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• In line with the basic rights of children and their protection
against any violation of such rights and to promote wholesome
relationship among students/pupils towards the attainment of
Department of Education’s Mission, Vision and Core Values,
the school formulated/crafted the herein written “ANTI-
A. Definition of Terms:
• 1. Bullying – is the exploitation of an imbalance of power. It’s a
type of aggression that can be physical, emotional, or verbal, and
can take place either in person or through electronic
• 2. Verbal Bullying – can detrimentally affect a target’s confidence,
sense of self-worth, the ways he defines himself, the activities he
participates in, and many other aspects of target’s identity. This also
includes threats of physical violence and can take place in person,
online or through text messaging.
• 3. Physical Bullying – is designed to intimidate, threaten or harm
another person’s body, property, family or friend.
A. Definition of Terms:
• 4. Emotional Bullying – has the intention of making someone feel
bad about herself.
• 5. Relational Bullying – primarily aimed at destroying the target’s
friendship and peer acceptance. It is closely linked with emotional
• 6. Bullying Triangle – bullying obviously involves a perpetrator or
group of perpetrators, who are doing the bullying, and the target,
who is being hurt.
• 7. Bystanders – members of which far outnumbered either the
bullies or the targets.
B. Types of Bullying and its Examples
1. Verbal Bullying
• Taunting somebody day after day with words such as “fag” or “whore” or were told
that he’s worthless, that nobody likes him, or that everyone wishes he would disappear.

2. Physical Bullying
• Pushing, tripping, spitting, hitting or slapping (either with a hand, fist or object), kicking
or hair pulling.
• Defacing or destroying property, such as making marks on clothing, books or
• Physical destruction of property such as cutting up belonging or setting fire to a person
or property.
• Stealing
• Initiating fights or forcing someone to fight another person
B. Types of Bullying and its Examples
3. Emotional bullying
• Humiliating
• Taunting
• Making fun of someone repeatedly in the presence of others.

• However, it isn’t necessary that it be done in public or with spoken words. A bully can
emotionally threaten a target when he is alone, passing in the hall, or online. Dirty looks,
insults or threatening gestures, and embarrassing, criticizing or making negative
comments are all examples of emotional bullying.
B. Types of Bullying and its Examples
4. Relational Bullying
• Attacking targets by spreading rumors, gossiping, or lying about the target.
• Isolating, ignoring, or excluding the child from a group.
• Most frequently takes place among girls, who tend to be more sophisticated at
understanding group social dynamics and are more likely to use indirect form of

5. Cyberbullying
• Posting mean or hurtful comments to a social – networking group.
• Posting hurtful pictures or videos online
• Spreading rumors or information meant to embarrass or alienate the target
• Using the internet or cellphones to harass or convey physical threats of violence.
• Creating a webpage intended to hurt a target and engage others in bullying.
C. General Provisions:
• Lake Agco Integrated School in its mandate to uphold the rights
of every learner and its commitment to protect the welfare of
every IP learners enrolled in the school, or even beyond this
borderline, crafted and formulated the following regulations and
policies against bullying of any form:
C. General Provisions:
1. Bullying of any form such as verbal, physical, emotional, relational and
cyberbullying is strictly prohibited at all times and in all places.
2. Any actions as stipulated in Letter B (Types and Examples of Bullying)
shall herein declared evil, prohibited and conduct-unbecoming.
3. No bullying shall occur in any form against one’s gender, religion,
preference, color, race, economic status, physical disabilities, tribe, skills,
competence, civil status, and the like at all times and all places.
4. Any violations and bullying that occurs shall immediately be reported to
proper authorities for appropriate actions (teachers, advisers, school
principal, etc.)
C. General Provisions:
5. Direct forms of bullying such as kicking, hitting, spitting, shoving, beating up,
damaging property, calling the target derogatory names, teasing and shaming,
forcing a target into doing things he doesn’t want to and threatening the target if
he/she doesn’t comply and bashing out in multiplayer online video games is
strictly prohibited and condemned.
6. Using strong verbal and social smarts to manipulate social situations and
dominate other students in respective group. Using social exclusion and isolation
against targets, such as rejecting them from a social networking group or not
inviting them to parties or events, spreading rumors and gossip intended to
damage a target’s reputation or self-esteem, such as starting a negative email
chain, spreading pictures or other personal online, sing text messaging to harass
a target and leaving nasty graffiti about their targets in any places is strongly
prohibited, condemned and considered as immoral behavior.
C. General Provisions:
7. Bystanders as someone who witnesses bullying and victimization at school,
online, in the community, or even at home are also liable and are subject to
investigation, appropriate action and compliance to penalty that will be incurred
depending on the gravity of the damage inflicted, the type of bullying
committed and the gravity of the effect against the victim.
8. As a preventive measure and to lessen if not totally eradicate the occurrence of
bullying, the school shall conduct a quarterly “Anti-Bullying” symposium and
strictly impose the integration of Anti-bullying in classes, subjects and activities.
9. The school shall strengthen programs that will help enhance pupils/students
relationships, teamwork, values and spiritual well-being such as Intramurals,
Sports, Scouting, Moral Recovery Program, GAYM, Convocations and other
programs and activities related thereto.
10. Massive information Drive for students/pupils, parents, teachers, community
and stakeholders regarding Anti-Bullying shall be done.
C. General Provisions:
11. Strengthen the program “School is Cool” to help the students/pupils to like school.
12. Strengthen the Reading Program of the school and make the “Anti-Bullying” as one
of its components.
13. Enhanced and strengthen school paper/publication, the “WOW” (Wonders of
Words) and feature the “Anti-Bullying” policy of the school.
14. Parents attention shall be called when the situation applies regarding bullying
• If the bullying persists or escalates
• If it isn’t handled appropriately by school staff.
• If it contains violent or threatening behavior
• If it’s making school toxic for him
• If he’s/she’s asking for your help
• If the behavior is outside of the parameters you and he have determined he can
C. General Provisions:
15. Making Report shall follow these procedures and information
• The date, time and location of the incident (s)
• Details about the behavior that occurred
• The names of all known perpetrators and witnesses
• Any actions your child has previously taken to report the bullying, including
who was told and the date
• Any documentation you may have if the bullying is taking place online or
through cell phones.
D. PLEDGES (Anti-bullying pledges)
1. Anti-Bullying Pledge for Elementary School Children

• I will not make anyone feel bad or afraid on purpose

• I will not join in with anyone who is being mean, or hurting or scaring another boy or
• I will tell my teacher and my parents or another adult if someone is acting like a bully
to me or to anyone else.
• I will do my best to be a friend to any child who is being bullied. I will be nice to
them and try to help them get away from the bully and help them be safe.
• I will be kind to others who are being left out.
D. PLEDGES (Anti-bullying pledges)
1. Anti-Bullying Pledge for High Schoolers
• I understand and agree that no one should be allowed to violate the rights of another
individual by acts of physical, sexual, verbal or relational aggression in any form,
including through cyber media.
• I promise to respect the rights of others, whether or not we are friends.
• I will not join in with anyone who is attempting to violate those rights, whether it’s by
another students or by an adult. I will do my best to help others who are being excluded
from the social group on purpose
• I pledge that I will take action, in a way that I can still feel safe, to come to the aid of
someone who I believe may be in trouble or who has shared with me that they are
frightened, hurt, or being victimized. I will also seek assistance from an adult if my rights
are being violated.

These policies shall take effect immediately upon

ratification of the General Assembly.

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