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Anchor Points - Example

Example: McDonald's is a fast food chain

Definition: process by which something restaurant that can be found all over the world.
becomes worldwide in scale or scope. This is an example of globalization because the
spread of McDonald’s to places outside the U.S.
makes the chain global in scale.
Why is it important?
Globalization is important because the Other Related Terms:
world is becoming increasingly GLOBALIZATION
globalized. People all around the world Uniform landscape/
are impacted by the spread of culture, placelessness – everywhere
ideas, products, and companies from one around the world begins to
place to another. Many of the tags on the
things I own exemplify how globalization look the same as goods,
impacts me because they tell me where styles, products, and ideas
all of the stuff I own came from. The spread. Places begin to lose
spread of things can be good or bad. It
BIG IDEA – Impact and interaction
their unique nature
does provide more choices to people but
it can create a uniform landscape. For Globalization occurs as people Hearth – point of origin of
example, I saw KFC when I was in interact with each other over time an idea
Europe. I didn’t want to see or eat KFC and space. They exchange goods,
because that is familiar to me from services, and ideas that impact the Diffusion – spread of an
home. I wanted to experience authentic very character and development innovation or cultural trait
food that isn’t available to me at home. of their cultures and societies. from one place to another
Anchor Points - Example What caused it?
What was it?
The Great Famine was a famine Limited food led to high prices, weak workers,
throughout almost all of Northern and other social consequences. Poor harvests
Europe that lasted from roughly 1315- led to farms being abandoned and people
1322. wandering the countryside in search of food.
Jews and lepers were blamed for the famine
and targeted for persecution. International
trade suffered as famine in one place held
GREAT consequences elsewhere due to increased

What did it lead to?
The famine led to malnourishment
and weakened health of overall
Motivated by a variety of factors, Europe’s interaction with the
society, which became more
world led to political, economic, social, and cultural exchanges
susceptible to sickness and
that influenced both European and non-European societies.
disease…and ultimately the Black
Plague. Though the Great Famine was not directly a cause or effect of greater events outside
Europe, it was impactful in multiple places across Europe. Additionally, it set the stage for
the Black Plague, which was caused by a direct interaction between Europe with Asia.

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