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Group Decision Making

What is Decision making?

Decision Making is

“the process of responding to a

problem by searching for and
selecting a solution or course of action
that will create value for
organizational stakeholders”
Related Quotes
“Be sure you are right -- then go ahead.”
Davy Crocket.

“Doing what's right isn't hard -- Knowing

what's right is.” Lyndon B. Johnson.

“Mine own applause is the only applause

which matters.” Cicero
What is group decision making?

“Group decision making is a situation

faced when people are brought together to
solve problems in the anticipation that
they are more effective than individuals
under the idea of synergy.”
Why groups can make higher
quality decisions?
According to Gary Johns there are
three assumptions which form the
basis of this argument:
◦ Groups are more vigilant than individuals.
◦ Groups can generate more ideas &
develop more alternatives.
◦ Groups can evaluate ideas better than
When to use groups?
Two criteria
◦ Quality of decisions
◦ Acceptability of decisions
Group decision Making techniques

Interacting groups


Nominal Group Techniques

Electronic meeting
Interacting Group Technique
The participants generally indulge into
face to face interactions.

Bothverbal and non verbal

communication is used.

Pressure for conformity of opinion

Idea Generation Process

6-12 people Involved

Group leader states the


Alternatives recorded for

later discussions and

No criticism is Allowed

Participants need not to be highly

Easy to understand


Promotes out of the box thinking

Nominal group Technique
Meet as groups but
independently writes down
about the problem.

Each members presents

his/her Idea

The group discusses the


Ranking of idea

Ideawith highest aggregate

ranking gets selected.
Electronic Meeting
Extension of Nominal group technique.

50 people sit around a horse shoe table,

Responses are typed into computers.

Individual comments, aggregate votes

are displayed on the projects
e s ad va n
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 Decreased group efforts
 Honesty
 More time required
 Anonymity
 Much more Expensive
 Speed
By-products of Group decision

Groupthink: Describes situations in

which group pressures for conformity
due to few dominant members.

Group Shift: Tendency of the group to

move towards a risky alternative
How to make group decision making
Ensure that the issue has been identified.
Capitalize the synergy effect.
Employ productive group decision
making Techniques
Don’t engage in tug-of-war
Enjoy the problem solving process
Thank You

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