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Rafael Angelo Piad

Mairo Ken Tayomora
Philippine GDP records a 5.5 percent
growth in Q2 2019
• The Philippine's trade deficit narrowed to USD 2.41 billion in
August of 2019 from USD 3.60 billion in the same month a
year earlier, as exports rose 0.6 percent year-on-year while
imports tumbled 11.8 percent. Considering the first eight
months of the year, exports edged up 0.1 percent from a year
earlier while imports declined 2.8 percent, recording a USD
24.70 billion trade gap. Balance of Trade in Philippines
averaged -397671.13 USD Thousand from 1957 until 2019,
reaching an all time high of 1144700 USD Thousand in
September of 1999 and a record low of -4415446.66 USD
Thousand in October of 2018.
Philippine GDP records a 5.5 percent
growth in Q2 2019
• Multinational corporations operate on a global scale,
with satellite offices and branches in numerous

• Outsourcing can add to the economic development

of a struggling country, bringing much needed jobs.

• Import Export Trade

• Production process involves multiple countries

Cultural Diversity
Culture Diversity
• The Philippines has a rich history combining
Asian, European, and American influences. Prior
to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had
a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese
and the Japanese. In 1898, after 350 years and
300 rebellions, the Filipinos, with leaders like
Jose Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo, succeeded in
winning their independence.
Total Number of OFWs Estimated at 2.3
Million (Results from the 2018 Survey on
Overseas Filipinos)
• Reference Number:
• 2019-066

• Release Date:
• Tuesday, April 30, 2019

• The number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked

abroad at anytime during the period April to September 2018 was
estimated at 2.3 million. Overseas Contract Workers (OCWs) with
existing work contract comprised 96.2 percent of the total OFWs
during the period April to September 2018.The rest (3.8%) worked
overseas without contract (Table 1).
• Globalization can help Filipino people to know the international status and rights of
each country nationwide. The Philippines are also been friendly to the foreign country
and they now stay connected in terms of exchange of product and some investment.
• Globalization has also a big part in the improvement of local and social culture in the
Philippines. It also connects relationship in other countries through investments and
some business opportunities. ……………
• The impact of globalization in the Philippines changes a lot in terms of the culture,
values, and economy. It also helps the improvement of infrastructure in the
Philippines. It gives more opportunities to all Filipino to work abroad and help each
country to stay connected. Globalization has also helped to let know the people about
global warming, climate change, and the natural resources of the Philippines.
• The effect of globalization can help a flexible communication and greater
understanding in terms of improvement and development of each country condition.
It also helps the local and international market to create flexible labor across the
miles. Globalization affects the international market and enhances economic growth
As a TCW Student
• Improve Knowledge on Globalization to help us
keep up with the world.

• Study Globalization to help us when we become

professionals and businessmen.

• So that in the future we will know what to

contribute to globalization to help improve it.
As a Citizen of the Philippines
• As a citizen, you must have extensive knowledge
of the world, knowledge about the worlds
advancements and updates, it is your
responsibility to learn all about your countries
culture and advancements so that you will be a
functioning member of your society,
contributing for the improvements of the world.
In our contemporary
world subject, we are
taught to have awareness
on the world, through
economics, education,
technology and culture.
TCW teaches us what we
need to become ready in
facing problems relating
to the worlds economy
and business.
• https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-globalization.html
• https://lookupgrade.com/en/blog/english-the-impact-of-globalization-in-the-
• https://lookupgrade.com/en/blog/english-the-impact-of-globalization-in-the-
• https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo-
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/24110855_Globalization_and_Emplo

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