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G. Stanley Hall
 Born: February 1, 1844
Ashfield , Massachusetts
 Died: April 24, 1924
Worcester, Massachusetts
 Notable works
 Subjects of study
child development
 Founder of
Clark University
“American Journal of Psychology”
“Journal of Genetic Psychology”
Arnold Gesell
 American psychologist
 Born: 21 June 1880
Alma, Wisconsin, United States
 Died: 29 May 1961
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
 Known for:
Studies in child development
 Education:
Clark University,
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Yale University
Gesell beliefs about individual
differences. Infants traits inherited both
from the family and from the race as a
whole. At the same time children have
innate and prefigured individual
development pathways, but they also
have biological individuality, this
individuality reflected in physical skills,
cognitive abilities and temperament.
The limits of this plasticity of themselves
are themselves genetically
Gesell and the growth of individuality

Nature VS. Nurture

Gesell believes that nature play an more

important role than nurture in the child's
growth and developmental . The
Maturation Theory implies that all
environmental factors such as
experiences or injuries play only a small
role in child development.
Arnold Gesell believed that biological and
genetic can create path through which the
child behavior can be determined, Gesell
found out the certain patterns of the
behavior is due to biology. His studies
helped the parents understand better their
child and the reasons why they are acting
like that way. (argue, yelling) Gesell pointed
out that life experience thorough learning
were secondly. Biology and genetics which
is nature are primary for a child's behavior.
 Impact on the field of the developmental
According to Gesell’s Maturation theory, a child
or teenager will develop only according to
what they have programmed in their genetics.
The Maturation theory focuses on physical and
mental development. Gesell saw these
developmental patterns being determined by a
child’s heredity. He observed and recorded the
changes he observed in the growth and
development of children from infancy through
adulthood. Gesell identified developmental
milestones or events that are to occur at
specific age levels which have been used as
helpful guidelines for parents to track their
child's development.

1. Founder of American Journal of Psychology.

2. He was known for studies in child development.
3. Notable work of G. Stanley Hall is _______.
4. It implies that all environmental factors such as
experiences or injuries play only a small role in
child development.
5. According to Gesell’s Maturation theory, a child
or teenager will develop only according to what
they have programmed in their ______.
1. W
2. W
3. W
4. W
5. W

6. Gesell beliefs about _____.

7. ______ believes that nature play an more
important role than nurture in the child's
growth and developmental.
8. Gesell found out the certain patterns of the
behavior is due to ______.
9. Gesell pointed out that ______ thorough
learning were secondly.
10. The Maturation theory focuses on ______ and
______ development.

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