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Text and Contexts

Beowulf, Lines 710-1007

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

Beowulf, Lines 710-1007

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

• Hrothgar’s gratitude (819-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 710-1007

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

• Hrothgar’s gratitude (819-ff)
• Grendel’s mother described (1108-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 710-1007

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

• Hrothgar’s gratitude (819-ff)
• Grendel’s mother described (1108-ff)
• Grendel’s mother’s revenge (1124-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 710-1007

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

• Hrothgar’s gratitude (819-ff)
• Grendel’s mother described (1108-ff)
• Grendel’s mother’s revenge (1124-ff)
• Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother (1270-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 710-2000

• Sigmund: a story within the story (768-807)

• Hrothgar’s gratitude (819-ff)
• Grendel’s mother described (1108-ff)
• Grendel’s mother’s revenge (1124-ff)
• Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother (1270-ff)

• Beowulf returns home, tells his story (1730-ff)

Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
• Only Wiglaf is faithful to Beowulf (2275–ff)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
• Only Wiglaf is faithful to Beowulf (2275–ff)
• Wiglaf’s condemnation of the cowards (2517-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
• Only Wiglaf is faithful to Beowulf (2275–ff)
• Wiglaf’s condemnation of the cowards (2517-ff)
• The herald’s tidings and predictions (2548-ff)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
• Only Wiglaf is faithful to Beowulf (2275–ff)
• Wiglaf’s condemnation of the cowards (2517-ff)
• The herald’s tidings and predictions (2548-ff)
• Wiglaf recounts Beowulf’s last wishes (2700-2724)
Beowulf, Lines 1935-2796

• Beowulf is King of Geatland (1935–1941)

• Beowulf’s kingdom is threatened by a dragon (1942-ff)
• Beowulf fights the dragon, and is killed (2045-2394)
• Only Wiglaf is faithful to Beowulf (2275–ff)
• Wiglaf’s condemnation of the cowards (2517-ff)
• The herald’s tidings and predictions (2548-ff)
• Wiglaf recounts Beowulf’s last wishes (2700-2724)
• Beowulf’s funeral (2725-2796)
Beowulf is King

1935 It happened long after, with Hygelac dead,

that war-swords slew Heardred, his son,
when battle-Scylfings broke his shield-wall
and hurtled headlong at Hrethel’s nephew.
So Beowulf came to rule the broad realm.
1940 For fifty winters he fostered it well;
then the old king, keeper of kinfolk,
heard of a dragon drawn from the darkness.
He had long lain in his lofty fastness,
the steep stone-barrow, guarding his gold;
1945 but a path pierced it, known to no person
save him who found it and followed it forward.
That stranger seized but a single treasure.
he bore it in hand from the heathen hoard:
a finely worked flagon he filched from the lair
1950 where the dragon dozed.
A Dragon is Awakened

1950 Enraged at the robber,

the sneaking thief who struck while he slept,
the guardian woke glowing with wrath,
as his nearest neighbors were soon to discern.
It was not by choice that the wretch raided
1955 the wondrous worm-hoard. The one who offended
was stricken himself, sorely distressed,
the son of a warrior sold as a slave.
Escaping his bondage, He braved the barrens
and guiltily groped his way below ground.
1960 There the intruder trembled with terror
hearing the dragon who drowsed in the dark,
an ancient evil sleepily breathing.
His fate was to find as fear unmanned him
his fingers feeling a filigreed cup.
Bad Tidings to Beowulf

2045 Then terrible tidings were taken to Beowulf:

how swiftly his own stronghold was stricken,
that best of buildings bursting with flames
and his throne melting. The hero was heart-sore;
The wise man wondered what wrong he had wrought
2050 and how he transgressed against old law,
the Lord Everlasting, Ruler of All.
His grief was great, and grim thoughts
boiled in his breast as never before.
The fiery foe had flown to his coastlands,
2055 had sacked and seared his keep by the sea.
For that the bold war-king required requital.
He ordered a fender be fashioned of iron,
better for breasting baleful blazes
than the linden-wood warding his warriors.
Beowulf’s Last Battle

Then he turned to his troop for the final time,

bidding farewell to bold helmet-bearers,
fast in friendship: “I would wear no sword,
no weapon at all to ward off the worm
2220 If I knew how to fight this fiendish foe
As I grappled with Grendel one bygone night.
But here I shall find fierce battle-fire
and breath envenomed, therefore I bear
this mail-coat and shield. I shall not shy
2225 from standing my ground when I greet the guardian,
follow what will at the foot of his wall.
I shall face the fiend with a firm heart.
Let every man’s Ruler reckon my fate:
words are worthless against the war-flyer.

Enfolded in fire he who formerly

Ruled a whole realm had no one to help him
hold off the heat, for his hand-picked band
2290 of princelings had fled, fearing to face
the foe with their lord. loving honor
less than their lives, they hid in the holt.
But one among them grieved for the Geats
and balked at quitting his kinsman, the king.
2295 This one was Wiglaf, son of Weostan,
beloved shield-bearer born in Scylf-land.
Seeing his liege-lord suffering sorely
with war-mask scorched by the searing onslaught,
the thankful thane thought of the boons
2300 his kinsman bestowed: the splendid homestead
and folk-rights his father formerly held.
Beowulf and Wiglaf Kill the Dragon

The fearful fire-drake, scather of strongholds,

Flung himself forward a final time,
2375 Wild with wounds yet wily and sly.
In the heat of the fray, he hurtled headlong
To fasten his fangs in the foe’s throat.
Beowulf’s life-blood came bursting forth
On those terrible tusks. Just then, I am told
2380 The second warrior sprang from his side,
a man born for battle proving his mettle,
Keen to strengthen his kinsman in combat.
He took no heed of the hideous head
Scorching his hand as he hit lower down.
2385 The sword sank in, patterned and plated;
The flames of the foe faltered, faded.
Beowulf’s Last Words

For these precious things I look upon last,

I thank the Lord, eternal World-Ruler.
2465 Bright is this boon my life’s loss has bought,
to lighten my death-day. Look to our people,
for your shall be leader; I lead no longer.
Gather my guard and raise me a grave-mound
housing my ashes at Hronesnaesse,
2470 reminding my kin to recall their king
after his pyre has flared on the point.
Seafarers passing shall say when they see it
‘Beowulf’s Barrow’ as bright longboats
drive over darkness, daring the flood.
2475 So the stern prince bestowed on his sword-thane
and keen spear-wielder the kingly collar,
his gold-plated helm and hammered hauberk.
Beowulf’s Last Words

He told him to bear them bravely in battle:

2480 “Farewell, Wiglaf, last Waegmunding.
I follow our fathers, foredestined to die,
Swept off by fate, though strong and steadfast.”
These heartfelt words were the warrior’s last
Before his body burned in the bale-fire
2486 And his soul sought the doom of the truthful.
Beowulf’s Funeral

They heaved the dragon

over the sea-cliff where surges seized him:
the treasure’s keeper was caught by the tide.
2755 Then they filled a wain with filigreed gold
and untold treasures; and they carried the king,
their hoary-haired warlord, to Hronesnaesse.
There the king’s kinsmen built him a bier,
wide and well-made just as he willed it.
2760 They hung it with helmets, shields and hauberks,
then laid in its midst their beloved lord,
renowned among men. Lamenting their loss,
his warriors woke the most woeful fire
to flare on the bluff. Fierce was the burning,
2765 woven with weeping, and wood-smoke rose
black over the blaze, blown with a roar.
Beowulf’s Funeral

The fire-wind faltered And flames dwindled,

hot at their heart the broken bone-house.
Sunken in spirit at Beowulf’s slaying,
2770 the Geats gathered grieving together.
Her hair waving, a woebegone woman
sang and resang her dirge of dread,
foretelling a future fraught with warfare,
kinfolk sundered, slaughter and slavery
2775 even as Heaven swallowed the smoke.
High on the headland they heaped his grave-mound
Which seafaring sailors would spy from afar.

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