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Port: A pair of terminals through which the current may enter or leave is called a port.

Parameters: The various terms that relates voltages and currents are called parameters.

 In a two port network four variables are available, they are V1,V2,I1 and I2.

 Out of four variables we have to take two has dependent variables and another two has independ

 There are six parameters Z, Y, H, T, t and g parameters.

Symmetrical network: A network is said to be symmetrical if we divide the network in two parts
then one should be the mirror image of other.

Reciprocal network: When two port network is linear and has no dependent sources, the two
Port network is said to be reciprocal. This mean that if the points of excitation and response are
interchanged the impedance remains the same.
Z-parameters (or) Impedance parameters: A two port network can be voltage driven or current
driven . The terminal voltages can be related to terminal currents as
V1  Z11 I1  Z12 I 2    (1)

V2  Z 21 I1  Z 22 I 2    (2)
Or in matrix form as
V1   Z11 Z12   I1   I1 
V    Z  I   Z   I    (3)
 2   21 Z 22   2   2
The values of the parameters can be evaluated by setting I1=0 (input port open circuited) or I2 =0
(output port open circuited) as shown in Fig.
V1 V1
Z11     (4) Z 21     (6)
I1 I2 I1  0
I2 0

V2 V2
Z 21     (5) Z 22     (7)
I1 I I2 I1  0
2 0

Z11 =Open-circuit input impedance.

Z12 =Open-circuit transfer impedance from port 1 to port 2.
Z21=Open-circuit transfer impedance from port 2 to port 1.
Z22=Open-circuit output impedance.

Z11=Z22 Symmetrical condition.

Z12=Z21 Reciprocal condition.

Z11 and Z22 are also called driving point impedances.

Y-parameters (or) Admittance parameters: A two port network can be voltage driven or current
driven . The terminal currents can be related to terminal voltages as
I1  Y11V1  Y12V2    (8)

I 2  Y21V1  Y22V2    (9)

Or in matrix form as
 I1   Z11 Z12  V1  V1 
I   Z  V   Y  V    (10)
 2   21 Z 22   2   2

The values of the parameters can be evaluated by setting I1=0 (input port open circuited) or I2 =0
(output port open circuited) as shown in Fig.
I1 I1
Y11     (11) Y12     (13)
V1 I2 0
V2 V1  0

I2 I2
Y21     (12) Y22     (14)
V1 I2 0
V2 V1  0

Y11 =Short-circuit input admittance.

Y12 =short-circuit transfer admittance from port 1 to port 2.
Y21=short-circuit transfer admittance from port 2 to port 1.
Y22=Short-circuit output admittance.

Y11 =Y22 Symmetrical condition.

Y12=Y21 Reciprocal condition.
Hybrid parameters (or) H-parameters: The terminal currents and voltages can be related as
V1  h11 I1  h12V2    (8)

I 2  h21 I1  h22V2    (9)

In matrix form
V1   h11 h12   I1   I1 
 I   h  V    h V    (10)
 2   21 22   2 
h  2

The values of the parameters are determined as

V1 V1
h11     (11) h12     (13)
I1 V 0 V2 I1  0

I2 I2
h21     (12) h22     (14)
I1 V2 I1  0
V2  0

h11 =Short-circuit input impedance.

h12 =short-circuit reverse voltage gain.
h21=short-circuit forward current gain.
h22=Short-circuit output admittance.

h11h22-h21h21 Symmetrical condition.

h12= -h21 Reciprocal condition.
Inverse hybrid parameters (or) g-parameters: The terminal currents and voltages can be related

I1  g11V1  g12 I 2    (8)

V2  g 21V1  g 22 I 2    (9)

In matrix form

 I1   g11 g12  V1  V1 

V    g  I   g  I    (10)
 2   21 g 22   2   2
The values of the parameters are determined as

I1 I1
g11     (11) g12     (13)
V1 I2 V1  0
I2 0

V2 V2
h21     (12) h22     (14)
V1 I2 V1  0
I2 0

g11 =Short-circuit input admittance.

g12 =short-circuit reverse current gain.
g21=open-circuit forward voltage gain.
g22=Short-circuit output impedance.

g11g22-g21g21 Symmetrical condition.

g12= -g21 Reciprocal condition.
Transmission parameters (or) T-parameters: The terminal currents and voltages can be related a

V1  AV2  BI 2    (8)

I1  CV2  DI 2    (9)

In matrix form
V1   A B  V2  V2 
 I   C D    I   T    I    (10)
 1   2  2
The values of the parameters are determined as

V1 V1
A    (11) B    (13)
V2 I 2 V 0
I2 0 2

I1 I1
C    (12) D    (14)
V2 I2 V2  0
I2 0

A =Open-circuit voltage ratio.

B =negative short circuit transfer impedance.
C=open circuit transfer admittance.
D=negative short circuit current ratio.

AD-BC=1 Reciprocal condition.

A= D Symmetrical condition.
Inverse ransmission parameters (or) t-parameters: The terminal currents and voltages can be
related as
V2  aV1  bI1    (8)

I 2  cV1  dI1    (9)

In matrix form
V2   a b  V1  V1 
 I   c d    I   t    I    (10)
 2    1  1

The values of the parameters are determined as

V2 V2
A    (11) B    (13)
V1 I1 V1  0
I1  0

I2 I2
C    (12) D    (14)
V1 I1 V1  0
I1  0

a =Open-circuit voltage ratio.

b =negative short circuit transfer impedance.
c=open circuit transfer admittance.
d=negative short circuit current ratio.

ad-bc=1 Reciprocal condition.

a= d Symmetrical condition.
Problem 1: Determine the Z-parameters for the circuit in below Fig.(Alexander)

Z11=60Ω, Z21=40Ω, Z12=40Ω, Z22=Ω.

Problem 2:: Determine the Z-parameters for the circuit in below Fig.(chakrabarthi)

Z11=5.8Ω 3, Z21=5.33Ω, Z12= 5.33Ω, Z22=6.33Ω.

Problem 3: Find Z parameters of the network shown in below Fig.(chakrabarti).

Z11= -1Ω, Z21= -1 Ω, Z12= 0 Ω, Z22= 0.33Ω.

Problem 4: Find Y parameters of the network shown in below Fig.(Hayt).

Y11=0.3 S,Y21=-0.1 S,Y12=-0.1 S, Y22=0.15 S.

Problem 5: Find Y parameters of the network shown in below Fig.(Hayt)(chakkrabarti).

Y11=0.6 S,Y21= 0.2 S,Y12= 0 S, Y22=0.2 S. Y11=1/2 S,Y21= -1/2 S,Y12= -1/2 S,
Y22=4s2 +4s+1/8s2 +2.

Problem 6: Determine h-parameters for the Fig shown below.(Alexander)

h11=1.2Ω, h12=0.4, h21= -0.4, h22= 400mS.

Problem 7: Determine g-parameters for the Fig shown below.(Alexander)

g11 =1/s+1 , g21=1/s+1, g12= - 1/s+1, g22 = s2 +s+1/s(s+1)

Problem 8: Determine g-parameters for the Fig shown below.(Alexander)

A=1.5, B=11Ω, C=250mS, D=2.5.

Interrelationship between parameters of two port network: Since the six sets of parameters
relate the same input and output terminal variables of the same two-port network, they should be
Express Z-parameters in terms of Y-parameters:

Z-parameters matrix form is

V1   Z11 Z12   I1   I1 

V    Z  I   Z   I    (1)
 2   21 Z 22   2   2
 I1  1 V1 
 I    Z  V     (2)
 2  2

Y-parameters matrix form is

 I1   Z11 Z12  V1  V1 
I   Z  V   Y  V    (3)
 2   21 Z 22   2   2
Comparing Eq(2) and (3)

Y    Z 
   (4)
Z 

Z  Z12 
adjZ   22     (5)

 21
Z Z 11 

Z  Z11Z 22  Z12 Z 21    (6)

 Z 22  Z12 
Y11 Y12    Z 21 Z11 
Y      (7)
 21 Y22  Z11Z 22  Z12 Z 21

Z 22 Z Z Z
Y11  , Y21   21 , Y12  12 , Y22  11
Express Z-parameters in terms of ABCD-parameters:
In Z-parameters the V and I parameters are related as follows
V1  Z11I1  Z12 I 2    (1)

V2  Z 21I1  Z 22 I 2    (2)

V1   Z11 Z12   I1   I1 

V    Z    Z   I    (3)
 2   21 Z 22   I 2   2

In ABCD-parameters the V and I parameters are related as follows

V1  AV2  BI 2    (4)

I1  CV2  DI 2    (5)
From eq(5)
1 D
V2  I1  I 2    (6)
Sub eq(6) in eq(4) C C

1 D 
V1   I1  I 2  A  BI 2
C C 
V1  I1  I 2    (7)
Comparing (6) (7) with (1) (2) respectively.
Z11  , Z12 
1 D
Z 21  , Z 22 
Express Y-parameters in terms of h-parameters:
In Y-parameters the V and I parameters are related as follows
I1  Y11V1  Y12V2    (1)

I 2  Y21V1  Y22V2    (2)

In h-parameters the V and I parameters are related as follows
V1  h11 I1  h12V2    (3)

I 2  h21 I1  h22V2    (4)

Equating eq(3) to I1
 1   h 
I1    V1    12  V2    (5)
 h11   h11 
Substituting eq(5) and (3) in (4)
h  h h h h 
I 2   21  V1   11 22 12 21  V2    (6)
 h11   h11 

Comparing eq(5)(6) with eq(1)(2) respectively

1 h h h h h h
Y11   , Y12   12 , Y21  21 , Y22  11 22 12 21
h11 h11 h11 h11

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