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Business School(Sup De Co Marrakech)

Maroc télécom in the sub-saharien market

« un monde nouveau vous appelle »

Developped by: Supervised by:

MANAF Khawla. Madam CHEGGOUR Maria.

Academic year: 2019/2020.

I. Telecommunications sector in
II. Presentation of the brand.
III. IAM history.
IV. IAM strategy in the local market.
V. IAM expansion reasons.
VI. IAM management measures taken
to go international .
VII. IAM internationalisation strategy :
« subsidiary ».
VIII. IAM risks faced in the foreign
 The risks inherent in potential acquisitions by IAM of
telecom companies or licences could have an impact on
MAROC TELECOM ’s business activities.
 The business activity of IAM outside Morocco could
give rise to additional risks.
 Wherever IAM operates , it could fail to retain key
personnel or to hire highly qualified staff which could
significantly affect the company’s business activities
and its ability to adapt to its environement.
 MAROC TELECOM’s business could be affected by
regulatory pressure in the markets in which its
subsidiaries operate.

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