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Topical Vocabulary
Fill in the gaps with the words in box.
1. A student who studies during from the first year • Chairperson
till the fourth is called an _____________ student.
• Flunk
2. The dormitory is controlled by __________
assistant. • Undergraduate
3. Every department has a _____________ who is • Continuous
usually assigned by the dean and manages the assessment
department. • Resident
4. A female student who studies at the university is • Coed
called a ______________. • graduate with
5. When students get only high grades during the straight A.
studying they ___________________.
6. If you ___________ a course, you should retake it.
7. ________________ involves constant evaluation
of student’s achievements during the whole year.
Text 4. “At the University”
“Higher Education in the USA”
Decide whether the statements are true of false. Correct the false
1. Education in the US is decentralized and diversified.
2. The financial support of the US higher education derives from state only.
3. There is no distinctions between college and university.
4. Admission to the university in the US is considered a civil right.
5. The first two years of college program are devoted to the “liberal arts”.
6. During the 3rd and 4th years students concentrate most on their courses in
one discipline which is called major.
7. The American system of education involves a process of continuous
8. Faculty is a place where teachers at the university reside.
9. American faculty do not need to continue their research work while
10.The professorship is the highest academic rank.
Who comprises American faculty? Arrange the ranks
below where 1 is the lowest rank and 6 is the highest
• Lecturer
• Associate professor
• Instructor
• Professor-emeritus
• Assistant professor
• Professor

What do these people do? Define their job using the following
words: a probationary period, doctorate, scholarly
contributions, academic leader, a limited term, an honorary
Vocabulary check
• Ex. 4, p. 22-23.English for Seniors.
What do you think about higher education in the USA?
Answer the following questions using the phrases
1. What are the distinctive • According to the text,
features of higher education
in the US?
• It’s important to state
2. What extensive duties does that…
American faculty have? • From my point of view, …
3. What is the most/the least • I acknowledge that…
productive method of
instruction? • It is estimated that…
4. What features of the US • I’m rather critical about…
higher education would you • Indeed, …
like to implement in that of
Ukraine? • Ultimately, …
Work in groups.
Divide into two groups and discuss the pros and cons of
American higher education. One group will present advantages
and another group will dwell on disadvantages.

Consider the following Use:

points:  By and large,
 By the wayside
• Tuition fee
 By the way
• Admission to the  By law
university  There’s an assumption that…
• Faculty  to stretch and challenge a
• Curriculum student
 a rare commodity
• Methods of instruction
 to be on offer
• Assessment  to be irrelevant to
• Pre-listening Here are some word-
Do you think there is a combinations you will hear in
need to introduce some the audio. Do you know all their
changes in regulations at meaning? Make up your own
our university? What can sentences with them to
be changed? demonstrate your
As you know, American understanding.
students pay tuition fee for
their education. Should •on the grounds that
there be any other fees? •be in favour of
•erroneous supposition
•due date
•get by on a shoestring budget
1. Do you agree that the
library membership fee Use following phrases:
should be introduced? • First and foremost,
Explain your opinion. • I have to say that I totally
2. How would this fee agree/disagree…
affect students and their • Indeed,
education? • I just don’t see the logic
3. Should there be a library • Unfortunately,
membership fee in • I would like to point out
Ukraine? Why or why that…
not? • Ultimately,
Work in pairs. Imagine that our university is going to introduce
some changes in regulations. Below is the list of suggestions in
question. Choose one regulation and discuss it in pairs. Student A
will express an opinion for this regulation, whereas student B will
express an opinion against this regulation. Use the speech pattern
below for A and B. Also use the phrase to ask an opinion, give an
opinion and interrupt.

To encourage class attendance, there is a suggestion to
introduce fees for missed classes.
To encourage students to do everything in time, there is a
suggestion to establish deadline fee according to which if a student
misses the due date, he will have to pay fees.
To check students’ understanding of the class material, a
teacher should give a test at the end of every class.

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