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How do we proclaim it

with biblical accuracy

and clarity?
If we preach the wrong Gospel
1. Promises people that they can have eternal
life yet continue to live in rebellion against
2. It encourages people to claim Jesus as Savior
yet defer until later the commitment to obey
Him as Lord.
3. Promises salvation from hell but not
necessarily freedom from iniquity.
If we preach the wrong Gospel
4. It offers false security to people who revel in
the sins of the flesh and spurn the way of
5. It teaches that intellectual assent is as valid as
wholehearted obedience to the truth.
If the message we proclaim has
eternal consequences then we dare
not to preach a message that sows
confusion or false hope.
Chapter 2
Assumptions about God
“But I also learned pretty quickly that I
couldn’t make assumptions about what
people know about God.” - Greg Gilbert
Two Main Points
There are two main points that we
must make clear right from the
outset- that God is CREATOR, and
that He is HOLY and RIGHTEOUS.
God the Creator
The beginning of the Christian message- indeed
the beginning of the Christian Bible is that “God
created the heavens and the earth.”

All of it came about from His spoken word, and

all of it came from nothing. (Genesis 1:1-27)
The beginning of everything is God.
God the Creator
What are the implications of this claim?

1) The world itself is not Ultimate.

2) None of us is Autonomous.
1) The world itself is not Ultimate.
Everything in the universe has a
purpose - including human beings.

Every one of us is the result of an idea, a

plan, and an action of God himself. And
that brings both _________ and
responsibility to human life. (Gen.
Genesis 1 : 26-27
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our
image, in our likeness, so that they may rule
over the fish in the sea and the birds in the
sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,
and over all the creatures that move along the
ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own
image, in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
None of us is Autonomous.
We are created. We are made. And
therefore we are owned.

Because He created us, God has the right

to tell us how to live.
Genesis 2:16-17
16 And the LORD God commanded the man,
“You are free to eat from any tree in the
garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, for when
you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The fundamental truth of human
existence, the well from which all
else flows, is that God created us,
and therefore God owns us and we
are all accountable before God.
The gospel is God’s response to
the bad news of sin, and sin is a
person’s rejection of God’s
Creator-rights over him.
Second Point: God the Holy and
Righteous One
God the Holy and Righteous One
Exodus 34:6-7
6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming,

“The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and

gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to
thousands, and forgiving wickedness,
rebellion and sin. [NIV]
God the Holy and Righteous One
.. 7Yet he does not leave the guilty
unpunished; he punishes the children and
their children for the sin of the parents to the
third and fourth generation.”[NIV]
God the Holy and Righteous One
Psalm 11: 7 “ The LORD is righteous; he loves
righteous deeds.”

Psalm 33:5 “ He loves righteousness and


Pss. 89:14;97:2 “ Righteousness and justice are

the foundation of your throne.”
Nobody wants a God who declines to deal
with evil. They just want a God who
declines to deal with their evil.
Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are too
pure to look on evil; you cannot
tolerate wrong.
God’s love does not cancel out
his Justice and Righteousness.
God’s rule over the universe, his
sovereign lordship over creation,
is founded upon his remaining
forever perfectly righteous and
But if we’re going to understand just how
glorious and life-giving the gospel of
Jesus Christ is, we have to understand
that this loving and compassionate God
is also holy and righteous, and that He is
determined never to overlook, ignore, or
tolerate sin.

Including our own.

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