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Cellular Respiration

AP Biology
The Equation

C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H20 + ATP

C6H12O6 = glucose
6O2 = oxygen gas
6CO2 = carbon dioxide
6H20 = water
ATP = energy
Redox Reaction

 C6H12O6
 Loses electrons
 Oxidized to CO2

 O2
 Gains electrons
 Reduced to H2O
What happens…..

 High energy electrons (e-)

 Stripped from C6H12O6
 Used to do work - create H+ concentration
 Finally accepted by oxygen (O2)

 Site of cellular respiration

 Structure

 Relating structure to function

 Intermembrane space
 Allows for the accumulation of H+
 Membranes not permeable to H+

 Relating structure to function

 Inner membrane
 Cristae
 Large surface area for ETC

 Relating structure to function

 Matrix
 Segregates chemicals of Krebs cycle
NADH Production

 Enzymes dehydrogenases
 Remove 2 hydrogens (2 H+ and 2 e-) from
 Add 2 electrons and 1 H+ to NAD+

 2 e- + 1 H+ + NAD+  NADH
 NAD+ reduced

 Energy investment
 Uses 2 ATP molecules
 Splits glucose

 Energy yielding
 4 ATP molecules produced by substrate
level phosphorylation
 2 pyruvate (3-C) produced

 Electrons transferred to NAD+

 2 NADH produced

 Location
 Cytosol of cell
 Outside mitochondria

Cytosol – outside
Acetyl CoA Prep

 CO2 removed from pyruvate

 NADH produced
 Coenzyme A added to acetyl group (2-C)
 Acetyl CoA produced
 Location = matrix of mitochondria
Krebs Cycle
Krebs Cycle
Krebs Cycle - One Turn

 Acetyl group (2-C) added to oxaloacetate

(4-C) forming citrate (6-C)
 2 CO2 lost
 3 NAD+ reduced to 3 NADH
 1 FAD reduced to 1 FADH2
 1 ATP produced by substrate level
 Oxaloacetate regenerated
Krebs Cycle – 1 Glucose – 2 Turns

 4 CO2 lost
 6 NAD+ reduced to 6 NADH
 2 FAD reduced to 2 FADH2
 2 ATP produced by substrate level
Krebs Cycle

 Location = matrix of mitochondria

ETC & Oxidative Phosphorylation
ETC & Oxidative Phosphorylation
ETC & Oxidative Phosphorylation

 NADH & FADH2 pass electrons to

molecules in electron transport chain
 Electrons passed from molecule to
 When some molecules accept electrons
they must also accept H+
 H+ released into intermembrane space
when electrons passed to next molecule
ETC & Oxidative Phosphorylation

 Energy from electrons used to move H+

into intermembrane space
 Electrons accepted by oxygen
2e- + 2H+ + ½ O2  H2O
ETC & Oxidative Phosphorylation

 Channel proteins allow H+

to diffuse down
concentration gradient
 ATP synthase uses KE of
H+ moving down
concentration gradient to
add P to ADP making ATP
ATP Production

 Glycolysis
 4 ATP (2 net)
 Substrate level phosphorylation

 Krebs
 2 ATP
 Substrate level phosphorylation
ATP Production

 ETC & oxidative phosphorylation

 2 NADH from glycolysis = 4 to 6 ATP
 2 NADH from acetyl CoA prep = 6 ATP

 6 NADH from Krebs cycle = 18 ATP

 2 FADH2 from Krebs cycle = 4 ATP

ATP Production

 Total = 36 to 38 ATP per glucose

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