed is safe and comfortable for baby.
 Using Ultrasonic sensor detect the movement of the baby body as well as
baby-wet condition to keep away baby from hygienic environment.

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Methods And Methodologies

 Data collection
 Review Literatures
 Design and implementation tools
 Experiment result and Discussion

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Materials Used
 1. Arduino UNO
 2. Ultrasonic sensor
 3. Temperature sensor
 4. Sound sensor
 5. Alarm buzzer
 6. LCD display
 7. Phone
 8. Power Source
 9. General Purpose Computer
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Software's used

 Open CV and Haar Cascade

 AT Commands to Send SMS

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Model of the system

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Working principle

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Significance of the study
The people who will beneficial from this system are the mothers that spends most of
the time in work.
 This system gives parents and also children a comfortable life. Give a smart life
condition for the bay on this modern era.
 To save the excessive time that parents spend on taking care of their children.
 To allow parents to do their jobs without any worry by monitoring their children
 To give parents full monitor on their children.
 To make children especially infants to be understand by using this system.

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