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Full use of today is the best

preparation of tomorrow
Planning Time for study
It may be difficult for youths plan your study time. Why?
Because it is a matter of discipline. Planning means
thinking. One who thinks, he or she feels responsible.

Time management
1)Make a time table
2)Budget your study time
3)Use your leisure time and even holiday for your study
Every day consists of 24 hours. The planning of work
activities within the 24 hours is called the time
management .
Study Schedule
No. Subject Day Hour
2)The physical setting for study
A good study room is the proper atmosphere for the study
Table- chair- table lamp – etc
3) The mastery technique for study
The mastery technique is a method for helping you
to master your study.
It consists of –
i) Reading with understanding
ii) Note taking
iii) Remembering (Reciting / meditating )

1)Written Examination 80
2)Oral Test 20
Total: 100
(Written Examination )

Marks :80
Section Wise Question Paper Format

Section A: Prose 45 Marks

Section B :Poetry 08 Marks
Section C : Rapid Reading and Composition
08 Marks
Section D:Writing Skill 19 Marks
Total :80
Section A: Prose

(Reading Skill, Grammar,Note

making and Summary)
Q.No.1(A) : A seen extract from
units 1 to 4

1)Global understanding (Skimming question) (01)
2)Complex factual (Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5) Grammar in context (Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)
Total: 11 Marks
(B)Questions covering grammatical
items from the syllabus not
covered in 1(A), 2(A)and 3(A)

4 Marks

Total : 15 Marks
Q. No 2 (A): A seen extract from Units 5 to 8

1)Global understanding(Skimming question) (01)

2)Complex factual(Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5) Grammar in context(Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)

Total: 11 Marks
(B)Note making
(completion task)

An unseen extract

4 Marks
Q.No.3(A): An unseen extract

1)Global understanding(Skimming question) (01)
2)Complex factual(Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5) Grammar in context(Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)

Total: 11 Marks
(B): Summary
(Based on the extract in
4 Marks
Total : 15 Marks
Section B :Poetry
Q.No.4(A): An extract from poems in
units 1 to 4 (8 - 10 lines)
1)Inference or interpretation (01)
2)personal response (01)
3)Poetic device (01)
4)Appreciation (01)

4 Marks
Section B :Poetry
Q.No.4(B): An extract from poems in
units 5 to 8 (8 - 10 lines)
1)Inference or interpretation (01)
2)Personal response (01)
3)Poetic device (01)
4)Appreciation (01)

4 Marks
Expected figures of speech
• Poem no.2.1 –I felt very small: pun, and you
never saw the tears in her eyes: irony, god’s still
small voice: metonymy( small voice-conscience of
the mother)
• Poem 3.1- I celebrate the virtues and vices:
• We heroes and poor devils: paradox, fleeting
passage of a runner- metaphor, or of a shy hotel
for traveler: metaphor and transferred epithet,
refrigerator: symbolism
Expected figures of speech
• Poem 4.1– simile and personification, there is
one folk tale foe each wrinkle: metaphor, old
women were once continent- metaphor, they
do not fear death- they died long ago:
personification and paradox, dawn-dark:
antithesis, in their dreamless sleep:
transferred epithet and geographical imagery
is extensively used ( describing old women like
land mass, volcanoes, mountains etc)
Expected figures of speech
• Poem 5.1-felling of the banyan tree is a nostalgic
poem, extensive use of simile and alliteration,
trees are sacred but he massacred them all:
antithesis, repetition, last four lines indicate
killing of the tree, the poem has a pictorial
quality, demolishing – remaining: antithesis
• Poem 6.1-it is not gold: metonymy, is it sword:
metonymy, sinking –abiding: antithesis, their
glory to decay: antithesis, metaphors: pillar
means strength,
• Gold: wealth, sand: weakness, rock: strenght.
Expected figures of speech
• That bright crown: metonymy(crown = king)
same line : metaphor, is it sword? and is it
pride? Rhetorical question, men who…….sake
stand suffer long: inversion( the correct order:
men who stand………honors sake)
• The foes that round it throng: inversion(
correct order: the foes that throng round it),
alliteration, rhyming words.
Expected figures of speech
• Poem 7.1thousand candles: hyperbole simile,
peace is indeed a pregnant woman: metaphor,
bearing a moonlit message : personification,
wonderful face like : simile, the poem suggest
hope for world peace.
• Poem 8.1- several lines express concern of over
exploitation of natural resources, evils of
modernization, extinction of biodiversity,
antithesis: present-past, natural- over processed,
seven generation-only about one.
• Alliteration, repetition, personification
Section C :
Rapid Reading and
Q.No.(5)A: A seen extract from the course

Question : Rewrite the extract from the

point of view of ……….
(Composition based on extract)

4 Marks
(B)(1) A seen extract from the course
Question:Convert the continuous extract into a dialogue
(8 sentences) 4 Marks
Covert the given dialogue into a continuous write up
(120 words)
(2): A seen extract from the course book(around
150 words) 4 Marks
Question: Extend the extract by adding a paragraph of your
Total: 8 Marks
Q.6.(A)Letter writing
4 Marks
Formal letter:
(Write an application in response to the advertisement, using
information given in the C.V. provided)

Semi formal letter

(B): Tourist leaflet / Appeal

4 Marks

Dialogue writing(8
(C): Information transfer from
Non verbal to Verbal
(120 words)
Developing a counter view

(120 words) 4 Marks

Q. No. 7(A): Framing questions
for an interview
(8 questions)
4 Marks

3 Marks
Q.No.1(A) : A seen extract from
units 1 to 4
1)Global understanding (Skimming question) (01)
2)Complex factual (Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5) Grammar in context(Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)
Total: 11 Marks
Types of questions
1) Global Understanding (SKIMMING
QUESTION) : The answer will be found directly in
the passage and will be short – generally one
sentence. This question could also be in the
form of fill in the blanks, true or false or choose
the correct alternative.

The answer will generally be in 3-4

lines may cover 2-3 points may be
from different parts of the
Answer will not be found directly you will have
to understand the meaning from the given
words/ sentences/ language. Answer in 3-4
you are expected to give your opinion.
Read the question carefully and give
your own opinion. DO not give your
opinion about something that is not
asked. Answer in 4-5 line.

3 sentences picked up from the

passage, which you have to rewrite
as per the instruction given with
1 question or 2 sub questions will be asked.
Do as per the instruction given.(Generally
synonyms, antonyms, word formation , etc.
will be asked.
Q.1 Read the following passage & answers the questions given below.
(Marks 11)
I dispatched the completed manuscript and promptly forgot about it.
In the days which followed I gradually regained my health and I began to chafe
at idleness. I wanted to be back in harness.
At last the date of my deliverance drew near . I went around the village saying
good-bye to the simple folk who had become my friends . As I entered the post
office, the post master presented me with a telegram – an urgent invitation to meet
the publisher . I took it straight away and showed it, without a word, to John Angus.
The novel I had thrown away was chosen by the Book Society, dramatized and
serialized, translated into 19 languages, bought by Hollywood. It has sold millions
of copies. It altered my life radically, beyond my wildest dreams …and all because
of a timely lesson in the grace of perseverance.
But that lesson goes deeper still. Today when the air resound with shrill
defeatist cries, when half our stricken world is wailing in discouragement: “What is
the use …to work …to save …to go on living …with Armageddon round the
corner?” I am glad to recollect it. The door is wide open to darkness and despair.
The way to close the door is to go on doing whatever job we are doing to finish it.
The virtue of all achievement, as known to my old Scots farmer, is victory over
oneself. Those who know this victory can never know defeat.
1. What is the extract about ? (01)
2. Why did the writer go to see his friends? (02)
3. How did the Book Society popularized the writers novel? (02)
4. What qualities do you think are essential to achieve success?
5. Rewrite the following sentences in way instructed:
i) I dispatched the completed manuscript and promptly forgot
about it . (Make it a simple sentence) (01)
ii)The novel I had thrown a way was chosen by the Book Society .
(Rewrite it beginning with “The Book Society….”) (01)
iii)It altered my life radically .(Make it a rhetorical question) (01)
6. Find out the words from the extract which mean :
i)become impatient (1/2)
ii)continuation in a course of action (1/2)
1) About the spectacular success his novel.
2) The writer went to see his friends to say goodbye to them as he wanted to be
back in harness after regaining his health.
3) The Book Society dramatized and serialized his novel and translated it into
nineteen languages. It was bought by Hollywood. It sold millions of copies.
4) To achieve success, I think one needs perseverance, hard work and positive
attitude. Without this qualities, achieving success will be difficult.
5)i) Dispatching the completed manuscript I promptly forgot about it .
ii) The Book Society choose the novel I had thrown a way.
iii) Didn’t it alter my life radically?
6) i) to chafe
(B)Questions covering grammatical items from
the syllabus not covered in 1(A), 2(A)and
1) Articles (01)
2) Preposition (01)
3) Direct / Indirect Narration (02)
4 Marks
Total : 15 Marks
B. Grammar. Do as directed
(Marks o4)
1. Mahesh is --------university student and lives in -------
university hostel.(Use suitable articles) .(01)

2. A dog trotted ------the river bank before jumping ------- the

(Use suitable prepositions.) (01)

3. ‘Is winning awards important for you?’ asked the

interviewer . (02)
‘They are immaterial for me.’ Said the actor .
(Change it into indirect speech)
B. Answer
1. Mahesh is ----a----university student and lives in -- a-----
university hostel.
2. A dog trotted ---near---the river bank before jumping ---
into---- the water.

3. The interviewer asked if winning awards was important for

The actor replied that they were immaterial for him.
Q. No 2 (A): A seen extract from Units 5 to 8

1)Global understanding(Skimming question) (01)

2)Complex factual(Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5) Grammar in context(Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)

Total: 11 Marks
Q.2 Read the following passage & answers the questions given below.
(Marks 11)

This kept me busy even when there was no teaching to be done. Whenever the
authorities complaint about the poor enrolment I found myself making excuse: the
school is at an experimental stage , this is the sowing season – and so on; but I kept
the school going . As a school building was a court, village hall, police station and
municipal office in addition to – being a school, the teacher’s role was varied. He was
a judge, policeman, revenue official and even stamp-vendor. However, this much
could be said for the arrangement : it was unusual for dispute to cross the boundary
of the village. Most of them were resolved at a ‘panchayat’ meeting –that is before a
council or assembly of about ten people. The dispensers of justice included the
school-master and such venerable villager as the old karbhari, Rama’s Kakuba’
Shekuba and others. As a rule the judgment of these ten was accepted as final by
offender and he would pay the fine decided by them. If the ‘panchayat’ failed to give
satisfaction, he was at liberty to go in appeal. The appellate authority was a
supernatural one, the oracle of a deity recognized by every shepherd; the Goddess
was consulted before a large gathering of shepherds from all over the district. This
step was taken but rarely, for communal banquet had to be given before the Supreme
Being could be invoked and a banquet of the required sized might cost as much as
seven or eight hundred rupees.
1. Who are the members in a council of a Panchyat? (01)
2. What were the different roles played by the school master ?
3. Why was the school master consulted on all problems or
grievances? (02)
4. What do you think of the ‘punchayat’ system?
5. Rewrite the following sentences in way instructed:
i)The school is at an experimental stage .
(Add a question tag) (01)
ii)He was a judge and stamp vendor .
(Use ‘notonly….but also’) (01)
iii)I kept the school going. (Identify the tense)
6. Find any two regional words from the passage. (01)
Q.No.2. Answer
1. School-master and such venerable villager as the old karbhari, Rama’s
Kakuba’ Shekuba and others

2. The school masters role was varied, he had to act as scribe, to write
letters petitions and applications for the villagers. He had to act as an adviser and
counsellor and often as a judge, police man , revenue official and even stamp
vendor .

3. The school mastered was educated and therefore believed to be a

person of good common sense and wisdom. He was does consulted on all
4. The Punchayat is made up of a council of ten people. They would look after the
general well being of the village. This is a good system as the problem of the
villagers and the development were dealt with fairness and justice.

5. i)The school is at an experimental stage, isn’t it?

ii)He was not only a judge but also a stamp vendor .

iii)I kept the school going. (simple past tense)

6. i) Panchayat, ii)Kakuba
(B)Note making
(completion task)

An unseen extract

4 Marks
B) Note- making:
Read the following
extract and complete the
table given below :

(Marks 04)
Q.No.2 (B) : Note- making:
While preparing to plant trees in a residential colonies, high ways or
anywhere, one should consider three factors before taking decision. What
kind of (species)trees, where to plant and what kind of soil. He should
consider the qualities of a tree such as pattern of branching and its height .
if it is a school, you need shade –giving trees of moderate height so that
children can play under them and not be hurl when they climb on to them.
In residential colonies, tree with thick branches, like eucalyptus or
Ashoka should be chosen to control pollution and trap dust. Similarly, the
nature of the soil too should be considered. If you are planting trees by the
road side, it makes sense to go in for native trees like neem or ‘pungai’ that
can withstand the topical monsoon and provide shade in summer.
On high ways the well known choice would be the native trees like
tamarind (marudam) or peepal. Being hardy, they do not need much care.
Birds and animals interact more easily with native trees than the exotics.
Villagers too consider such native trees to be sacred as the abode of gods.
Kind of trees Where to plant Uses

1)Shade giving ………… a)………..

(Short tree) b)Enjoy shade of a
2)…………. ………… ……………
(Tall tree)
3)……………. Road side …………….

4)……………. ……….. a)…………

consider them
Kind of trees Where to plant Uses

1)Shade giving school a)Children can play

(Short tree) b)Enjoy shade of a
2)Eucliptus or Residential a)To control
Ashoka…………. colonies pollution
(Tall tree) b)To trap dust
3)Neem or Pungai Road side a)Withstand topical
(native trees) monsoon
b)Provide shade

4Tamarind High way a)Birds and

(marudam) or animals interact
peepal easily
consider them
B) Note- making:

Draw a tree diagram that

contains the points and
important supporting details
from the following passage.
(Marks 04)
B) Note- making:

Draw a tree diagram that contains the points and important

supporting details from the following passage.

Note- making:
The word ‘Literature’ is really hard to define. Many
interpretation are made about the word, but all are
incomplete. Some opine that literature is the mirror of the life.
Some others say that it is the criticism of the life. Whatever
the controversy of the word, we may say that literature is that
which reflects life . The branches of literature are Poetry,
Drama , Novel and Short stories. Poetry is of two kinds
imaginative and realistic .Drama is either a comedy or a
tragedy. Novel is also many kinds historical, psychological,
realistic, scientific and regional. Short story is that one which
stands very close to life in spite of little scope.
Branches of literature

Poetry Novel Short Story


Close to life

Imaginative Realistic Tragedy Comedy

Historical Psychological Realistic Scientific Regional

B- Note making:
Read the following extract and
make a note that contains the main
points and their supporting details
about “Groups of Cancer.”
Note making:
Read the following extract and make a note that contains the main points and their supporting
details about “Groups of Cancer.”
Note- making:
The term ‘cancer’ is derived from the Latin term ‘Cancrum’, means
crab.This disorder threatens a person’s life .There are four groups of
cancer .They are carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas and Leukemias.
About 85%of cancers are carcinomas which include cervical, breast,
tongue, stomach, skin and brain cancers. Sarcomas constitute only
about 3% human cancers, which are in the form of solid tumors
growing from connective tissue, cartilage, bone and muscles.
Lymphomas are the cancers in which there is excessive production of
lymphomas by the lymph nodes and spleen. They constitute 5% of
human cancers. Leukemias include cancerous growth of lennocytes
and are characterized by excessive production of cells. They constitute
7% of human cancers.
“Groups of Cancer.”
1) Carcinomas
2) sarcomas
3) Lymphomas
4) Leukemias

About 85% of cancers are carcinomas
a)cervical b) breast c)tongue

d) stomach e)skin f)and brain cancers

About 3% human cancers,
a)cartilage b) bone c) and muscles.

About 5% of human cancers
a)the lymph nodes and spleen.

About7% of human cancers.
a)growth of lennocytes
b) characterized by excessive production of cells.
Q.No.3(A): An unseen extract
1)Global understanding(Skimming question) (01)
2)Complex factual(Scanning question) (02)
3)Inference or interpretation (02)
4) Personal response (02)
5)Grammar in context (Three items) (03)
6)2 vocabulary in context (01)

Total: 11 Marks
Q.3 Read the following passage & answers the questions given below.
(Marks 11)
A Patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die
for it. Every soldier is bound to do his duty, but the best soldiers do more than this:
they risk their lives because they love the country they are fighting for. They love its
hills and valleys, its cities and villages, its people and their way of life, and they are
willing to defend it to the last against enemies who try to conquer it and destroy it.
Why is it that some nations have disappeared altogether? It has nearly always been
because, when the great test came ,when everything depended upon the most active
resistance to that enemy, not enough men and women were found ready to sacrifice
themselves in order that their country and their fellow countrymen might continue to
Why is that other nations often small in population and power when
compared with others, remain century after century free and independent in spite of
great wars that have been fought around them and even within their own borders?
The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found willing to yield to
the enemy. For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy of the conqueror, but
they have waited, refusing to give in, until at last the opportunity has come to destroy
or drive out the enemy, and win back their freedom.
1. What can a patriot do for his country? (01)
2. Why do some nations remain free century after century? (02)
3. How does a nation lose its freedom ? (02)
4. What do you want to do for the well being of your country?
5. Rewrite the following sentences in way instructed:
i)Every soldier is bound to do his duty but the best soldier do
more than this . (Use ‘Though’)
ii)Unless they are willing to defend to the last, they will not
conquer. (Use ‘If…..not’)
iii)They are willing to defend it.
(Rewrite the sentence by using ‘Gerund’ form) (01)
6. Find opposite words for the following from the extract: (01)
i)Slavery ii)Traitor
Q.No.3. Answer:
1. Patriot loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die for it.

2. No where in such countries men have been found willing to yield to the enemy.
For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy of the conqueror but they have
waited, refusing to give in, until at last the opportunity has come to destroy the enemy
and win back their freedom

3. The nation loses its freedom as the great test came when everything depended
upon the most active resistance to the enemy, not enough men and women where
found ready to sacrifice themselves in order the their country and their fellow country
men might continue to live

4. I do each and every effort to make my country developed and super power . I will
live and die for our country.

5 i)Though every soldier is bound to do his duty, the best soldier do

more than this
ii)If they are not willing to defend to the last, they will not conquer.
iii)They are willing defending it.

6 i)Freedom ii) mercy

(B): Summary
(Based on the extract in
4 Marks
Total : 15 Marks
Q.3 Read the following passage & answers the questions given below.
(Marks 11)

A Patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die
for it. Every soldier is bound to do his duty, but the best soldiers do more than this:
they risk their lives because they love the country they are fighting for. They love
its hills and valleys, its cities and villages, its people and their way of life, and they
are willing to defend it to the last against enemies who try to conquer it and
destroy it. Why is it that some nations have disappeared altogether? It has nearly
always been because, when the great test came ,when everything depended upon
the most active resistance to that enemy, not enough men and women were found
ready to sacrifice themselves in order that their country and their fellow
countrymen might continue to live.
Why is that other nations often small in population and power when
compared with others, remain century after century free and independent in spite
of great wars that have been fought around them and even within their own
borders? The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found
willing to yield to the enemy. For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy
of the conqueror, but they have waited, refusing to give in, until at last the
opportunity has come to destroy or drive out the enemy, and win back their
(B) Summary: (Marks 04)

Write a summary of the above extract

with the help of the following points and
suggest a suitable title.

Patriot…………his duty ……….best soldiers’

love for country………some nations
population country………….their patient
…………their will to win back.
A true patriot loves each and every part of his country and
ready to fight and die for it. He is willing to defend his country
against enemies who try to conquer and destroy it. Other nations
often small in population and power when compared with others
remain free and independent in spite of great wars. Such countries
actually have brave men and women found willing to yield to the
enemy .
Section B :Poetry
Q.No.4(A): An extract from poems in
units 1 to 4 (8 - 10 lines)
1)Inference or interpretation (01)
2)Personal response (01)
3)Poetic device (01)
4)Appreciation (01)

4 Marks
Q4(A)Read the following passage & answers the
questions given below. (Marks 04)

I celebrate the virtues and vices

of suburban middle class people
who overwhelm the refrigerator
and position colourful umbrellas
near the garden that longs for a pool :
for my middle class brother
this principle of supreme luxury :
what are you and what I am, and we go on
the real truth in this world.
1. What are the signs of luxury for the suburban
middle class people? (01)
2. What do you think is the ‘real truth in this
world’? (01)
3. Identify the figure of speech in the following line .
‘I celebrate the virtues and vices’
4. The extract describe the expressions about the
middle class suburban people. Write an example of
it from the above extract. (01)
Q.no.4. (a). Answer
1. Excessive amounts of foods and possessing a garden large
enough to
build a pool n are the luxuries of suburban people

2. I think the real truth of the world is – the search for identity and
the search for one’s own position in the world.

3. ‘I celebrate the virtues and vices’

Antithesis – virtues and vices are the opposite words
Or Paradox – seemingly opposite ideas are reconciled together.

4. suburban middle class people

who overwhelm the refrigerator
and position colourful umbrellas
near the garden that longs for a pool
B): An extract from poems in units
5 to 8 (8 - 10 lines)
1)Inference or interpretation (01)
2)Personal response (01)
3)Poetic device (01)
4)Appreciation (01)

4 Marks
Total : 8 Marks
(B) Read the following passage & answers the
questions given below. (Marks 04)

The banyan tree was three times as tall as our house

Its trunk had a circumference of fifty feet
Its scraggly aerial roots fell to the ground
From thirty feet or more so first they cut the branches
Sawing them off for seven days and the heap was huge
Insects and birds began to live the tree
And they came to its massive trunk
Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped
The great tree revealed its rings of two hundred years
We watched in terror and fascination this slaughter
As a raw mythology revealed to us its age
1 How does the poet describe the banyan
tree? (01)

2. What are the ill effects of deforestation?

3. Pick out the example of repetition.
4. Pick out the words in the extract related
to ‘killing’ and state their effect on the poem.
Q.no.4. (b). Answer
1. The banyan tree was three time as tall as poets house.

2. Deforestation is harmful for environment. It creates

ecological imbalance. Due to deforestation, global
warming increases day by day.

3. Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped

4. The words : massacred them all, felling them, cut the

branched, sawing them off, chopped and chopped,
slaughter. They show the inhumanity and the cruelty of
the people involved; one actually feels that it is not a
tree but some human being is killed.
Section C :
Rapid Reading and
Q.No.(5)A: A seen extract from the
course book

Question : Rewrite the extract from

the point of view of ……….
(Composition based on extract)

4 Marks
(B)(1) A seen extract from the course book
(around 250 words)
Question: Convert the continuous extract into a dialogue
(8 sentences)
4 Marks
Covert the given dialogue into a continuous write up (120
(2): A seen extract from the course book(around 150 words)
4 Marks
Question: Extend the extract by adding a paragraph of your
own. (120words)
Total: 8 Marks
Q.5(A) Read the following extract carefully and Rewrite it from the
point of view of the Daisy. (Marks 04)

In the garden close by grew many large and magnificent flowers. And, strange to say,
the less fragrance they had the haughtier and prouder they were. The peonies puffed
themselves up in order to be larger than roses, but size is not everything! The tulips
had the finest colours, and they knew it well too, for they were standing bolt upright
like candles, that one might see them the better. In their pride they did not see the
little daisy, which looked over to them and thought, “ How rich and beautiful they are!
I am sure the pretty bird will fly down and call up on them. Thank God, that stand so
near and can at least see all the splendour.’’ And while the daisy was still thinking, the
lark came flying down. Crying “Tweet,” but not to the peonies and tulips—no, into
the grass to poor daisy .Its joy was so great that it did not know what to think. The
little bird hopped round it and sang, “ How beautiful soft the grass is, and what a
lovely little flower with its golden heart and silver dress is growing here. “ The yellow
centre in the daisy did indeed look like gold , while the little petals shone as brightly as

You may begin with : “ I grew on the bank of ditch …………….

Q.No. 5 (A) Ans:
“ I grew on the bank of ditch in the garden close by grew many large
and magnificent flowers. And, strange to say, the less fragrance they
had the haughtier and prouder they were. The peonies puffed
themselves up in order to be larger than roses, but size is not
everything! The tulips had the finest colours, and they knew it well too,
for they were standing bolt upright like candles, that one might see
them the better. In their pride they did not see me. I looked over to
them and thought, “ How rich and beautiful they are! I am sure the
pretty bird will fly down and call up on them. Thank God, that stand so
near and can at least see all the splendour.’’ And while I was still
thinking, the lark came flying down. Crying “Tweet,” but not to the
peonies and tulips—no, into the grass to me. My joy was so great that
I did not know what to think. The little bird hopped round me and sang,
“ How beautiful soft the grass is, and what a lovely little flower with its
golden heart and silver dress is growing here. “ The yellow centre in
me did indeed look like gold , while the little petals shone as brightly as
( B)1- Read the following extract carefully and convert it
into dialogue.
It was the last I ever saw of her. My brothers and I were transported in a
cattle car to Germany. We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night
week later andwere led in to a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued
uniformsand identification numbers. “Don’t call me Herman anymore.” I said to my
brother. Call me 94983.”
I was put to work in the camp’s crematorium, loading the dead in to a hand
– cranked elevator.
I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soon my brothers and were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald’s sub- camps
near Berlin. One morning I thought I heard my mother’s voice.
“Son,” she said softly but clearly, “I am going to send you an angel.” Then I work
up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream. But in this place there could be no angels.
There was only work. And hunger .And fear.
A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp ,around the barracks,near the
barbed- wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light,almost
luminous curls. She was half hidden behind a birch tree.
Q.No. 5(B)1Ans:
Brother : Herman, where are we?
Herman : We are at the Buchenwald Concentration camp .But
remember one thing.
Brother : What?
Herman : Don’t call me Herman any more.
Brother : Why?
Herman : It’s not allowed here.
Brother : Then, how can I call you?
Herman : Call me 94983 .
Brother : I felt dead here.
Herman : I, too, felt dead. I had become a number.
Brother : It’s awful.
Herman : Listen one good thing.
Brother : What is that?
Herman : Last night I dreamt that mother is here and her voice
told “son , I am going to send you an angel.
Q. : Extent the given extract by adding an imaginary paragraph of your own
in about 120 words
B-2 Read the following extract carefully.
Many years ago in France there lived two girl cousins who
loved each other very much their names were Rosalind and Celia. Rosalind
father was a Duke, but his brother(Cilia’s father) had stolen his lands away
from him and driven him away from the court. The real Duke, who was known
as Duke Senior, set up a court of his own in the green forest of Arden, and
several faithful noblemen joint him there. His daughter Rosalind, however, had
not been allowed to go with him. The new Duke, Frederick, had kept her at his
court to be companion for his own little girl, Celia.
One of the truest friends of Duke Senior had been a brave man called
Sir Ronald de Boys, who had three son. Sir Ronald had died when Orlando, hie
youngest son, was a child and Orlando had always lived with Oliver, is eldest
brother, who was now the head of the family.
Q. : Extent the given extract by adding
an imaginary paragraph of your own in
about 120 words
Q.No.5(B)2Ans :
Oliver was a strict disciplinarian. While Orlando had regard
for his elder brother, he longed to be loved and in true sense was
extremely lonely. It often came to his mind that he was living a
meaningless life. But he was brave, strong and good looking like
his father and there were many who were envious some of his
friends suggested that he take up wrestling. The idea was not and
soon Orlando grew up to be a fine wrestler. Seeing his skills his
brother Oliver became jealous. He wanted to put an end to
Orlando’s life . So he made Charles the court wrestler and planed
Orlando’s killing secretly. Adam informed Orlando about his
brother’s plan. Orlando became sad but he wanted to accept the
Section D:
Q.6.(A)Letter writing
4 Marks
Formal letter:
(Write an application in response to the
advertisement, using information given in the C.V.

Semi formal letter



 Addresser’s Name and Address

 Addressee’s Name / Designation & Address
 Date
 Reference
 Subject
 Salutation
 Main Body
 Complementary Close
 Signature
 Enclosure
Addresser’s name and

Name/Designation and
Address of the Receiver




Complementary Close
Q. 6.(A) (1)Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of
application in response to it using the information given in the C.V. that
Situation Vacant
An Accountant Experience Prefered
Apply to –
The Manager, Cosmic Bank
Shaker Nagar

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Rahul P. Verma

Address : Vaibhav colony, Jalgaon
Date of Birth : 2 – 4 – 1989
Nationality : Indian
Qualification : M.Com.
Job Experience : 2 years experience in J. D. M. V .Jr. College.
Rahul P. Verma
JOB APPLICATION - EXAMPLE Vaibhav colony, Jalgaon
23rd Feb, 2013
The Manager,
Cosmic Bank
Shaker Nagar

Reference Your advertisement in TOI dated 20th Feb 13

Subject Application for the post of an Accountant

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, I wish to apply

for the post of an Accountant in your bank.
I am a Commerce Graduate with first class from the University
of Pune. I have an experience of 2 years as an accountant in Unique
Industries. I have a fair knowledge of computers and can handle accounts
independently. I am fluent in English. I have enclosed my CV with this
If given this opportunity, I promise, I shall strive my best to give
you complete satisfaction.

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Addresser’s name and
LETTER address

Name/Designation and
Address of the Receiver







Complementary Close

Q.: Your locality or village is
facing the problem of irregular
electric supply.Write a letter to
the sub engineer of the
Maharashtra State Electricity
SEMI FORMAL - EXAMPLE 5, Serene Medows
Mumbai - 26

The Sub – Engineer, 23rd Feb, 2013

Maharashtra State Electricity

Subject Irregular electric supply


This is to bring to your notice that since the last fifteen days,
there are growing instances of power failure for long duration in our locality.
As you know, this is the examination season , students are
preparing themselves for the Boar examinations as well as annual
examinations . Irregular power supply is causing disturbance in their
studies. Moreover, this year the summer is also terribly hot. So, the
frequent power failure is distracting the students.
you are requested to look into the matter and kindly send a team
of expert to rectify the fault
I hope that your intervention will solve the problem at the

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
(B): Tourist leaflet / Appeal
4 Marks

Dialogue writing(8 sentences)

Tourist Leaflet
Tourist leaflet must Inform and Attract

Should have qualities of

Tourist Leaflet
About your home town, village or city

About a place of historical interest

About a place of natural beauty

Read the question carefully and write with the

help of the points provided.
Tourist Leaflet

How to reach there?

Where to stay?
Attractions of the Place?
Best time to visit ?
Nearby attractions ?
Add your own points…..
While making a Tourist Leaflet

Attract attention with an attractive heading

Stimulate interest by selectivity of details

Arouse desire – make a travel plan-season of
Promote prompt action by the tourist by
drawing attention on some special attraction
of the place.
Q. Prepare a short Tourist Leaflet on
any hill station you like most with the
help of the following points.
•How to get there ?
•Time (season)of the year to visit.
•Attractions of the place.
•Shopping attractions.
•Add your own points.
Introduction :
Mahableshwar is very popular hill station. It is known as the
paradise of Maharashtra. It is situated near Pune in the hilly region of the
How to get there : (Means of travelling)
Mahableshwar is well connected by road. S.T. buses as well as
private buses ply there from Mumbai and Pune. It is easily accessible by car
to. Time taken from Mumbai is anywhere between 6 -8 hrs.
Accommodation : (Where to stay)
A Variety of hotels , right from budget hotels to the five star ones.
Advisable to book beforehand , specially during the season .
Time : (Season of the year to visit)
October to April. The adventurous can try going during
the monsoon when there are very heavy rains.
Attraction : (What to see there)
Pratap Gad, Venna Lake, Linga Mala Falls , Lod Wick Point, Wilson
Point, Kates Point, Arthur’s seat, Mapro Garden, etc
Shopping Attraction : In the main bazars. Sarees , Shawls, bed cover and
bed sheets , blankets, etc. Famous for fruits like Strawberries , Mulberries ,
Honey and Cherries .
You are welcome to Mahableshwar.
Visit again and again.
Basic objective behind to persuade
An Appeal to convince

Handouts or to change attitude

Pamphlets is to encourage

to motivate

to ask for help


• Use the word “You” quite a number of times -

For example.
“We need you”
“Your service is extremely important”
“Do join us”

• Use Rhetorical Questions

• “What are you waiting for?”
• “Is it fair?”
• “Isn’t it our duty towards mankind?”

• Give data
• Figures
• Statistics
• Example: “65000 underprivileged Children
have already been supported by the
Types of questions:
Report Writing
A written report about
a function,
a programme or
an event
Tips for Report Writing
(I) Factual details:
 Name / Nature of the event
 Occasion
 Organizers,
 Date, time, venue.
(II) Sequence/details/purpose of the event/function.
(III) Details of Chief Guest/Judges/participants.
(IV) Highlights of the events:
 Chief Guest’s message,
 Vote of thanks,
 Conclusion of the event / function,
 Comment on the quality of the programme.
Q. : Write a report of Republic Day Celebration in your
Republic Day Celebrated H.N.M.C. Jr. College
By the secretary of student council
H.N.M.C. Jr. college,
Republic day was celebrated in H.N.M.C. Jr. College Jalgoan with enthusiasm
on 26 January at college campus. Haji Ab. Gaffar Malik , the president of the college,
was the guest of honour .
All the student s of Jr. college were asked to gather in college campus at 7:30
a.m. The programme began with the unfurling of the national flag with the hand of
chief guest. The national anthem sung by the college music group while every one
stood at attention. Saima Sk the student of XI Sci A sang a patriotic song written by her
. The Principal spoke to the student briefly about their duties as citizens of the
Republic of India. Chief guest Haji Ab. Gaffar Malik gave the message of peace,
fraternity and brotherhood a. Sweets were distributed and the programme finished
with the welcome note of M. Sk.

1)Bold , Capital And Dark Letter

2)Present Tense

3)Use Of Active Voice

4)Use Of Vivid And Concerete Words

5)Avoid Articles And Auxillary Verbs




Q.:Read the following headline of the news
items. Choose any one of them and write the
dateline , intro and a short continuing

1)Doctors go on strike at KEM

2)Students help accident victims
March 21,
By a Staff Reporter

Date line
The all Mumbai Doctors’ Union has
announced one day token strike on 25 February
to protest against beating of a Residential
Medical Officer (RMO)at KEM hospital.
The relatives of the patient who
died because of dengue, were very upset
and blamed the hospital for the
negligence and poor medical care . They
vent their anger on the RMO, by beating
him up, despite all explanations.

Main body
March 21,
By a Staff Reporter

The all Mumbai

Doctors’ Union has The relatives of the
patient who died because of
announced one day token dengue, were very upset and
strike on 25 February to blamed the hospital for the
protest against beating of negligence and poor medical
a Residential Medical care . They vent their anger on
Officer (RMO)at KEM the RMO, by beating him up,
hospital. despite all explanations.
(C):Information transfer from
Non verbal to Verbal
(120 words)
Developing a counter view
(120 words)
4 Marks
Information transfer from Non
verbal to Verbal
TYPE OF QUESTIONS : Graph , tree diagrams,
family tree, pie chart, table should be converted
into paragraphs
1) Add a title to the paragraph
2) Present all the information in the diagram to
the paragraph
3) Maintain a logical sequence in the paragrph
Developing a counter view
Points will be given either on view section or on counter view
section of a topic
Students need to write a paragraph for the opposite section .
2)Develop strong arguments against the given points (Even if
you do not agree with what you are writing)
3) Add a title.
. Q. Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for
the counter view section on the following topic in about 120
‘Shall we excuse spelling errors in English Language
You can take help of the following points included in the
view section
View Section
‘It Will Encourage Language Democracy’
• Language test should be about communication
• English spelling system is arbitrary.
• Trying to get spellings right is a waste of time
• It is easy to communicate through SMS language.
• One should speak and spell the way one likes
• It will not lead to total anarchy and chaos
Counter view
It preserve the purity of English
Language is meant not only for communication but also
for ‘correct communication .’ If SMS language is used or incorrect
spellings are accepted, there is a high likelihood of wrong
information being conveyed. Besides, if we accept slipshod
language, and do not insist on perfection, the charm and beauty
of English will vanished it is said that the spellings in the English
language are ‘arbitrary’- but therein lies the distinct individuality
of language .
Using SMS language and not bothering about spellings is
essentially lazy behaviour , and if this practice is continued it will
lead to sloppy habits and a growing ignorance of proper
grammar and punctuation.
Transfer from Non
Verbal to Verbal
Q.Read the following tabular data of the nutritional value per 100 grams
of edible portion of the vegetables and fruits and write a short paragraph
comparing their nutritional value in about 120 words .
Nutritional value of vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits Calciu Iro Vitami Vitami Vita
m mg n n A IU nB min
mg mg C mg
1.Greens(Green leafy 500- 22. 500- 0.10 99
vegetables) 600 9 1000
2.Cauliflower 33 1.5 51 0.01 6
3.Grem peas 20 1.5 139 0.01 Nil
4.Apple 9 1.0 0 0.12 2
5.Guava 10 1.4 0 0.03 212

Note : mg = milligram. IU = International Unit of measurement

Nutritional value of vegetables and fruits
The nutritional value of various vegetables and fruits differs quite
a bit. A comparative study which included green leafy vegetables
cauliflower, green peas, apple, guava revealed that greens contained the
highest amount of Calcium 500 – 600mg, the lowest being 9mg in
apples. However apples had the highest amount of the Vitamin B –
0.12mg, the least amount of Vitamin B being0.01 in cauliflower and
green peas. The greens scored again in iron content, having 22.9mg of
iron, much more than others. The least iron -1.0mg was in apple.
The green leafy vegetables won in Vitamin A content too, with
500-1000 IU of Iron. Surprisingly, both apple and guava recorded 0IU of
the Vitamin . Green peas had 0mg of Vitamin C while guava had 212mg.
Green showed a moderate amount of 99mg Vitamin C. These results
clear many doubts about the nutritional value of various food items.
Q. No. 7(A): Framing questions
for an interview
(8 questions)
4 Marks

3 Marks
3)Question should emerge from the
immediate context
4) They should be asked in the natural course
of things
5) Do not use too many yes /no questions
(Maximum two que.)
6) Have a thanks given conclusion
Name of the Interviewee
Name of the Interviewer
Subject / Topic General / Politics / Sports / Films / Crime
Questions: ( Mix up of Wh and Yes/No type of questions with the due

Interview Questions
Sir, I am happy to take your interview, hope you will co - operate
with me.

Questions :
1)Sir, can you please tell me your good
name and something about your family?
2)What is your education qualification?
3) Why did you choose this field?
4)Who helped you most in making your career?
5)Who is your role model?
6)What is your idea about success?
7)Are you satisfied with the present condition of India?
8)Do you want to give any message to the youth? What
is it?
9)Do you want to share the best moment of your life
with audience?
10)What is your idea about our magazine?
Preparing a Speech
• Format
1. Salutations – Speaker greets Chief Guest, fellow
speakers and listeners.
2. Introduction- catchy, use of quotations, statistical
data, thought-provoking Rhetorical Questions.
3. Language – Persuasive, rich vocabulary
4. Content – Clarity, Accuracy of facts
5. Conclusion – Suggestions, measures, personal
My Idea Of An Ideal Student
Honourable president of the programme, chief guest , respected
Principal teachers and all my dear friends Good morning.
Today, I am here to talk very briefly on a topic close to my heart,
namely, My Idea of an Ideal Student.
Friends, a student has many duties and responsibilities . The first
duty of a student is to do what he or she is supposed to do – to study well.
However, education does not mean only learning various subjects. A
student must also learn to be a good human being. For this, the
development of strong moral values is necessary. Moreover , it is the duty
of the students to get involve in the betterment of society. They should
spirit their education in whatever ways they can , and try to take part in
social service camps.
In conclusion, I would like to say friends we are young and have a
lot of energy. We must use this energy in positive manner to construct a
great nation. Only then we will be able to fulfill our duties and
responsibilities and can have the privilege of being called ‘Ideal Students’.
Thanks .
Reading skill (Textual and Non textual)
40 %
Grammar 15%
Writing Skill 25%
Oral Test 20%
Time management
Q.No.1(A), 2(A) ,3(A)
15 minutes each
Total = 45 minutes
Q.No.1(B) 2(B) ,3(B)
10 minutes each

Total = 30 minutes

10 minutes each

Total = 20 minutes

10 minutes each

Total = 20 minutes
Q.No.6(A), (B)and(C)

10 minutes each

Total = 30 minutes

10 minutes each

Total = 20 minutes
Total Time = 165 minutes
All the Best !!!

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