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Polymer Nanocomposites

Submitted by: -
Tusharkanta Behera

• Introduction
• Preparation & Properties
• Applications
• Conclusion
• Reference
• Polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) are generally polymer matrices reinforced
with nanofillers.
• Nanofillers can be defined as reinforcing materials having at least one of its
dimensions in nano scale.
• The property of the composite or PNC depends upon the size,
concentration, shape & orientation of the nanofiller in the matrix.
• With modifying nanofillers we can prepare PNCs with desired properties.
Thus PNCs have great potential.
Preparations and Properties
• This can be done by various methods. Some of the methods are: -
• Sol-gel process :
• Nanofillers are dispersed in the monomer solution to produce a colloidal solution
which polymerizes to form the nanocomposite.
• Melt intercalation process :
• This method involves mixing the nanofillers (clays) into the polymer matrix at
molten temperature.
• In-situ polymerisation :
• This involves the swelling of the nanofillers in monomer solution. The resulting
mixture is polymerized either using radiation, heat, initiator diffusion or by
organic initiator.
• PNCs show significant different properties from conventional
• The most important ones are enhanced mechanical strength, optical
transparency, improved thermal stability, improved barrier properties,
improved flexibility, novel electrical properties etc.
• The major challenge in preparation of PNCs is agglomeration property
of nanofillers. To overcome this chemical reactions, complicate
polymerisation or surface modification of the fillers were followed.
Fig. 1
• There are various applications of PNCs.

Fig. 2
A) Food and Beverage Packaging :-

• Barrier properties result from the plate-like nature of the nanofiller (mostly

• Their high aspect ratio creates a "tortuous path" for materials passing
through the composite and tremendously improve the barrier properties of
the packaging materials.
Fig. 3
B) Transportation and Safety :-

• Weight reduction, high corrosion resistance and its resistance to damage

from fatigue are the greatest advantages of composite material.
• These factors play a key role in reducing operating costs of transportation
(ground, underground aircraft and space industry).
• Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the existence of any moving vehicle
without the presence of a polymer composite.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
C) Tissue engineering :-
• This is mainly concerned with the replacement of tissues which have been
destroyed by sickness or accidents or other artificial means. The examples
are skin, bone, cartilage, blood vessels and may be even organs.
• This technique involves providing a scaffold on which cells are added and
the scaffold should provide favourable conditions for the growth of the
• Nanofibers have been found to provide very good conditions for the
growth of such cells, one of the reasons being that fibrillar structures can
be found on many tissues which allow the cells to attach strongly to the
fibres and grow along them.
D) Environmental protection :-

• Environmental protection is getting day by day more and more problematic

of global society.
• PNCs can be used as filtration membrane to filter the pollutants. Also these
can be used to purify water as well.
Fig. 6
E) EMI Shielding :-
• Metals are well suited for many EMI shielding applications. However,
metals have their own shortcomings like weight, susceptibility to corrosion,
wear, and physical rigidity.
• The conductive particle filled polymer-matrix composites have advantages
like low weight, resistance to corrosion, ease of processing and tailored
coefficient of thermal expansion. Thus PNCs are extensively used in EMI
• Examples :- Shielded buildings, rooms and cabinets, TV and smart phone
Fig. 7
• Nanotechnology is the study and control of matter at dimensions of 1 to
100 nanometer.
• Polymer nanocomposites contain nanofiller materials, which cause “nano-
effect” and drastically improve nanocomposite properties.
• Nanomaterials possess novel properties, which help in improving the
properties and performance of components compared to conventionally
processed components.
• However, challenges in dispersion of nanophase in polymer matrix can not
be avoided. But, this is also an opportunity for scientists to research more
to overcome this problem.
• Constantinos G. Delides, Everyday Life Applications of Polymer
Nanocomposites, Technological Educational Institute of Western
• S. Thomas P., R. Stephen, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Thomas, Polymer
nanocomposites: Preparation properties and applications.
• Waseem. S. Khan, Nawaf. N. Hamadneh, Waqar A. Khan, Polymer
nanocomposites – synthesis techniques, classification and properties.
• Internet.
Thank you

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