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Magnetic Oven

• Invented accidentally by Dr. Percy LeBaron Spencer
• While testing a magnetron during work, he discovered the candy bar in his
pocket melted
• Experimented with other food products (popcorn and eggs), and realized
microwaves can cook foods quickly
• At 1947, 1st commercial microwave oven produced (called Radarange)
• Mostly used by restaurants, railroad cars, ocean liners and military

• Improvement and refinements made ~ by 1967, 1st domestic microwave oven

Three Basic Properties of Microwaves

• 1. Microwaves can pass through Glass, Paper, Plastic & Organic

• 2. Microwaves are reflected by metal surfaces.
• 3. Microwaves penetrate and are absorbed by some substances
like fats, sugar, water molecules
Basic Principle of heating

• Based on the principle of volumetric heating, where the

material to be heat directly and initially absorb the microwaves
energy and convert it to heat energy.
Basic Operation
• When the device is switched on,
• Electrical energy, in form of low voltage ac or high dc voltage, is
converted to dc voltage.
• (why ??? Dc flows in only on direction i.e from anode-cathode in the
• The magnetron, using this dc voltage produce microwaves with frequency
Approximately = 2,45Ghz.
• These microwaves are then beamed thru the waveguide to the fan like
component called stirrer.
• The stirrer disperses the microwaves into the oven capacity.
• The microwaves are reflected off the metal walls of the oven.
• The food substance to be heat, absorbs the microwaves.
• Since each wave has + and – components, the food polar molecules(H+ and
OH-) are jostle back and forth with twice the frequency of the
• This agitation on molecular level generates friction and eventually heat
up the food molecules.


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