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ME 267: Advanced Thermodynamics I

Thermodynamic Relations

Edwin N. Quiros, Ph.D.

Review of Partial Derivatives
For a function z that depends on two independent variables (x,y) such that

its partial derivative represents the variation of z with respect to one variable while holding the
other variable constant.

The partial derivative of z with respect to x at constant y is

 z   z  z ( x  x, y )  z ( x, y )
   lim    lim
 x  y x0  x  y x0 x

and the partial derivative of z with respect to y at constant x is

 z   z  z ( x, y  y )  z ( x, y )
   lim    lim
 y  x y  0
 y  x y 0 y

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Review of Partial Derivatives
∂ represents the partial differential change due to the
variation of a single variable

Also note that the value of the partial derivative

 z 
 
 x  y
in general, is different at different y values.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Review of Partial Derivatives
The Total Differential change of a function reflects the influence of all variables.

Specifically, the total differential change in z(x, y) for simultaneous changes in x and y, is
given by

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Review of Partial Derivatives
The Total Differential dz of a function

 z   z  This is the fundamental relation for the total differential of a

dz    dx    dy dependent variable in terms of its partial derivatives with
 x  y  y  x
respect to the independent variables

The changes indicated by d and ∂ are identical for
independent variables, but not for dependent variables.

For example,
(∂x)y = dx
(∂z)y ≠ dz = (∂z)x + (∂z)y

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Partial Differential Relations

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Partial Differential Relations

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I


ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Clapeyron Equation
Enables us to determine the enthalpy change associated with a phase change
(such as the enthalpy of vaporization hfg ) from a knowledge of P, v, and T data

 P 
h fg  T v fg  
 T sat

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Clapeyron Equation
Consider the Liquid-Vapor phase change or Vaporization Process at constant P and T.

Psat = f(Tsat)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Clapeyron Equation
The development of the enthalpy change
 P   P 
relation starts with the 3rd Maxwell relation      (1.14)
 T v  T sat
 s   P 
     (1.12) which represents the slope of the
 v T  T v
saturation line on a P-T diagram
For the vaporization process at constant P and T,
P = Psat is a function of T = Tsat only
→ Psat = f(Tsat)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Clapeyron Equation
For the vaporization process (sat. liquid to sat. vapor, or f – g, line seen as a point only) at a given
or constant temperature T , P  
   const.
 T sat
so that combining (1.12) and (1.14) gives
 P  sg  s f s fg
   
 T  sat vg  v f v fg
 P 
s fg  v fg  
 T sat
The entropy change sfg during vaporization is the product of the change in specific
volume vfg and the slope (∂P/∂T) of the vaporization curve at the vaporization
temperature Tsat .
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
The Clapeyron Equation
The enthalpy change for the process is obtained using the relation

dh = T ds + v dP (1.16)

Since the pressure is constant during vaporization, dP = 0.

Integrating eq. (1.16) noting that T = const. = Tsat during vaporization,

 P 
h fg  T v fg   (1.17)
 T sat

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Clapeyron Equation

The Clapeyron equation is applicable to any phase-change process that occurs at constant
temperature and pressure. It can be expressed in a general form as

 P  h12
   (1.18)
 T sat T v12

where the subscripts 1 and 2 indicate the two phases.

ME 267 Advanced
The Clapeyron Equation
Some Simplifications:

If all the following conditions exist,

1. At Low Pressures, vg >> vf so that vfg ≈ vg ,

2. and treating the vapor as an ideal gas, vg ≈ RT/P
3. and for small temperature intervals, hfg)T1 ≈ hfg)T2 ≈ hfg ≈ const. , then

for liquid-vapor and solid-vapor phase changes.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

General Relations for du, dh, ds, cv, & cp in
Terms of P, v, and T
 The following discussion presents the development of relations for calculating changes
in internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy in terms of the measurable properties
pressure, specific volume, temperature, and specific heats.
 Once the state of a system is defined by two independent properties (i.e., the state
postulate), the other properties may be calculated using the relations developed here

 An expression relating cp and cv will be developed so that only one of the specific heats
need to be measured – the other specific heat is calculated
 Property values at specified states can be determined after the selection of an arbitrary
reference state (which has “assigned” values of properties)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Internal Energy Change: du
From the state postulate, let u  u (T , v) (1.1)

Its total differential is then

 u   u 
du    dT    dv (1.2)
 T v  v T

Recall that the definition of the specific heat at constant volume is

 u  (1.3)
cv   
 T v
Substituting (1.3) into (1.2),
 u 
du  cv dT    dv (1.4)
 v T

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Internal Energy Change: du
 u 
du  cv dT    dv (1.4)
 v T
In this expression, we want to express
 u 
 
 v T
in terms of P, v, T so that we can finally calculate du in terms of measurable parameters.

Another relationship for du in terms of P, v, T, and s which can be invoked comes from
one of the Gibbs equations:
du  T dS  P dv (1.5)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Internal Energy Change: du
We now express dS in terms of P, v, T by letting (using the state postulate) entropy be a
function of the same variables (T, v), as was done with internal energy. Thus
s  s (T , v) (1.6)
and its total differential is then
 s   s 
ds    dT    dv (1.7)
 T v  v T
Substituting (1.7) into (1.5) to eliminate ds ,
 s   s  
du  T   dT    dv   P dv
 T v  v T 
 s    s  
du  T   dT  T    P  dv (1.8)
 T v   v T 
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Internal Energy Change: du
 u 
du  cv dT    dv (1.4)
 v T
 s    s  
du  T   dT  T    P  dv (1.8)
 T v   v T 
Between eqs. (1.4) and (1.8), the former looks easier to express in terms of P, v, T. Note that
both eqs. (1.8) and (1.4) can independently calculate du which implies that their RHS are
equal. Specifically, the coefficients of dT should be equal; the same is true for the coefficients
of dv . Therefore,
 s  (1.9)
cv  T  
 T v
 u   s 
   T   P (1.10)
 v T  v T

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Internal Energy Change: du

Eq. (1.10) is now substituted in eq.(1.4) to obtain

  s  
du  cv dT   T    P  dv (1.11)
  v T 

The partial derivative of entropy in the above equation is then replaced by the Maxwell relation

 s   P 
     (1.12)

 T 
v T v

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Internal Energy Change: du

To finally obtain du in terms of measurable properties P, v, T and cv as

  P  
du  cv dT   T    P  dv (1.13)
  T v 

This can be integrated between two states at (T1, v1) and (T2, v2) to determine (u2 – u1):

T2 v2   P  
u2  u1  T1
cv dT  
T    P  dv
  T v 

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Enthalphy Change: dh
From the state postulate, let h  h(T , P ) (1.15)

 h   h 
Its total differential is then dh    dT    dP (1.16)
 T  P  P T

Recall that the definition of the specific heat at constant pressure is

 h 
cp    (1.17)
 T  P
Substituting (1.17) into (1.16),
 h 
dh  c p dT    dP (1.18)
 P T
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Enthalphy Change: dh
 h 
dh  c p dT    dP (1.18)
 P T

In this expression, we want to express  h 

 
 P T
in terms of P, v, T so that we can finally calculate dh in terms of measurable parameters.

Another relationship for dh in terms of P, v, T, and s which can be invoked comes from
one of the Gibbs equations:
dh  T ds  v dP (1.19)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Enthalphy Change: dh
We now express dS in terms of P, v, T by letting (using the state postulate) entropy be a
function of the same variables (T, P) as enthalpy. Thus
s  s(T , P) (1.20)
and its total differential is then
 s   s 
ds    dT    dP (1.21)
 T  P  P T

Substituting (1.21) into (1.19) to eliminate ds ,

 s    s  
dh  T   dT  v  T    dP (1.22)
 T  P   P T 

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Enthalphy Change: dh
 h 
dh  c p dT    dP (1.18)
 P T
 s    s  
dh  T   dT  v  T    dP (1.22)
 T  P   P T 
Between eqs. (1.18) and (1.22), the former looks easier to express in terms of P, v, T. Note that
both eqs. (1.22) and (1.18) can independently calculate dh which implies that their RHS are
equal. Specifically, the coefficients of dT should be equal; the same is true for the coefficients
of dP . Therefore,
 s 
cp  T   (1.23)
 T  P
 h   s 
   v  T  (1.24)
 P T  P T
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Enthalphy Change: dh

Eq. (1.24) is now substituted into eq.(1.18) to obtain

  s  
dh  c p dT  v  T    dP (1.25)
  P T 

The partial derivative of entropy in the above equation is then replaced by the 4th Maxwell
 s   v 
     (1.26)

 T
P  T P

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Enthalphy Change: dh

To finally obtain dh in terms of the measurable properties P, v, T and cp as

  v  
dh  c p dT  v  T    dP (1.27)
  T  P 

This can be integrated between two states at (T1, P1) and (T2, P2) to determine (h2 – h1):

T2 P2   v  
h2  h1  T1
c p dT  
v  T 

  dP
 T  P 

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Entropy Change: ds

Two general relations for entropy change of a simple compressible system can be developed:
one in terms of T and v, another in terms of T and P.

1st Relation – In terms of ( T, v )

Let s  s (T , v) (1.29)

Its total differential is then

 s   s 
ds    dT    dv (1.30)
 T v  v T

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Entropy Change: ds

From the development of a general relation for du, where u = u(T,v), it has been shown that

cv  s 
   (1.31)
T  T v
Also from the 3rd Maxwell relation

 s   P 
     (1.32)

 T 
v T v

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Entropy Change: ds

Substituting (1.31) and (1.32) into (1.30) yields

cv  P 
ds  dT    dv (1.33)
T  T v


cv v2
 P  dv
 
s2  s1  dT    (1.34)
T1 T v1   T v

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Entropy Change: ds

2nd Relation – In terms of ( T, P )

Let s  s(T , P) (1.35)

its total differential is then

 s   s 
ds    dT    dP (1.36)
 T  P  P T

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Entropy Change: ds
From the development of a general relation for dh, cP  s  (1.37)
  
where h = h(T,P), it has been shown that T  T P

Also from the 4th Maxwell relation,  s   v  (1.38)

    
 T  P  T  P
Substituting (1.37) and (1.38) into (1.36) yields
cP  v 
ds  dT    dP (1.39)
T  T  P
cP  v  dP
 
T2 P2
s2  s1  dT    (1.40)
T1 T P1   T P
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp

For a general pure substance the specific heats depend on pressure or specific volume as
well as temperature.

Relation Between Zero Pressure (or Ideal Gas) Specific Heats and Higher Pressure
(Real Gas) Specific Heats

 Recall that ideal gas specific heats cv0 and cp0 , which are easier to determine, are valid
for low pressures or high specific volume
 A relation for relating ideal gas specific heats to those at higher pressures can be
developed as follows:

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp

Consider the two relations for entropy change derived previously which contain specific
heats in the equations,

cv  P 
ds  dT    dv (1.33)
T  T v

cP  v 
ds  dT    dP (1.39)
T  T  P

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp
 M   N 
Applying the test for exactness    
 y x  x y

for a differential dz  M dx  N dy

 cv   2 P 
on eqs. (1.33) and (1.39) give    T  2 (1.41)
 v T  T v

 c p    2v 
and     T  2  (1.42)
 P T  T  P

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp

The deviation of cp from cp0 with increasing pressure can be determined by integrating
eq.(1.42) from zero pressure to any pressure P along a constant-temperature process.


c  cp0    T

P 2

p  T 2  dP (1.43)
T 0  P

The P-v-T behavior of the substance is necessary to integrate the RHS of the above

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp
Relation Between cp and cv

A relation between cp and cv will be advantageous since only one of the two specific
heats needs to be measured (usually cp) and the other just calculated.

The relation between cp and cv is developed by equating the two entropy change relations
derived earlier
cv  P 
ds  dT    dv (1.33)
T  T v

cP  v 
ds  dT    dP (1.39)
T  T  P

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp
Solving for dT,
T  P / T v T  v / T  P
dT  dv  dP (1.44)
c p  cv c p  cv

This suggests that T  T (v, P ) (1.45)

and  T   T 
dT    dv    dP (1.46)
 v  P  P v

Equating the coefficients of dv or dP of eqs.(1.44) and (1.46) gives

 v   P 
c p  cv  T     (1.47)
 T  P  T v
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp
The previous equation can be expressed in terms of the thermodynamic properties volume
expansivity β and isothermal compressibility α by using the cyclic relation applied to the
P-v-T behavior of a substance:
 P   T   v 
       1
 T v  v  P  P T

or  P   v   P 
       (1.48)
 T v  T  P  v T
Substituting eq. (1.48) into (1.47),

 v   P 

c p  cv   T     (1.49)
 T P  v T
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp
Recalling the definitions
1  v 
Volume Expansivity    (1.50)
v  T  P

1  v 
Isothermal Compressibility     (1.51)
v  P T

and substituting these into eq.(1.49) gives

vT  2
c p  cv  (1.52)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
Relations for Specific Heats cv and cp

vT  2
c p  cv  (1.52)

1. Since α is positive for all substances in all phases and β2 is also always
positive, then

2. cp approaches cv as the temperature approaches absolute zero.

3. For incompressible substances, i.e., v = const. (α = 0, β = 0), then cp ≈ cv . The

differences are usually neglected for solids and liquids.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Throttling Process

Flow through a restriction resulting to a pressure drop. The

flow is characterized as ∆q ≈ 0, ∆w = 0, ∆KE ≈ 0, ∆PE ≈ 0.

Application of the 1st Law to the steady-state throttling process

shows it is isenthalpic.

h1 = h2

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Temperature After Throttling Process

The 1st Law for throttling is

h1 = h2
u1 + P1v1 = u2 + P2v2
internal energy + flow energy = constant
1. If (P2v2 > P1v1)  u2 < u1  T2 < T1

2. If (P2v2 < P1v1)  u2 > u1  T2 > T1

3. For ideal gas, h = h(T)  T2 = T1

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The Joule-Thomson coefficient is a measure of the change
in temperature with pressure during a constant-
enthalpy process.
 T 
   (1.54)
 P h

It represents the slope of h = constant lines on a

T-P diagram

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

 T 
   (1.54)
 P h

A throttling process proceeds along a constant-enthalpy

line in the direction of decreasing pressure, that is, from
right to left.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

 Only some of the constant-enthalpy lines have a point of
zero slope or zero Joule-Thomson coefficient.

 The line that passes through these points is called the

Inversion Line, and the temperature at a point where a
constant-enthalpy line intersects the inversion line is
called the inversion temperature.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

 During a throttling process, the temperature increases
on the right-hand side of the inversion line, decreases
on the left-hand side of the inversion line.

 It is clear from this diagram that a cooling effect cannot

be achieved by throttling unless the fluid is below its
Maximum inversion temperature.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

An expression for the Joule-Thompson coefficient in terms of
P-v-T can be developed from the relation for dh
  v  
dh  c p dT  v  T    dP (1.55)
  T  P 

Noting that dh = 0 for a throttling process, this equation after

re-arrangement becomes

1   v    T 
 v  T         JT (1.56)
cp   T  P   P h

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

General Relations for du, dh, & ds
of Real Gases

• Real gas behavior deviates significantly from ideal gas behavior at higher pressures.
• The deviation from ideal gas behavior should be accounted for in the calculation of
dh, du, & ds for real (non-ideal) gases.
• The approach taken to accomplish this is the use of the relations developed earlier
for ideal gases together with the compressibility factor Z to account for the real gas
(or deviation from ideal gas) behavior.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

General Relations for du, dh, & ds of Real Gases

These processes are:

1 – 1* isothermal process from actual initial

pressure to zero pressure

1* - 2* isobaric process with change in

temperature, ideal gas behavior

2* - 2 isothermal process from zero pressure to

actual final pressure

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Although these series of processes is more complicated than the
actual process, the calculations are greatly simplified because
one property remains constant in any segment of the entire
The general relation

 
  v  
T2 P2

h 2  h1  c p dT  v  T    dP (1.57)
T1 P1   T  P 

is applied to process 1 – 1* - 2* - 2 .

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I


  
h 2  h1  h2  h2*  h2*  h1*  h1*  h1    (1.58)

Evaluating the RHS using Eq. (1.57) (noting that P1* = P2* = P0 ),

 
  v     v  
P2 P2

h2  h2*  0   v  T    dP   v  T    dP
P2*   T  P  T T P0   T  P  T T
2 2


ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

 
  v     v  
P2 P2

h2  h  0 
v  T    dP  v  T    dP
 T  P  T T  T  P  T T
P2*  2
P0  2


 
T2 T2

h*2  h1*  c p dT  0  c p 0 (T ) dT (1.60)

T1 T1


 
  v     v  

h1*  h1  0   v  T    dP    v  T    dP
P1   T  P  T T P0   T  P  T T
1 1


ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Now define the Enthalpy Departure such that

Enthalpy Departure = ( h* - h )T
= the difference in enthalpy of a real gas at ( P, T ) and
ideal gas at ( P0 , T ) , where P0 ≈ zero pressure

For a real gas with compressibility factor Z ,


ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The compressibility factor Z chart


ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The compressibility factor Z

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The compressibility factor Z

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The enthalpy departure at any temperature T and pressure P can be expressed as

 Z  dP
h 
  RT 2

 T

P P

By expressing the pressure and temperature P and T in terms of the reduced pressure
and reduced temperature defined as

𝑃𝑟 = 𝑃/𝑃𝑐𝑟 and 𝑇𝑟 = 𝑇/𝑇𝑐𝑟

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The enthalpy departure can be expressed in non-dimensional form called
Enthalpy Departure Factor

 h*  h  T

 Z 

Zh   d  ln PR  (1.63)

 TR  PR
RuTcr 0

 The integral on the RHS of the above equation can be evaluated graphically or numerically
using data from the compressibility charts.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Generalized Enthalpy Departure Chart

A plot of Zh = Zh ( PR , TR ) used to evaluate

enthalpy departure of a real gas at an actual
temperature T and pressure P.
h h  T

 Z 

Zh   d  ln PR 

 TR  PR
RuTcr 0

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Generalized Enthalpy Departure Chart

A plot of Zh = Zh ( PR , TR ) used to evaluate

enthalpy departure of a real gas at an actual
temperature T and pressure P.
h h  T

 Z 

Zh   d  ln PR 

 TR  PR
RuTcr 0

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The enthalpy change of a Real Gas from (T1, P1) to (T2, P2) on a molar basis is then

h2  h1  h2  h1 ideal
 RuTcr  Zh 2  Z h1  (1.64)

or a mass basis

h2  h1  h2  h1 
 RTcr  Zh2  Zh1  (1.65)


(h2 – h1)ideal is evaluated using ideal gas behavior from T1 to T2 .

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The change in internal energy of a real gas is calculated from the
change in enthalpy. Thus,

 
u 2  u 1  h 2  h1  Ru  Z 2T2  Z1T1  (1.66)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Because of the dependence of ideal gas entropy change on
both pressure and temperature, a pathway similar to enthalpy
change calculation cannot be applied for entropy change
because it involves the value of entropy at zero pressure,
which is infinity.

The pathway chosen for calculating entropy change

from (P1 , T1) to (P2 , T2) is shown in the figure:

1 - a* - 1* - 2* - b* - 2

Where * indicates ideal gas state

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

For process 1 – a* - 1* - 2* - b* - 2 ,
P0 ≈ zero pressure (ideal gas conditions)

P1 = real gas P1 T1 = real gas T1

Pa* = P0 Ta* = T1
P1* = P1 T1* = T1
P2* = P2 T2* = T2
Pb* = P0 Tb* = T2
P2 = real gas P2 T2 = real gas T2

1 – a* - 1* , isothermal process
2 – b* - 2* , isothermal process
1* - 2* , ideal gas behavior
ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I
The entropy change from (P1 , T1) to (P2 , T2) is then

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I


The entropy difference (s – s) between the actual state at

(P, T) and the corresponding ideal gas state at the same
pressure and temperature (P = P, T = T) is called the
Entropy Departure at (P, T) which can be expressed as

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

If the specific volume for the real gas and ideal gas are
v and v

the Entropy Departure can be expressed as

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I


By expressing temperature and pressure in terms of reduced pressure PR , reduced

temperature TR , and critical temperature and pressure Tcr , Pcr ,

T = Tcr TR and P = Pcr PR

the entropy departure can be expressed in non-dimensional form called the Entropy
Departure Factor as

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

• Values of Zs as a function of PR and TR
are shown in the Generalized Entropy
Departure Chart.

• Note that Zs = 1 for an ideal gas.

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

Generalized Entropy Departure Chart
(Sonntag et. al)

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

The entropy change of a real gas from state (P1, T1) to (P2, T2) on a molal or mass
basis respectively is therefore

ME 267 Advanced Thermodynamics I

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