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The total integrated drag from wall shear is called wall drag,
and the total integrated drag from pressure is called form
Fanning friction factor=ratio
of the shear stress to the
product of the velocity head
and density = τW /
Flow past single sphere, showing separation and wake formation:
(a)laminar flow in boundary layer; {b) turbulent flow in boundary
layer; B, stagnation point; C, separation point.
Streamlined body: AB, streamline to
stagnation point B.
 Flow of liquids or gases through beds of solid particles.
 filtration – small particles that are removed from the
liquid by a filter cloth or fine screen.
 two-phase counter-current flow of liquid and gas through
packed towers.
 equipment, such as ion-exchange or catalytic reactors, a
single fluid (liquid or gas) flows through a bed of granular

We will study the flow of a single fluid phase through a

column of stationary solid particles.
The resistance to the
flow of a fluid through
the voids in a bed of
solids is
the resultant of the total
drag of all the particles in
the bed. Depending on
Reynolds number,
laminar flow, turbulent
flow, form drag,
separation, and wake
formation occur.
As in the drag of a single solid particle, there is no sharp
transition between laminar and turbulent flow like that
occurring in flow through conduits of constant cross section.
 The actual channels are irregular in shape, have a
variable cross section and orientation, and are highly
 to calculate an equivalent channel diameter, it is assumed
 The bed has a set of uniform circular channels whose
total surface area and void volume match that of the
 The total surface area is the surface area per particle
times the number of particles,
 Volume fraction particles in the bed and the surface-
volume ratio for the particles is
Volume fraction particles in the bed = 1 - ϵ,
ϵ =porosity or void fraction.
If the particles are porous, the pores are generally too
small to permit any significant flow through them, so ϵ is
taken to be the external void fraction of the bed and not
the total porosity.
To determine the equivalent channel diameter Deq

Surface area for n parallel surface- particle

channels of length L volume ratio X volume
nπDeqL = S0L(l - ϵ) 6/φsDp ----------- (1)
S0 = cross-sectional area of the bed
Void volume in the bed =total volume of the n channels:
------------------------ (2)
Combining Eqs. 1 and 2 gives an equation for Deq:
For typical ϵ = 0.4

For flow at very low Reynolds numbers

HagenPoiseuille equation
Pressure drop depends on the average velocity in the
channels , which is proportional to the superficial or
empty-tower velocity and inversely proportional to the
vary with the first power of the velocity
inversely with the square of the channel size,
Experiments have shown that this form of Eq. is correct, and

applicable for flow through beds at particle Reynolds numbers

up to about 1.0.
Flow is proportional to the pressure drop and inversely
proportional to the fluid viscosity.
As the flow rate through a packed bed increases, the slope of
the plot gradually increases, and at very high
Reynolds numbers, varies with the 1.9 or 2.0 power of the
superficial velocity.
If the usual equation for turbulent flow in pipes

is applied to the packed bed, with a correction factor λ2 to

account for the tortuosity, the predicted equation is

The main contribution to the pressure drop must be the

kinetic-energy losses caused by changes in channel cross
section and flow direction and the maximum velocity is much
greater than the average velocity
For pressure drop in packed beds at high Reynolds
Number is the Burke-Plummer equation:

Equation covering the entire range of flow rates (assuming

that the viscous losses and the kinetic energy losses are
additive) is called the Ergun equation

Replace Dp with the surface-mean diameter of the mixture

In equation:

Ni = number of Particles in each size range

xi =the mass fraction in each size range
The variation of CD with NRep is more complicated than that of f with
NRe. The variations in slope of the curves of CD versus NRep at different
Reynolds numbers are the result of the interplay of the various factors
that control form drag and wall drag

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